2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

Nice. What do you all plan on bringing? I don't want to show up with chicken or steak if everyone is bringing the same haha. I guess you can't go wrong with ribs. Never enough ribs. Anyone have a smoker? I smoke a mean standing rib roast.
There is always enough food!

We need a better bathroom/shower:


@Aeroknow i would love to get just one of those SS of you! ill be bringing candy train and yumboldt 47 babies along with some sorta edible appetizer. havent been very active on here as i have been hunting monsters! sturgeon and striper to be exact. biggest so far was 87''
and this guy was 1'' too big to take home. still waiting to tag one for the freezer/ grill. maybe just maybe this weekend ill get mine and bring a slab to the bbq! and as for the BBQ ill only be there for the day this time around as im hosting a fishing competion first thing in the am in oroville sat. everyone is welcome :) and camp far west is full! so the water wont be far at all for fish.
@Aeroknow i would love to get just one of those SS of you! ill be bringing candy train and yumboldt 47 babies along with some sorta edible appetizer. havent been very active on here as i have been hunting monsters! sturgeon and striper to be exact. biggest so far was 87''
and this guy was 1'' too big to take home. still waiting to tag one for the freezer/ grill. maybe just maybe this weekend ill get mine and bring a slab to the bbq! and as for the BBQ ill only be there for the day this time around as im hosting a fishing competion first thing in the am in oroville sat. everyone is welcome :) and camp far west is full! so the water wont be far at all for fish.
Fuck yeah bro!
Btw, steelhead in our backyard is on fire.

2 steelies for me today over 3lb's. Total of 9. All wild. We lost a fuckin pig too
At 10th street.
On fire
My brother with one of his
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@Aeroknow i would love to get just one of those SS of you! ill be bringing candy train and yumboldt 47 babies along with some sorta edible appetizer. havent been very active on here as i have been hunting monsters! sturgeon and striper to be exact. biggest so far was 87''
and this guy was 1'' too big to take home. still waiting to tag one for the freezer/ grill. maybe just maybe this weekend ill get mine and bring a slab to the bbq! and as for the BBQ ill only be there for the day this time around as im hosting a fishing competion first thing in the am in oroville sat. everyone is welcome :) and camp far west is full! so the water wont be far at all for fish.
Where? Freeport area?
Or up higher? Up here colusa?
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