2021 seedling plan

You're in soil, so don't feed them for a while. The soil I use is has less nutrients than FFOF, and I don't need to feed them for 3 weeks when I start them in 500ml containers.
I use Mega Crop for nutes, I got it online at the Greenleaf Nutrients site. It's a one part, seed to harvest nute. I've heard they have a 2 part now, but I haven't tried it yet. Won't need to for a few years at this rate, lol. I got the 3.3kg bag, and I still have about 3 kg left after last year.
One month later. I made many mistakes here but still have hope. First mistake was using pro mix that had chemicals. When I added liquid fertilizer, leaves started to burn. Then gnats like crazy
Stopped fertilizing,less water and a month from seed popping I’m feeling better. Top pic is chemdawg g13, second pic is hash plant. Turkish cookie struggling but new growth still coming.
in a month I’m planting the entire crop of seeds in pro mix hp, and will add advanced nutrients bloom, micro-and flower as directed by them. The existing plants are getting a little natural sun in my bay window. They should be pretty big come transplant time


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An update. I had 1 hash plant,1 Turkish cookie and1 chemdawg survive from my January disastrous trial run. They struggled but when I moved them to my southern bay window they thrived and now 24 inches tall and healthy. Mid March planted remaining 7 each of hp,ch13 and tc. All 7 hp sprouted but cg13 and tc nothing. So I ordered 20 seeds from cropking and all 20 took.
Oh, I found a pineapple seed in weed from last year, going great
feeling optimistic
An update. I had 1 hash plant,1 Turkish cookie and1 chemdawg survive from my January disastrous trial run. They struggled but when I moved them to my southern bay window they thrived and now 24 inches tall and healthy. Mid March planted remaining 7 each of hp,ch13 and tc. All 7 hp sprouted but cg13 and tc nothing. So I ordered 20 seeds from cropking and all 20 took.
Oh, I found a pineapple seed in weed from last year, going great
feeling optimistic
Thanks for the update man, glad things are going well for you.
Ok. Sorry for no updates but now harvest is completed. Chemdawg G13 clear winner. 16 oz big buds, plus 1.5lbs medium buds for hash from 1 plant. Growth everywhere see pic for stalk.
hash plant next best, 7 plants 40lbs wet in freezer for hash, 9oz for smoke
In total 80oz buds curing in jars, 55lbs 40 wet, 15 dry in freezer. Gonna make hash next week. The plants in containers yield very little.
now just waiting to see if it’s any good.


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Ok. Sorry for no updates but now harvest is completed. Chemdawg G13 clear winner. 16 oz big buds, plus 1.5lbs medium buds for hash from 1 plant. Growth everywhere see pic for stalk.
hash plant next best, 7 plants 40lbs wet in freezer for hash, 9oz for smoke
In total 80oz buds curing in jars, 55lbs 40 wet, 15 dry in freezer. Gonna make hash next week. The plants in containers yield very little.
now just waiting to see if it’s any good.
Ok. Just home from Florida for winter. Made 7 batches from frozen weed from last year. Each batch 12 six minute washes, I only emptied bags every 2nd wash. Chopped and dried batches while washing batches. Each batch takes about 4 hours including cleaning up and smoke break. Then rolled into balls next day
got 1.4 lbs of hash, mostly 73 and 25. Now in jars until fall.
this year’s seeds in pots I will start a new post for 2021. Oh, 1 batch I made in fall, so I smoked some, asgood or
better than what I buy. Nice smell.
So, after a disastrous 2022 crop I did the following:
Installed 12 x 36 ft raised bed with chicken wire. This will hold 20 plants.
Ordered 30 seeds from Quebec seeds. Received 44 seeds in 5 days (14 freebies )all female, with idiot proof instructions with 80% germination guarantee if instructions followed.
Sunday put 44 in Spring water
Tuesday and Wednesday put 43 in paper towels
Wednesday and Thursday put 43 in dirt
Saturday am (today) 39 have broken ground already.
putting 25 in soil, the rest in sacks outdoors in may. They should be 2 feet tall by planting time.
easiest start ever. I’m pumped.
Ps I have a licence
10 runts, 10 bubble gum, 10 zkittlez, 5 biscotti scunk, 5 fruity pebbles, 3 big Jack
Seed to sprouted in soil 6 days. Wow.
Did the seed companies idiot proof instructions suggest towel method? Curious are you running the 14 extra you popped in soil indoors ? May 1st is alittle more than 3 months away. They could be finished or close to it by then imo. Honestly i just sow the seed straight into media and if I don’t see it breaking soil in 4 i start wondering. Imo you could start them mid late march for two footers in may
See pictures. 44 plants between 6 and 10 inches, all bright green and healthy. Bought 20 bags to use when transplanting outside, the rest in the ground. Wifey not happy with how much yard I’m going to use. Pumped


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  • Haha
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