2016outdoorGG ireland

i would do some FIMing if I were you. I will keep them a little shorter & increase your yield. It's gonna get big when it starts flowering
Just looked up and watched a few vids of fiming, I'll start to fim and trim some Lower grow next visit. I got my all nutes sorted that forgot to get back to you.
I was on YouTube and came across this vid. Im not able to copy n paste in the URL
Type into YouTube or Google

Commercial cannabis grow - Sept 18 2015
think its a12 x 12 rows grow.
I was thinking make an estimate that they got 2 pounds per plant.
16z is 1 pound
2 pound per plant
32 X 144plants = 4,608 0z + trim
Then sold then for $300 = 1,382,400
$200 = 9,21,600
Or over with mixed results maybe just
start at 3 oz per
144 plants
300 X 144 = 1,29,600
At hight end it works out to about
€35 per plant just over 5gs .
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This is the frisian dew/blush hash. she looks to be all indica. in another location .only get to visit every month or so. have a friend look after this one for me. he know everything thats why you can see her in this shape.my suggestion and opinions have nothing on his experience or expertise although he has never grown weed before .
She got toped last week due to a slight bit of stem rot
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This is what happens when you leave plant outside in ireland to let it just do its thing. This pic is from about 1 month ago . No nutes nothing. When I was there I gave her a small bit of compost tea.thats it.
Any new growth was eaten up by them slimy slugs . Slugs toped her from the second node. where the V is on the second node . Ants moved on and made the stalk of the plants there home. It is being used as an ant collany crazy. Hundreds of them are walking in and out of a tiny hole in the not of the node. Plant still looks like It's thriving.
I'll prob take a visit down to her later and upload pics.
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The last few days there has been crazy rainfall non stop for 3-4 days. Every 2-4 days I had to do 2 runs per day as my water hole/ drence has dryed up. 16L is all I can manage to Carrie so 2 runs even that wasn't enuff. Now iv got about 200ltrs or more so I should be good for a wile. Also the plants in air pots have only been getting waterded from the top then the water drains out the side unable to flow all the way through so I gave them a good soak by dipping them into the water hole.
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From 1-2weeks ago.
The weather has been great the last few days . The plants are loving it and doing well . I start feeding thembio bloom nutes then add topmax when I see buds starting to form.
The hairs on one of my plants have had white hairs for a few week the tops look like there well into flower .

I lost alot of the autos already the humidity is way to high at night.
The moby dickXXL is doing well
The sour D turned to mush in the rain but the lower buds are looking very nice
Smells like sour pineapple .
The blue mazzar is doing well. But very leafy.
I stared the auto for early smoke , but being that it is my first time growing outdoors the autogave me an idea of what to expect. I'm going to do everything I can to prevent mould.

biggest plant had an infection. A few weeks ago It looked like something burst threw the top of the plant.
And hasn't look too good ever since so I toped it
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B u d s ! ! !
Ok everything is going good so far , weather has been mostly cloudy windy rainy.but the plants seem to being doing well.
I visited the spot today and three pots fell over like Dominion and landed on one of the bigger plants no damage its all good , they must have fell over a few days ago they are growing side ways .

The early girls is flowering very quickly
The rest are about 2-3weeks behind the Early Girl

Harvested all Autos dew to mold

BludBerry mazar 10Gs to harvested rest of plant today. Light cheese

moby dickXXL 14g
dank and smells like sweet oranges .

Sour D 8Gs harvested rest today.
can't really tell needs a good cure.

Blue mazzar organic(pure wormcasting)
12g harvested rest today.
mate is that grams off the plant is all,i hope not lad,if so invest in a 600w sunmaster ballast and light,i wouldn't be happy with anything less then 6 or 7 dried oz off one plant,you'll get one for 100euros lad,then bot 30e on esb a week,work it out lad,you can only make money or the best smoke you can get in ireland,i have mates in waterford that would be to pay 400e an oz.happy growing lad your doing great
Yes leesophie Irish unfortunately that's grams.if that was what yielded of indoor plants under lights id find myself a new hobby but it was outdoors the humity was to high soon as they start to bud they had problems with mould . So I quit will I was ahead. trics still all clear , it's an uplifting high. The moby dick is really stinky and taste good.ill be planting 5 dinofem mobydickxxL start April next year.

Dude , I seen people pay 500 for an oz of good bud . The prices are crazy out here.
What does an oz go for in England?
Not going to uploads pictures of every plant as it just takes way to long uploading pictures using a mobile , but here a few .
The biggest plant is probly about 3.2-3.5meters .put her in the grownd at 5ft good organic nutes and good soil she took off. Not toped. Just left to grow and in her first week of flower. strain N/a but I think a frisain dew.

Next will be a sour D auto iv got out the back about 3-4week flower another
1-2months to go.

I will just upload 2 plants every day
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