2016, possible new administration to crack down on cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Had a little conversation last night with some friends about legalization/decriminalization around the country. One friend brought up a possible scenario where the next administration could take a heavy handed approach against cannabis, start seriously enforcing federal law and clamping down on states. He thinks the feds have backed off to allow the industry to grow so when they do hit it will be worth it for them. I wouldn't put it past them, but don't think it will actually happen. We're probably going to end up with a R in the W. house, so it's not too far fetched. thoughts?
I doubt if they have let this happen to make it worth their while. I just so happens that morales slip (society allows them to slip) when the economy goes to shit. Vices pay the bills.

I think reversals are very likely. And yes, the Fed could change position on a dime. But I kind of doubt it. I wouldn't rule it out though. I think we are over the hump and regardless of what happens in the short term, the war is mostly over.
Well if that happens then Im gonna go live in the woods up in Canada and grow up there till I die from a bear/wolf/snow monster, mauling
Had a little conversation last night with some friends about legalization/decriminalization around the country. One friend brought up a possible scenario where the next administration could take a heavy handed approach against cannabis, start seriously enforcing federal law and clamping down on states. He thinks the feds have backed off to allow the industry to grow so when they do hit it will be worth it for them. I wouldn't put it past them, but don't think it will actually happen. We're probably going to end up with a R in the W. house, so it's not too far fetched. thoughts?
I highly doubt that because ... ... it is a billion dollar industry as is today if not more ....look at Colorado itself... when state get use to of that tax revenue i don't think that they will let anyone take that away from them
We came so cIose to IegaIion bac in the 1970's onIy then to get RR war on drugs in the 1980's

But its 2 years...worry bout it then...don't count the d"s out ust yet ...the R's might pic another Romney

Canada PM eIection comes first Iater this year in Oct, there is chance Canada couI have IegaI pot by 2017..that be awesome
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Iong as wee is iIIegaI, there is a chance it won't stay...the R's reaIIy hate pot, so......I hope aII the young peopIe show up to vote.....its how we got where we are
we are all on lists of recipts from pot buys with credit.. doh!!! wait till that is a campaning slam.. his cc bill had POT BUYS From 2014!!
I highly doubt that because ... ... it is a billion dollar industry as is today if not more ....look at Colorado itself... when state get use to of that tax revenue i don't think that they will let anyone take that away from them

The Feds have tons oF money, they couId wor something out.....it be phase out....they shove 55 MPH on us o 25 years.

Iets see the R's First win the WH...Bush isn't going to get it.....don't ruIe the bitch out yet....Iots o women wiII vote or her
well jeb bush will be the next president. Because he's a bush and no one wants another Democrat. Obama ruined it for future democrats. Jeb bush is pro pot.

also 2 senators just separately filed bills to make cannabis federally legal. But leaving it up to the states to decide.


no one will vote for Hillary based on her being a woman. Call it the Obama factor. Everyone that voted for Obama only voted for him because he's black. He ended up being the worst president in history. Worst than Jimmy Carter. Hillary is known for her shady dealings so....
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GWB name is worst then Obama's

Besides the US is in great shape thns to Obama..we got cheap oiI, employment is up..only problem is an out oF controI poiIce Force that shoots too quic....we won't Forget come 2016

The Bushes Iie big time..no new taxes, WOMd.....Bush pro pot is a Iie too...he might be himsei but not IegaI For me an U....
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GWB name is worst then Obama's

Besides the US is in great shape thns to Obama..we got cheap oiI, employment is up

cheap oil had nothing to do with Obama. That Saudi prince that just died who owns 1/5 of the world oil supply lowered the price himself. Employment is not up. They employment statistics are skewed. They only take sensus in certain areas to make them selves look good.
well jeb bush will be the next president. Because he's a bush and no one wants another Democrat. Obama ruined it for future democrats. Jeb bush is pro pot.

also 2 senators just separately filed bills to make cannabis federally legal. But leaving it up to the states to decide.


no one will vote for Hillary based on her being a woman. Call it the Obama factor. Everyone that voted for Obama only voted for him because he's black. He ended up being the worst president in history. Worst than Jimmy Carter. Hillary is known for her shady dealings so....

wow, very racist.