2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

Just bounces a trespasser.

fall in New England, when all private land turns public in the minds of tourists and hunters.

no offense to you hunters out there, but most of you are dicks and have no respect for private property. I’m old school about property rights and wish we could just shoot on sight still.

Track your shot on my land, come get it, no need to waste.

park your truck way down on my property and start from there? Might not have a truck when you get back:finger:

edit: my entire property is clearly marked. I did it myself.
I bounce DOZENS a year. Most are assholes. This has nothing to do with weed, its about personal property rights and respecting them. Hunters just don't. I've had them argue with me over using my land "I used to hunt here before you owned it" You mean when a grandmother owned it and had no idea you were trespassing every fall?

Sorry, but no, every hunter I see tells me its "just a couple bad ones", it's like cat owners. I'm guessing the percent of hunters who are respectful is maybe 50%. That leaves a lot of room for idiots who ruin your image. I don't know anyone who doesn't hunt who likes hunters, I'm not trying to be a dick but thats the truth. You guys have put yourself at used car salesmen levels. (As a former cars salesman, realtor and cold caller, I know about being hated for my profession lol).

I am FOR HUNTING, because we need it and I eat meat too. I'm just so sick of people from out of state who see woods and figure it'd be a great place to hunt. Living on the border of 3 states makes it tough. Most of the people I have issues with are from NY. The guy yesterday was from CT and knows the river runs through our property, drove past dozens of signs and buildings right down to the river. Then tried to convince me to let him.

That's a typical situation for me, and thats why I don't have patience for these fools. EDIT: And to be fair, every hunter I know personally I respect and would let hunt on my land. There is one that does actually.
Sorry you keep having this experience. I refuse to classify people who dont respect property or peoples lands as hunters.. Sorry but the people you are talking about are not hunters. They are poachers. Simple. And assholes with guns.
A real hunter would simply never act like that. And we can even agree to disagree, but noone I ever hunt with would be that disrespectful of someones property. Its also a way to get shot at in my neck of the woods. Properrty owners have every right to protect their land, I agree, and I also agree, it shouldnt have to come to the point where you have to toss someone off your property. Keep Out/No Tresspassing is a simple concept.
'I hunted here before you owned it ' has to be the stupidest excuse for a poacher Ive ever heard. But that is what they are. Poachers.
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Sorry you keep having this experience. I refuse to classify people who dont respect property or peoples lands. Sorry but the people you are talking about are not hunters. They are poachers. Simple. And assholes with guns.
A real hunter would simply never act like that. And we can even agree to disagree, but noone I ever hunt with would be that disrespectful of someones property. Its also a way to get shot at in my neck of the woods. Properrty owners have every right to protect their land, I agree, and I also agree, it shouldnt have to come to the point where you have to toss someone off your property. Keep Out/No Tresspassing is a simple concept.
'I hunted here before you owned it ' has to be the stu[idest excuse for a poacher Ive ever heard. But that is what they are. Poachers.
That’s a good distinction. Assholes with a gun lol I like that.

we are in agreement sir!
Replying to my own post... the potential rippers may have taught me something, had I previously been waiting to long to harvest? Results have told me possibly. I think waiting riding out the fade too long outdoors might be a mistake, when compared to indoors where everyone and their brother says “two more weeks”. I think with the conditions outdoors the harvest window is small and you can lose alot in just a few days of waiting too long. When the sharp smell is there I think it may be time to go and let the tric’s ripen up when it’s hanging. Year over year i’ve noticed that when you wait for the tric’s to amber you end up losing a ton of aroma.
I caught some potential rippers before, best thing you can do is follow them to their car and openly take pics of the car and plates, They wont be back.
Sorry you keep having this experience. I refuse to classify people who dont respect property or peoples lands as hunters.. Sorry but the people you are talking about are not hunters. They are poachers. Simple. And assholes with guns.
A real hunter would simply never act like that. And we can even agree to disagree, but noone I ever hunt with would be that disrespectful of someones property. Its also a way to get shot at in my neck of the woods. Properrty owners have every right to protect their land, I agree, and I also agree, it shouldnt have to come to the point where you have to toss someone off your property. Keep Out/No Tresspassing is a simple concept.
'I hunted here before you owned it ' has to be the stupidest excuse for a poacher Ive ever heard. But that is what they are. Poachers.
Having grown up with a bow or one of the three types of guns for our differing firearms season, I have to say the definition of hunters, as I read (yours) are not the problem. I would run you off someone else's property. Being an outdoors-man I respect the land and ownership( even though it is not ours to own. The arrogance in that concept??) But the outdorsman understands and respects the natural world and tries very hard to not upset it. Hunters are a bunch of city dwelling trophy hunters."Mine's bigger than yours", Who go to beer camp once a year. Their only mission is more points or more death than the next.

Having said that I do regularly use high water laws to my full advantage when hiking streams and rivers. Land owner says I'm trespassing. M.C.L. states I have 6' above the high water mark for access. And I collect trash on their property in my passing. "Leave it better than found!!!!"

I have several family and friends who I have no respect for their hunting practices. Very few true outdoors man. I believe you may have your terminology a bit askew.

We could all use lessons on values. And the importance of karma.
I could have taped her up, but decided to cut off that portion. According to the breeder pack, she will finish by October 10. I'll let the rest mature for as long as weather permits.
if you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for those seeds and where?

OK, I need you to look closely at these pics and tell me im not killing myself by chopping now. Factors: Next TWO Days will be rain and thunderstorms, followed by some nighttime temps dropping into 30F but allegedly high 30's... we all know how the prediction is, iffy if anything. Heres the pics, I took as good as I could, please zoom as much as you can, maybe two sets because I took so many pics, but there is only 3-4 plants left.
Please help my friends, I need immediate assistance, cuz if im chopping I gotta do it NOW, while its still light, and before the rain comes.

PS I have cut all the yellow fan leaves off, yes, the plant is near the end of life cycle, been flushing 15 days, I know it COULD be a few days longer but weighing the options...DSCN2209.JPGDSCN2210.JPGDSCN2211.JPGDSCN2212.JPGDSCN2213.JPGDSCN2214.JPGDSCN2215.JPGDSCN2216.JPG
I love it. I can only see so much from pics. I would let nature force the end. Like my mess. Still throwing fresh hair and just filling trykes. Have a couple getting good early amber. 2 weeks late.
UGHH, your killing me, but I asked for advice so Ima take it, you say let it roll for a few more... just want to be clear, than thats what Ill do... Just a confusing hint, you love it... but wait. Correct??
I think if they get through the next few days they could really pop in the next week or two. Up to you if you think rot might be a risk tho, if you haven’t seen any yet might be worth the risk.
Haven't checked your weather. Going into the 30's across the board here in a couple days with plenty of rain. I have to pay for heat. Really unusual long flower this year. And 34 and down is concerning.
OK, I mean it wouldnt be a major loss, because I have a bunch hanging already, so Ill let these guys do thier thing. You guys r the bomb!! TY so much.
PVOG OUT, (as in wifey wants laptop back)
UGHH, your killing me, but I asked for advice so Ima take it, you say let it roll for a few more... just want to be clear, than thats what Ill do... Just a confusing hint, you love it... but wait. Correct??
Yes. Just me. I have a few that are really good as tested yesterday. And double that aren't near ready. Both will benefit from more time. And bro science, I like the stronger aroma of a 45F r so finished bud, Seems deeper. High doesn't suffer.