2014 XGS-190 LED 1.5x2.1Ft Closet scrogs.


Well-Known Member
Cool beans, Dawg, thanks. I didn't realize that it would double in size once I switched to 12/12... Good info. A dude at the local hydro shop said not to use nutes while it's in veg, just veg for 3-4 weeks and then go to flower and then after a week or so use some blooming nutes. He said just make sure my soil ph stayed at 6 and that's all I needed to worry about. He also said the local water didn't contain chlorine so it was fine to use.

anyway, my main man Goat what's the good word?
Think you've gotta feed Nutes during veg unless your soil had them in it.
Soil pH should be kept at 6.5 I think also.
Going good, going to harvest in about a week I think.. Will post pictures then.


Well-Known Member
Hey Goat- on the 190 light itself, the two switches are the same right? So if you're using 1 switch or the other it's working at 130w and if you're using both it's 190 right? Just curious I got confused because a51's website said 60w/130w/190w...

So germ/veg with one switch and flower with both I guess is what we're doing, right?


Well-Known Member
hey goat, this is pretty sweet lil setup! way to go man. I'm really interested in your canadian 50/50 organic nutes too. HOw do they work, do you know? I've been under the impression that the synthetics kill the microbe hoard and you end up without getting the benefits from the beneficials (i.e., among them, taste). Can't wait to hear the results! would you consider saving some of this current run to compare smokes? or do one girl totally org and one with the 50/50? Nice growin!
be easy,
:peace: :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Goat- on the 190 light itself, the two switches are the same right? So if you're using 1 switch or the other it's working at 130w and if you're using both it's 190 right? Just curious I got confused because a51's website said 60w/130w/190w...

So germ/veg with one switch and flower with both I guess is what we're doing, right?
Hey, right hand switch off if the switches are closest to you is 130w mode and both on is 190w, right hand on and other off is 60w i think.

hey goat, this is pretty sweet lil setup! way to go man. I'm really interested in your canadian 50/50 organic nutes too. HOw do they work, do you know? I've been under the impression that the synthetics kill the microbe hoard and you end up without getting the benefits from the beneficials (i.e., among them, taste). Can't wait to hear the results! would you consider saving some of this current run to compare smokes? or do one girl totally org and one with the 50/50? Nice growin!
be easy,

:peace: :joint: :peace:
Hey, Thanks man.. taken a bit to dial in!
I haven't actually used it yet, next grow will be the one with it the whole way.
I'm not quite sure how it works but it gets the yield/quality of synthetics and taste of organic some how :P
I will definitely be saving some from the 100% organic run and comparing after i've done the next grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey, right hand switch off if the switches are closest to you is 130w mode and both on is 190w, right hand on and other off is 60w i think.

Hey, Thanks man.. taken a bit to dial in!
I haven't actually used it yet, next grow will be the one with it the whole way.
I'm not quite sure how it works but it gets the yield/quality of synthetics and taste of organic some how :P
I will definitely be saving some from the 100% organic run and comparing after i've done the next grow!
sweet man, i'm super pumped! will be subb'd to any threads you start with those nutes man!
be easy,
:leaf: :peace: :leaf:


oh, look at them beauties , that white range seems the bizness , ive been looking into making our led grow light and i stumbled upon the cree xte's by chance while doing my r&d on the project , hopefully soon the incorporation of the whole x-series will be available from the east soon , i'm talking those x-5 that nasa has done on space grows , the leds are listed by some companies on the net but alas no one has stock yet , so were obviously waiting on full production of that ...anyone know any different or where we can get the x-5 led , plz let me know .....or failing that , a good supplier of the cree-xte's goat licker has atop of proud buds here .....well done goatlicker ...blazing a trail lol ...will keep watching with interest .


Well-Known Member
oh, look at them beauties , that white range seems the bizness , ive been looking into making our led grow light and i stumbled upon the cree xte's by chance while doing my r&d on the project , hopefully soon the incorporation of the whole x-series will be available from the east soon , i'm talking those x-5 that nasa has done on space grows , the leds are listed by some companies on the net but alas no one has stock yet , so were obviously waiting on full production of that ...anyone know any different or where we can get the x-5 led , plz let me know .....or failing that , a good supplier of the cree-xte's goat licker has atop of proud buds here .....well done goatlicker ...blazing a trail lol ...will keep watching with interest .
Ye the light is amazing so far loving it!
Thanks mate, had a few problems but they're coming along nicely.


your welcome buddy ,they seem to giving the full spectrum with the dense looking state the buds are in from your pics, whats the medium your growing in if you don't mind goat ?


Well-Known Member
your welcome buddy ,they seem to giving the full spectrum with the dense looking state the buds are in from your pics, whats the medium your growing in if you don't mind goat ?
Ye they're awesome, still some growing to be done yet too.
I'm growing in canadian xpress max yield soil :-P
Pretty much all that's available to me.
Plus it'll go with my nutes I have.


oh cool , i'm tinkering with the world famous subcools super soil mix , but getting the right cross over of ingredient for the UK is being a pain in the ass to say the least lol, ....i've found a thread on another forum about replacing the sweet lime/lime in the soil mix and using rock minerals instead , as i already know (outside of growing) that lime can lock out nitrogen somewhat ....the mineral subs i found make more sense , the guy that wrote the thread states ....6 parts high calcium limestone(90% or greater calcium carbonate)-5 parts soft rock phosphate -3 parts gypsum ...all 3 parts ...at a ratio of 1.5 cups per bag of soil used ....claims it kicks the ass of the supersoil mix an turns it into super dooper soil lol....yeah , its blowing my mind lol....but i do see the complete logic in this as the minerals will envoke all kinds of micro life which benefits any plant ....the full feed thing appeals to me organic -ish wise ....have you got all your nute trouble behind you now ?


Canada , thats great , UK myself ...we live upon the same sensibilities , politeness , respect an manners lol...unlike some other countries ..:lol:(walks away whistling)....haha


Well-Known Member
oh cool , i'm tinkering with the world famous subcools super soil mix , but getting the right cross over of ingredient for the UK is being a pain in the ass to say the least lol, ....i've found a thread on another forum about replacing the sweet lime/lime in the soil mix and using rock minerals instead , as i already know (outside of growing) that lime can lock out nitrogen somewhat ....the mineral subs i found make more sense , the guy that wrote the thread states ....6 parts high calcium limestone(90% or greater calcium carbonate)-5 parts soft rock phosphate -3 parts gypsum ...all 3 parts ...at a ratio of 1.5 cups per bag of soil used ....claims it kicks the ass of the supersoil mix an turns it into super dooper soil lol....yeah , its blowing my mind lol....but i do see the complete logic in this as the minerals will envoke all kinds of micro life which benefits any plant ....the full feed thing appeals to me organic -ish wise ....have you got all your nute trouble behind you now ?
Canada , thats great , UK myself ...we live upon the same sensibilities , politeness , respect an manners lol...unlike some other countries ..:lol:(walks away whistling)....haha
Hah crazy, ye I don't have access to all the stuff to make super soil.
I'm not from Canada Lol, New Zealand actually.
Nute problems seem to be sorted now but very close to cutting so shouldn't matter Anymore.


Respect and manners, huh pharcy? Interesting... Hard to see any of that in your post.
why even bother writing that ? , and was i talking too you ???.....no i dont think so .....and was it a light hearted stab at our american friends ...yes it was !!...have i got a problem with that ?...no !...have you got a problem with that ...yes.....its your problem then isnt it ....good luck mr grumpy ....bushleaguer ...sounds like a fed hmmmm ...bush???...league ???......you do the maths


Well-Known Member
Chill dude. These boards are informative for all of us, no need to be a dick to people. We're all here to learn. If you're just around to be a dick go to a different forum. Be respectful and others will respect you back.


Well-Known Member
Whoa Whoa Whoa, no fighting in my thread! :-P
Will post some updated photos on Thursday! Pistils starting to brown and catlyxs swelling up really nice.
Closer look at trichs and they're around 80 cloudy 18 clear and 2 % amber.


Well-Known Member
Decided to harvest.. Few pix here.
Not sure on weight yet, any guesses?
Put alot of the small buds that were quite dense into trim..
Would you guys class the smaller ones in the photos as popcorn or na?

Edit. Just smoked a bit of scissor hash and holy shit, some nice smoke..