2018 Canadian outdoor strains of choice.

I'm also going to take a male I get from the unknown Kush times black domino and I'm going to pollinate a nice female 11 roses plant with it and get some seeds so I don't have to buy them anymore
If you're going to do that, Feminize them!
Use CS if you don't mind spraying every day for 2 weeks, or go for gold and use STS and only spray twice. Works like a charm.

Put 3 girls in a 6' triangle, Spray one, and you'll have seed forever. The downside is you'll have seed forever. lol. But then you can start trading with friends.

And don't forget to top them often for lots of flowers.
If you're going to do that, Feminize them!
Use CS if you don't mind spraying every day for 2 weeks, or go for gold and use STS and only spray twice. Works like a charm.

Put 3 girls in a 6' triangle, Spray one, and you'll have seed forever. The downside is you'll have seed forever. lol. But then you can start trading with friends.

And don't forget to top them often for lots of flowers.
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I was actually just looking online for some kind of STS spray to buy can any of you guys are ladies recommend a product?
I've made STS before and I don't have the time or energy to go buy the chemicals needed,
I'm going to grab one of those curing buckets maybe two they look pretty cool
if you guys are looking for good outdoor strains I would highly recommend delicious seeds I have ran 11 roses two years in a row and it is freaking really nice very very potent taste really good very resistant it's more of a bush style plant and it's shorter and doesn't stretch a ton like most straina do so it stays closer to the ground
11 roses has been my top strain for 2 years in a row for overall quality but nothing beats its potency it's really freaking potent puts me right out that's why I grow it so this year I decided to grow a few of delicious strains because I've only grown the fruity chronic juice and the 11 roses the fruity chronic juice is really good as well it just doesn't have the potency that 11 roses has and now they have early versions of all their strains so I bought the early version of Northern lights blue the early version of 11 roses and the early version of unknown Kush as well as Bubba Kush cross to unknown Kush rags I got and unknown Kush crossed to black domino I grab a few of those as well just to test out

I’m trying 11 Roses and SBR this year. Bought some Unknown Kush early versions but didn’t crack them. I was concerned that the ruderalis genes will affect yield/potency? I couldn’t find any reviews so I didn’t bother with them.

After growing a bunch of autos outdoors the past few years, I’m done with them and didn’t want to roll the dice with the early version seeds. The autos I grew pretty much sucked compared to even the worst photos I’ve ran. Airy, weak buzz, low yielding, non-terpy garbage. Maybe I just had bad luck but this was 11 plants, 5 strains.
I’m trying 11 Roses and SBR this year. Bought some Unknown Kush early versions but didn’t crack them. I was concerned that the ruderalis genes will affect yield/potency? I couldn’t find any reviews so I didn’t bother with them.

After growing a bunch of autos outdoors the past few years, I’m done with them and didn’t want to roll the dice with the early version seeds. The autos I grew pretty much sucked compared to even the worst photos I’ve ran. Airy, weak buzz, low yielding, non-terpy garbage. Maybe I just had bad luck but this was 11 plants, 5 strains.
I totally 100% understand what you're saying about autos I personally don't like autos either but these are what I would consider a semi-auto they're not full on autos. I always buy a few extra strange just to test out anyways you never know sometimes the worst or the ones that turn out to be the gems of the crop I will post how it goes this year.
I have the unknown Kush early version as well I'm going to make some seeds this year and if you want I'll send you some in the winter time and you can test them out next year
I have the unknown Kush early version as well I'm going to make some seeds this year and if you want I'll send you some in the winter time and you can test them out next year

Sure! Interested to see the progress and how you make out with the UK.

The fear of the unknown keeps me from cracking the freebies and weird stuff like early version seeds. I actually thought I ordered the reg fems but must have clicked on the wrong one when I ordered.
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I totally 100% understand what you're saying about autos I personally don't like autos either but these are what I would consider a semi-auto they're not full on autos. I always buy a few extra strange just to test out anyways you never know sometimes the worst or the ones that turn out to be the gems of the crop I will post how it goes this year.
Boreal Lights is a semi-auto and yields like a photo. Had one give me 5 lbs but I watered and fed it regularly..
100 bucks for 10 mls of that stuff that is crazy crazy at of your mind too expensive!!!!
A joke really,no offense
Then buy the parts for 100 bucks and mix it up.
You get 10-20k female seeds for $100. I don't see how that's crazy... Oh... you want it for free. I got ya.

I've seen the two parts for $150 on ebay, but you have to mix it up yourself. And don't mess up or you'll get tons of empty pollen sacs.
How is 10 mL of STS going to give me 10 to 20,000 seeds I don't understand that part..I mean it's .66 of a tablespoon of sts
I'll just buy the silver nitrate and the sodium thiosulfate from eBay or something I made it before it's just a pain in the ass and I rather buy it but I'm not paying that much for it I'd rather have enough to last me 10 years that I can make myself thanks for the tips though guys appreciate it
He’s the owner of boreal seeds
I haven't owned Boreal Seeds since legalization. Seeds used to be legal here. Now 1 seed = 1 gram. So selling, or having more than your medical licence allows can get you 14 yrs in the sin bin. I doubt that would happen, but it's on the books now regardless. The Boreal Seeds website expires this August at which point it'll go offline and be redirected to the owner's existing site.

That said, I haven't sold all of Boreal. I still have
  1. Boreal Soil (bagged soil, amendments, rhizophagus Intraradices aka glomus).
  2. Boreal Curing (automated curing systems). Reciprocal links exist.
  3. Boreal Health (designated medical grower). Breeding high CBG & THCV strains. Still looking for the THCP unicorn.
    A nursery licence is in play here to produce seed and seedlings via tissue culture for LPs.
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How is 10 mL of STS going to give me 10 to 20,000 seeds I don't understand that part..I mean it's .66 of a tablespoon of sts
No worries mate. No offense taken. But you have to work in ml, not tablespoons. lol

You only need to spray the NODES. This is not a foliar spray like the attached file name implies.

I had ONE Indica give me 24k seeds.

3 Plants in a 6 foot triangle gave me just over 16k seeds.
I have 3 of these. One from each plant.

I haven't mentioned the female pollen you'll get to play with.
Pollen from the best of the 3 plants. These were dried, packaged, and frozen for the big sleep. They should be good for 10+ years.

I have attached instructions to make your own.

Here are a few tips
  1. Now that Covid is here, you have gloves right?
    Use them or your hands will be stained black for months if you spill it.

  2. Top your plants. A lot.
    Spray a couple branches once stretching has finished, but before flowering starts (just to maximize your haul).

  3. Keep the plant alive.
    Water/feed until it's way past maturity. Keep her going all season if you can. I grow outdoor so I go until freeze hits. Then I dry.

  4. Don't spray more than twice.
    Got this one? It's important. You'll think it's not working, but the deed is done. OK, I admit I've sprayed 3 times, but more than that and you risk having tons of empty pollen sacs.

  5. Only spray a few nodes on a couple branches. Not the whole plant.

  6. You can use a QTip to wet the nodes with STS instead of spraying to make it go further. That's enough to trigger.
If you use a QTip, 10ml will do 20-30 plants. (But why in the world would you do that?)

Good luck.

Please please please, if you have regular seeds, do a run and deep freeze a few thousand seeds for 20+ years down the road.


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I am going to start a blog about which strains suit Southern Ontario the best outdoor wise with info on temperature, humidity, bugs, finishing time and overall if that strain is a good idea to grow in my area. I think it will be helpful.

Just curious, did you ever start that blog? Would be interested to check it out!
I’m a bit late on this thread but I just received a few different strains that I’m going to try in the fast summer of the prairies.

Manitoba Poison -Great white north seeds
Guerilla Gold #5 - boggy bottom seeds
South African Sativa - fast outdoor genetics
White Grizzly - kootenay mountain
Mighty might x donkey dick - west coast seeds

I’ve never tried any of these seed companies before so I’m rolling the dice a bit on it. Last year I did Frisian dew by Dutch passion but finished a bit late.
How did this do, I'm in mb as well