2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

What should I bring to eat? what's not covered yet? otherwise I'm doing curry again or some crazy Cambodian soup.

What spots are on reserve? I don't want to end up on the other end of the camp grounds, I'm bringing a tent trailer this time.

I think my next run will get you all some real nice party favors. I might bring some equipment to give you all a proper bho tutorial. if anyone has cherry pie, sunset sherbert, woody og, huckleberry, or any other high quality high yielding strains please bring me one, I'll give you extra hash! I lost all my mother's and clones during a nasty move.
I'd love to see a bho tutorial.
Camp site 19 1/2 is the usual spot, but that may change.