2020 Pandemic Tattoo ideas

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Coronavirus crisis: People are getting Covid-19 tattoos despite ...

Coronavirus crisis: People are getting Covid-19 tattoos despite ...

Coronavirus TATTOOS hit social media as jokers make light of ...

Coronavirus Tattoo : badtattoos

I'll wait until the madness calms down.
Funny No animated emoticon
What are you going to get?

For some reason , all of a sudden this whole past week I've been thinking I need to get another tattoo. 1 is not enough. But it took me 28 years and the birth of a child to figure out what the 1st one would be. That was 8 years ago almost lol. Haven't thought of getting anything specifically related to covid-19. But not really sure what I want to get. Was tossing around the idea of an Enso symbol as a dragon. Beings the kid was born year of the dragon. I just don't know.

This is well done.

I am planning on three new tats but all are inappropriate for public discussion. One of the three is on I’ve wanted for twenty years or more. Another will have to do with the family....some how ..... yet to figure out.

This I got off of a trash can from an artist named Adam West ...... not the Batman but a guy with the same name. It was free for bringing in multiple customers. And a fresh puncher wound just because that’s the kind year I’m having.
I had gotten this tattoo in Hawaii like 20 years ago and it needed a face lift so I Made an appointment 2 months in advance to get it reworked on on my birthday . It ended up being the day the Pandemic was officially named. Very weird timing. Most tatttoo parlors have opened back up but they might close again soon with all the spiking .
I had gotten this tattoo in Hawaii like 20 years ago and it needed a face lift so I Made an appointment 2 months in advance to get it reworked on on my birthday . It ended up being the day the Pandemic was officially named. Very weird timing. Most tatttoo parlors have opened back up but they might close again soon with all the spiking .
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That looks really good for twenty year old ink.
That looks really good for twenty year old ink.
Lol, Thanks! he redid the entire tattoo. So the 20 year old ink is under this fresh ink. He just went over the original and put more black in the Cape and filled the hour glass back up. He brightened it up a lot and cleaned up some bumpy lines and added a beautiful blue background. He changed the black ghost faces to yellow . He made it look much better then the original although it is the original outline . He really worked magic on it. I have had him do 4 large pieces on me already in less then a year . He is working in another face lift on my Eddie on my back and I am scheduled to go back in a couple weeks and am so fearful because it hurt so bad last time . Pain in my nerves From my back was shooting down my arm to my elbow for hours while getting the back tatt worked on.
but I have to get it completed . It will loook Killer. No pun intended.
Lol, Thanks! he redid the entire tattoo. So the 20 year old ink is under this fresh ink. He just went over the original and put more black in the Cape and filled the hour glass back up. He brightened it up a lot and cleaned up some bumpy lines and added a beautiful blue background. He changed the black ghost faces to yellow . He made it look much better then the original although it is the original outline . He really worked magic on it. I have had him do 4 large pieces on me already in less then a year . He is working in another face lift on my Eddie on my back and I am scheduled to go back in a couple weeks and am so fearful because it hurt so bad last time . Pain in my nerves From my back was shooting down my arm to my elbow for hours while getting the back tatt worked on.
but I have to get it completed . It will loook Killer. No pun intended.

I think I might be in love with you......lol.

Please tell your Eddie is the “ Trooper “ or at the cover of Killers .

I would so get an Eddie. Every time I’ve seen them it was fantastic show. I even smoked weed with the drummer in the parking lot before a show at Lakewood Amphitheater in Atlanta Ga. sometime in the early’90’s or maybe the late ‘80’s idk.

I also have a reaper but it’s not as nice as yours. :bigjoint:

My back tat made me sweat.... like no other tat ever did, I totally feel your pain lol.
I think I might be in love with you......lol.

Please tell your Eddie is the “ Trooper “ or at the cover of Killers .

I would so get an Eddie. Every time I’ve seen them it was fantastic show. I even smoked weed with the drummer in the parking lot before a show at Lakewood Amphitheater in Atlanta Ga. sometime in the early’90’s or maybe the late ‘80’s idk.

I also have a reaper but it’s not as nice as yours. :bigjoint:

My back tat made me sweat.... like no other tat ever did, I totally feel your pain lol.
You got high with Nicko McBrain? Very cool. I drank some beers with him and hung out with the band at an after show party . nicko gave me a set of signed drum sticks. I got lucky and won an art contest that The old Tower Records had sponsored and they flew us from Hawaii to London England Pinewood studios for the pay preview show that was supposed to be Bruce’s last one with them . As you know Bruce did his solo thing for a while and then went back to the band. The concert also includedshow with Horror illusionist Simon Drake. One of the stunts involved Bruce and a trap door and something went wrong and a whole section of Bruce’s long hair got ripped out of his skull. It put him in a very foul mood.
I think I might be in love with you......lol.

Please tell your Eddie is the “ Trooper “ or at the cover of Killers .

I would so get an Eddie. Every time I’ve seen them it was fantastic show. I even smoked weed with the drummer in the parking lot before a show at Lakewood Amphitheater in Atlanta Ga. sometime in the early’90’s or maybe the late ‘80’s idk.

I also have a reaper but it’s not as nice as yours. :bigjoint:

My back tat made me sweat.... like no other tat ever did, I totally feel your pain lol.
Yes, it is the cover of killers. I want
To get a water tatt under my Grim
Reaper and I like this one . I don’t have a silly tatt really. They are all kind of serious so this might be a good one to mix in. Plus I love Pizza. It’s my favorite food .
Yes, it is the cover of killers. I want
To get a water tatt under my Grim
Reaper and I like this one . I don’t have a silly tatt really. They are all kind of serious so this might be a good one to mix in. Plus I love Pizza. It’s my favorite food .
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I always wanted a tribal shark tatt on my belly just above my belt line. I guess it’s a bucket list item for now. As for fun tatts I thought it would be fun to get a set of eyes on my back just above my belt line and when people ask about it I tell them it’s a smiley face..... to which I drop my pants and bend over but instead of a smile they get a :o and I say well I guess it was as surprised to see you as you were it. I got the tatt and I’ve mooned more folks than I should have but only a select few found it as funny as I do. I guess comedy is in the ass of the beholder. I had an old biker friend who got MOM tattooed on his ass , he would moon folks to show it off but on the night he got it ( we were all drinking shine ) he was to drunk to bend over so he laid on back and put his feet up in the air, one of the girls looking on said “ WOW” and his buddy said “ I told you he couldn’t spell “. Yes that was a classic moment that I will never forget.
I always wanted a tribal shark tatt on my belly just above my belt line. I guess it’s a bucket list item for now. As for fun tatts I thought it would be fun to get a set of eyes on my back just above my belt line and when people ask about it I tell them it’s a smiley face..... to which I drop my pants and bend over but instead of a smile they get a :o and I say well I guess it was as surprised to see you as you were it. I got the tatt and I’ve mooned more folks than I should have but only a select few found it as funny as I do. I guess comedy is in the ass of the beholder. I had an old biker friend who got MOM tattooed on his ass , he would moon folks to show it off but on the night he got it ( we were all drinking shine ) he was to drunk to bend over so he laid on back and put his feet up in the air, one of the girls looking on said “ WOW” and his buddy said “ I told you he couldn’t spell “. Yes that was a classic moment that I will never forget.
Hahah! That’s funny .
I might go with this green zombie instead below the grim reaper just because of the need to get more green in that particular section. The reaper is so blue and red . It’s about balance of color as well. But change the x on the forehead to a cut oozing blood ..........40DEE3A5-46C8-4C5B-BE66-01F363FAD657.jpeg:D:o
I always wanted a tribal shark tatt on my belly just above my belt line. I guess it’s a bucket list item for now. As for fun tatts I thought it would be fun to get a set of eyes on my back just above my belt line and when people ask about it I tell them it’s a smiley face..... to which I drop my pants and bend over but instead of a smile they get a :o and I say well I guess it was as surprised to see you as you were it. I got the tatt and I’ve mooned more folks than I should have but only a select few found it as funny as I do. I guess comedy is in the ass of the beholder. I had an old biker friend who got MOM tattooed on his ass , he would moon folks to show it off but on the night he got it ( we were all drinking shine ) he was to drunk to bend over so he laid on back and put his feet up in the air, one of the girls looking on said “ WOW” and his buddy said “ I told you he couldn’t spell “. Yes that was a classic moment that I will never forget.
I am getting this shark tattoo at the end of the month. it’s JAWS! One of my favorite movies. Did you get your tribal shark tattoo yet?

Nah, not yet . I was supposed to be going to the beach this month but it doesn’t look like that’s happened now. I think I need to find an artist I trust before getting more ink ..... there’s some good artists around here but it’s a college town and the prices are over the top unreasonably high so I usually wait until I am away from home.

I loved the Jaws movies, went with my grandmother to see 3 in 3D and spent the whole time watching her..... priceless memories.