2022 outdoor garden

I'm at the same latitude as you. How are you determining the gender of your plants?
I sent samples for testing to rimrockanalytical.com. Use code "bulk10" for 10pct discount on orders of over 10 samples. Use code "be positive" for free shipping.

It worked out to cost about $12 per sample. It was worth it for me to cull through sprouts faster, saving time and space.

Now, the plants in the ground are already showing some pistil preflowers at nodes.
The plants are growing well.

I need to build a training and support structure. I found someone who grows bamboo not too far from me, and I got some poles from them. I'll have to think about how I'm going to rig it up.
I know you have done this multiple years, but I think if I grew my plants that close together, I would have even more mold issues. Oklahoma can get and stay pretty humid in the summer. I almost miss the drought years. Course then you have every grasshopper for miles around in your garden!
I know you have done this multiple years, but I think if I grew my plants that close together, I would have even more mold issues. Oklahoma can get and stay pretty humid in the summer. I almost miss the drought years. Course then you have every grasshopper for miles around in your garden!
I feel ya

Weather permitting, I apply weekly up until bud formation starts Southern Ag GFF, Azamax, Monterrey Spinosad, and BT. That keeps the bugs, mildew, and mold in check. After I stop applications, I keep my fingers crossed and pray for dry September/October. There's always some loss to bug/mildew/mold.

I wish I had more space to work with for sure.
That bamboo trellis work is impressive !
how big are those vertical support ones 1-1/2”? Give or take…

plants look great tracker !
Can anybody help sorry to post on your forum. Just looking for a quick help if possible. I transplanted to my mud a week and half ago and leaves are clawing and turning black from bottom up. Do you know anything about this?


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Can anybody help sorry to post on your forum. Just looking for a quick help if possible. I transplanted to my mud a week and half ago and leaves are clawing and turning black from bottom up. Do you know anything about this?
Please delete your post here and post it as a new thread here

In your post be as descriptive as possible about the soil, feed/water schedule, any sprays you've applied, strain name, temperatures, humidity, precipitation, pests.

More info is better for correct diagnostic.
Please delete your post here and post it as a new thread here

In your post be as descriptive as possible about the soil, feed/water schedule, any sprays you've applied, strain name, temperatures, humidity, precipitation, pests.

More info is better for correct diagnostic.
Says here your shits all fucked up and ya talk like a goon
I've been doing some selective defolitation. Cleaned up the lowers a little and snipped off some of the new growth shoots toward the bottom. I dont want to deal with any little fluffy stuff.

It's been hot with intense sunshine, and they're handling it okay.

The left side in the above pic is BDxTOG. It is growing like a beast. It's the closest plant in the pic below.
Continues to be hot, around 100f, and it will continue for a few weeks with a couple days break in the upper 80's

These are making very nice aromas on the stem rubs.


They have been handling the heat okay, growing like crazy. The BDxTOG and HK are already throwing a bunch of pistils. The others are showing a few here and the there, but those two are starting preflower. I'm about to have to build another trellis level on the structure.


The plants are handling the heat okay. The trellis is almost completely filled out. I'm seeing pistils popping at every node on almost all the plants now, so I think they are in preflower stretch mode. During this heat wave with over 100F every day, I've been giving a heavy water soaking every other day with a heavy feeding every other watering. They seem to be okay with that.
9 days since last update. They've grown up a lot. They're all going into the preflower stretch mode. I'm seeing pistils at every new node. Upper trellis installed.

We've had only a few days with highs below 100f for the past few weeks, and the next two weeks are forecast to be over 100f every day. My backyard temp sensor says 105f right now. They've been handling it okay so far. Fingers crossed while we're so dang hot.

I think today is going to be the hottest day of the summer (I hope!). Weather app says 110f. Backyard temp sensor says 112f. Forecast for next 14 days shows everything 100-105.

Plants had handled the heat like champs up until today. Some of the leaves are tacoing or wilting. They want out of the intense heat with intense sun. But overall, they don't look too bad. I think they'll make it to sundown. Then temps will be less hot from here on out.

Those tops keep stretching.