2018 Quitters Thread


Well-Known Member
TLDR: I struggle with an unhealthy addiction. Starting a thread to hold myself accountable. Will post in here failure or success. Hopefully we can all get better together.

So, I've been struggling with alcohol for the last few years. I have been drinking at least 3 nights a week for the last 5 years, and probably 5-6 nights a week for the last 2 years on and off. For me, drinking is 6 mixed drinks, doubles, 12 shots of Absolut vodka in about 4-5 hours. I only drink to get drunk... ever.
I quit cigarettes 16 years ago, but am always fighting my genetics. My mom is 65, has COPD, and takes a hit off her inhaler before she goes out to have a cigarette. My dad, same age, had a stroke 10 years ago, and quit drinking everyday for about 6 months after. He's now back to a 12 pack of light beer minimum per day. He's said for the last 20 years, as soon as the doc says he's dying for sure, he'll go buy a can of chew. Almost like he's looking forward to it. I've had one sister hooked on meth, another on pills, and we are all drinkers.
I'd like to share something I typed up about 6 months ago, to try to help myself. It hasn't done me any good yet, but I'm hoping putting it on here will help me, and maybe someone else too.
Quote of what I wrote;
"When I quit cigarettes it was hard. Very hard. It took years to fully be over it. It took months and months to stop cravings. I dreamed of failure for years. But I did it, because I knew it was worth it. I'm now living in my personal paradise, but drinking away my memory almost every night.
I'm hurting my body and I know it.
I'm hurting my family life, and I know it.
Do I want to watch my girls grow up?
Is what I'm feeling now, worth the consequences that I know will result from this?"
Ive personally seen someone drink themselves to death in under a year. I have family that can't walk up a small hill.
I don't want your sympathy. I only want your accountability. Bust my balls, tell me I can't do it. My strongest motivator to quit cigarettes was an asshole manager that was only nice for the 1st time, just to tell me don't be too upset if quitting doesn't work (cue asshole smile)
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Sorry I can't relate. Not like I ever had a coke problem that found me on the disc golf course at 4am throwing discs in the dark at nothing or anything. But if I had a problem like that I'd say rock bottom and one's own self were truly the best help. I mean are the best help. I hear alcohol is tough. But so are cigarettes. So you can do it. I wish you luck. Thankfully never liked the stuff all that much myself and get sick before I ever get drunk. Pussy? maybe. But helped curbing my genetic predisposition too though.

Just busting your balls. You can't do it...
If I can do it you can. I'm a huge drunk. (Don't wanna say was cuz it's only been a month). I can drink 2 talk boys on my 20 minute drive home from work. I'll drink at least 10 more(12 oz)and start doing shots once home.Saturday after thanksgiving I had a huge fuck up. I started a fight with some asshole in a liquor store parking lot. His girl gets involved and in all the chaos my girlfriend got injured. Nothing terrible she's ok but i can't help but feel personally responsible. That's when I finally had a moment. My drinking is out of control and is now affecting others. Someone i love more than anything. Since that night I've had 3 beers and 2 shots. One beer and a couple shots a few weeks ago when we finally bought our house and a couple more beers on nye with a friend. Breaking the routine was/is hard. At this point for me it's more about proving to myself that i do in fact have more self control than I've given myself credit for. Good luck man and pm me anytime if you want to talk.
When the pain of hangovers and wreckage are finally worse than the urge to drink it gets easy.
We just don't get to choose when that happens.

But we can fake it.

Ill spell out the one day at a time theory. I know it is cliche but I wanted to quit bad enough that I allowed myself to really try it.

People think it is just a saying.
It is not.
It is an action.

Here it is.

Wake up and tell yourself you wont drink today.
But if you want to you can drink tomorrow.
However tomorrow when you wake up
You choose not to drink for that day.

Soon you see you have put together many days and that you are capable.

Addicts and alcoholics have a hard time not freaking out when they think about forever not using again.

So don't drink today,
But remind yourself that tomorrow you can drink if you choose.

Good luck.

Again I know that sounds goofy

I've seen this tool used for everything from drugs to food to suicide.

Having said that I will admit I did not read the story because I have heard
Every variation of it. The answer is still the same.
Unless you are a candidate for dts
That is a different story and I offer no medical advice.
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TLDR: I struggle with an unhealthy addiction. Starting a thread to hold myself accountable. Will post in here failure or success. Hopefully we can all get better together.

So, I've been struggling with alcohol for the last few years. I have been drinking at least 3 nights a week for the last 5 years, and probably 5-6 nights a week for the last 2 years on and off. For me, drinking is 6 mixed drinks, doubles, 12 shots of Absolut vodka in about 4-5 hours. I only drink to get drunk... ever.
I quit cigarettes 16 years ago, but am always fighting my genetics. My mom is 65, has COPD, and takes a hit off her inhaler before she goes out to have a cigarette. My dad, same age, had a stroke 10 years ago, and quit drinking everyday for about 6 months after. He's now back to a 12 pack of light beer minimum per day. He's said for the last 20 years, as soon as the doc says he's dying for sure, he'll go buy a can of chew. Almost like he's looking forward to it. I've had one sister hooked on meth, another on pills, and we are all drinkers.
I'd like to share something I typed up about 6 months ago, to try to help myself. It hasn't done me any good yet, but I'm hoping putting it on here will help me, and maybe someone else too.
Quote of what I wrote;
"When I quit cigarettes it was hard. Very hard. It took years to fully be over it. It took months and months to stop cravings. I dreamed of failure for years. But I did it, because I knew it was worth it. I'm now living in my personal paradise, but drinking away my memory almost every night.
I'm hurting my body and I know it.
I'm hurting my family life, and I know it.
Do I want to watch my girls grow up?
Is what I'm feeling now, worth the consequences that I know will result from this?"
Ive personally seen someone drink themselves to death in under a year. I have family that can't walk up a small hill.
I don't want your sympathy. I only want your accountability. Bust my balls, tell me I can't do it. My strongest motivator to quit cigarettes was an asshole manager that was only nice for the 1st time, just to tell me don't be too upset if quitting doesn't work (cue asshole smile)

Go to Alcoholic's Anonymous.
Find a sponsor

Within 3-10 days if you start having signs of autonomic hyperactivity you need to present to a hospital. Symptoms are hallucinations, high pulse rate, high blood pressure, rapid respirations, a feeling of impending doom and severe anxiety. If you experience these go to the ER and be honest with them.
Thanks for sharing. I drank every night while I was in, for the last two years I was in. I would drink a tall boy and then sip moonshine till about eight every night. Wake up and go pt early every day. Not sure why, but when I got out I just didn’t feel like drinking anymore. I have drank since, but only on like the 4th of July and I drank some eggnog at a Christmas party. I don’t think it was stress because my job was easy, it was boring though. I drank to get drunk too, cause I like the way it feels.
I wish I had your forethought, by the time I gave a shit I was in jail, divorced
And unable to stop on my own.

A few things clicked for me in my third rehab that helped me understand.

One is the disease concept of alcoholism. Having to do with liver enzymes, thqs on the brainstem
Causing a strong craving.

We feed the craving eventually getting in trouble.
The trouble causes stress, shame and is remedied with drink.
Drink triggers craving....
And around we go.

You have to break this cycle by first
Stopping feeding your body booze.

That is asking a lot, thats when the one day at a time thing helps
It is considered a progressive fatal illness.

People love to argue about that but there is no need.
Even if it is not a disease you can treat it like one and recover.

Enough of this i gotta go do something with dicks.

meetings do help.. you don't have to share if you don't want to.. just listen for awhile and you'll see many people sounding just like you... you'll be able to relate with them.. and the support from fellow members is nice.

I'm an antisocial hermet so I understand some of how you feel..
I hate going to stores or resterants ..I'm not comfortable around large groups of strangers. but if you force your self it will get easier..

if you still can't find your self in a meeting .. I'm here for support.. p.m. me when ever about what ever.. charface and many others here have ears and will listen or offer advice .. good luck and stay strong..

My dad was an alcoholic, his influence is what I blame for the death of my middle brother. His death is to blame for the death of my oldest brother and my mom. Long complicated story, but the jest of it is the influence of your behavior can be for reaching and unexpected. The day my middle brother died we were up @ 6 am and drinking puny size Bud's by 8 ,we had drank ,16 each by 1 in the afternoon . We were out looking at work and making plans on doing it the next day . I had a date that night and he was just partying hopping from bar to bar but didn't make it home..... he wrapped his car around a pine tree. My mom and brother died that day too, technically years later but they were never happy in life again.
6-7-87 middle brother
6-7-01 oldest brother
1-11-11 mom

My step dad found both my brothers dead , ...... pretty f'ed up.

My sorry ass Dad out lived them all.
I've never understood why some people get drunk and fuck up while others just end up going to sleep.. I don't naturally black out, ever. When my brother drinks he hardly knows his own name and always fucks up hard. Why do some people take it way worse then others, not the addiction part but the way people react to being loaded?
I've never understood why some people get drunk and fuck up while others just end up going to sleep.. I don't naturally black out, ever. When my brother drinks he hardly knows his own name and always fucks up hard. Why do some people take it way worse then others, not the addiction part but the way people react to being loaded?
It is strange for sure.
That shit is rocket fuel in my system.