2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

saw a vid where someone pointed out that you can buy biochar in bulk via packaged bbq wood. Not charoal briquets, but the charred wood product.

This stuff:

did a bunch of research ... there's no need to buy bio char anywhere... you can make it easily at home ... i'll be trying it tomorrow

saw a vid where someone pointed out that you can buy biochar in bulk via packaged bbq wood. Not charoal briquets, but the charred wood product.

This stuff:

One of the key points is it has to be activated or precharged, or from my undersranding if it’s not it will pull nutrients from your soil and cause some depletion. I am not sure if using basic biochar and letting it “cook” with your supersoil will do the trick, it looks like you need to mix the biochar beforehand with compost or grass clippings for a few months.

Buildasoil sells theirs precharged but it’s nothing extensive. I was adamant on using it this year but I dont think I have enought time to make it properly beyond charcoal. I’ve also heard you can run i to PH issues using it if not done properly. Buying it online isnt economical.
did a bunch of research ... there's no need to buy bio char anywhere... you can make it easily at home ... i'll be trying it tomorrow

Let us know how you make out. I still plan on making my own eventually but I need to get more educated on it.
Growing snowcaine from twenty20 Mendocino and jagersnitzel bx3 from bdanks this year. Snowcaines look a little thirsty. Started them a bit earlier, that's why they are way bigger.IMG_20200328_174718291.jpg
Really excited about the jagersnitzels. The breeder grows these in Oregon at a similar latitude and climate and specifically selects for early finishing mold resistant plants. I only purchased 5 seeds from him and he ended up sending me over 20 of them and with 6 Jaeger punch for free. Super fast shipping as well, definitely recommend him.
One of the key points is it has to be activated or precharged, or from my undersranding if it’s not it will pull nutrients from your soil and cause some depletion. I am not sure if using basic biochar and letting it “cook” with your supersoil will do the trick, it looks like you need to mix the biochar beforehand with compost or grass clippings for a few months.

Buildasoil sells theirs precharged but it’s nothing extensive. I was adamant on using it this year but I dont think I have enought time to make it properly beyond charcoal. I’ve also heard you can run i to PH issues using it if not done properly. Buying it online isnt economical.
I heard one of the ways to precharge or activate your biochar is to give it a "golden shower".
Hi guys, excited to see people prepping for the new season! I’m planning on prepping my beds this weekend similar to @dsmer . My super soil recipe calls for Rock Phosphate, however, I’m struggling to source some locally and online will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks due to COVID. Do any of you guys know of any replacements I could use?
Hi guys, excited to see people prepping for the new season! I’m planning on prepping my beds this weekend similar to @dsmer . My super soil recipe calls for Rock Phosphate, however, I’m struggling to source some locally and online will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks due to COVID. Do any of you guys know of any replacements I could use?

If hydro stores are closed, as a last resort I’ve seen it at home depot/lowes/tractor supply
Hi guys, excited to see people prepping for the new season! I’m planning on prepping my beds this weekend similar to @dsmer . My super soil recipe calls for Rock Phosphate, however, I’m struggling to source some locally and online will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks due to COVID. Do any of you guys know of any replacements I could use?

Stores are open. Or order from buildasoil and youll have it in 3 days.
Hey guys, just stumbled on this thread looking for some info on outdoor growing here in MA. Think I'm gonna try my hand at it this season. I have a Ketama Landrace and a Bruce Banger Fast going that I think are going to go outside after I take clones. Both are supposed to finish pretty quickly.

For the folks looking for local biochar, I'm a little late to the party, but there's both NexChar in Amherst, MA and Vermont BioChar in West Danville VT for locally sourced biochar, for those of us who lack the time or space to make our own.
Stores are open. Or order from buildasoil and youll have it in 3 days.

Mine is open, but you can't go in. You have to be able to tell them what you want at the door (or call ahead) and they will get it for you. Best to call ahead if you are looking for something specific.
Couple more weeks to go :) weather has been pretty chilly lately though hopefully it’ll warm up soon. Any ideas on “mini” greenhouse domes I can put over the seedlings? I’ve never planted seeds directly in soil outdoors before always transplanted establishes clones but doing autos this year
Couple more weeks to go :) weather has been pretty chilly lately though hopefully it’ll warm up soon. Any ideas on “mini” greenhouse domes I can put over the seedlings? I’ve never planted seeds directly in soil outdoors before always transplanted establishes clones but doing autos this year

use a clear solo cup and burn a hole in the bottom with a lighter to let heat out.... after it gets a little bigger use 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut out... that's how i start sunflowers every year ... keeps the heat in and most chipmnks out
Couple more weeks to go :) weather has been pretty chilly lately though hopefully it’ll warm up soon. Any ideas on “mini” greenhouse domes I can put over the seedlings? I’ve never planted seeds directly in soil outdoors before always transplanted establishes clones but doing autos this year

Pretty chilly? I had ice in my wheel barrow yesterday and it got down to 27 last night (central mass). My container soil for vegetables was 40 degrees this morning.

You can use just about anything to cover them at night. Days are warm enough, but the soil temps are still too low. imho.
Since I enjoyed last years outdoor grow Thread, following my fellow massholes, I decided to start this years. Last year was my first real outdoor grow and I enjoyed it more than I ever did 10 years of indoor. I had a great harvest and will have enough to supply me thru next harvest season.

I decided the best way to spend my “quarantine” was to start prepping my garden. It’s about 6 weeksish till I want to plant my seeds, so today I cleaned out old litter and debis that gathered over the winter. I already picked up most of the supplies I’ll need to refresh the soil. Just waiting on a delivery of Organic compost to get here. I’ll need about a yard of it for my 10x10 bed. I figure I can mix it all up now and add it as a topsoil, cover it up and let it sit for 4-6 weeks. Worked great last year.

still haven’t decided on strains yet but I think I’m gonna try autos early spring this year and plant some reg photo plants in July. That’s when I planted last year and they got bigger than I needed anyway. Anybody with experience with autos around here outdoors?

So let’s hear what your plans are for this year! Great time to be stuck at home. Take extra care of your gardens! Hard work now will reward you later. Happy growing!
ok u all last year was a bad year fir me ...now i an wanting to start new how do i go to getting my seeds to start i am soaking the now is thats good to do an how long till i put thwm in the ground