2013 outdoor medical 200 gal geo and smart pots grow


Active Member
Scarecrow looks very real! Been reading this thread all morning. Can't seem to stop haha. What an inspiring thread, thanks for sharing with us. Much respect!


Well-Known Member
Jpbeach28 thanks man thats what i wanted to hear,o and nice rednose on your sceen shot had one for thirteen great years best dog ever i miss him dearly.


Active Member
Yeah she's my little angel/garden.guardian. they give you so much! I'm new to the site and don't want to tred on your thead, but would like to ask a question. Is it a bad idea to foliar mist in the middle part of the day like right now. Its only 87degrees where I live, but very humid and my soils dry even tho I watered yesterday. Og#18 is the strain in 20gal pot. My soil isn't all that oxygenated and I'm also trying to think of a way to get more oxygen and air into tightly packed soil. I'm sorry if this is an innappropiate forum I just can't find much help. Mainly rude ppl.



Well-Known Member
looks wonderful! lovin that dude you dressed up to detour the rippers Genius! now just add a voice boxes to it and blam really scare em, be funny if u had some motion lights and added it too his eyes, they walk past him blam the lights turn on.....LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER!!!! hahahaha looks great lovin them bushes!


Well-Known Member
Bro that manikin/Dummy is BADASS great idea!!

You can see the fucker in some pics on page 6 as well i saw him there just didnt say anything lol..



Well-Known Member
Jpbeach no propblem posting your pics and question i never used to mist or spray my plants during the day but talked to a vary respcted grower who said it is not a problem to spay the leaves during even the hottest part of the day so i tried it when it was 105 out sprayed misted two of them to where they were bending and within the hour they were fully dry and doing what i call the mj prayer leaves were pointing to the sky and they loved it,so now i do it all the time with great results.Do not spray anything but water on during the day though.As far as more oxy to the roots not sure but the mistig will help o and they look good og18 is dank.Biscutkid that is funny would scare the shit out of me if dude had a voice box ,and cam is set up pointing towards him so we will see if i get any good pics.


Well-Known Member
Tokalot that is great ,i like to move him around to keep anyone watching freaked out i have one more out there that is chillin with a coon skin hat on i just need to get some cloths on him he is on the backside of the hill.I bought those two like 7 years ago for 50 dollars they are just punching dummies but look pretty real.


Well-Known Member
Yea i saw the one with no shirt lol good shit man i might have to look into something like this!

Im only 15 feet from my crop plus when that time comes imma be staying outside with them!!

Been Ripped three years ago they took 80% of my crop they had been watching my house for two weeks that wont ever happen again!!


Well-Known Member
God damn man 200s are huge I'm using some 15 gallon grow bags and those feel really big to me ha.

If you could/ had the time to dig some big holes say big enough for 100 gallons of good soil per plant would you do that or just
go with really big pots again.


Well-Known Member
I am really likeing the big pots double take i will be able to tell more after harvest but i do plan on growing a few big trees next year and put a few in the ground, also going to try out some 400s geo bags tan instead of black.I have not had any issues with the black bags getting to hot,or drying out to quickly i just think the tan will blend in with the scenery better.


Well-Known Member
Omg 400s hah that's like queen sized mattress sized probley haha that's insane that's cool though. MORE ROOT MORE FRUIT haha.
and tan is definently a good/cool idea.
keep up the good work man
are you starting to get any pre flowers up there yet I'm in southern California and were just starting to bud down here.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
hahhahaha that dummy is great proper home alone style, great idea as a small preventative!!

i think spending croptober and tbh even sep in a tent sleeping with your girls and an ak, is the way forward, the ruff and lack off sleep for a month will make you extra grizzly and terrifying lol


Well-Known Member
lemon king thanks and that is what i will be doing i have been camping out there about twice a week and will being doing that alot more soon.Sorry havent been on for awhile busy like everyone ,,the plants are sucking down the water 30 gallons every other day and we are still in the smoke some days clear and others it is almost dark.My kosher pheno number 3 is flowering really fast and the indica dom tahoe og is already getting trichs on it and the rest are at a normal pace.Iwill post some new pics sunday after i get home from camping out there.033.jpgThe tahoe


Well-Known Member
HELLO well this weekened was interesting i went out to the property to camp and fertilize the plants on saturday, and then was going to do a little more stakeing on my favorite plant and then start putting the netting over all of them sunday morning.Well saturday was great plants look good got the watering done did some hikeing drank some beer hit the bong had an great day.Was woke up this morning at five to the loudest thunder i have heard also the lighting was so bright it looked like daylight out follwed by a pounding rain that eventually leaked through the tent and went on for quite some time.Iam thinking ooooo shit i should have staked and netted the day before but had know idea it was going to pour ,southern or, is very funny with the weather lots of micro climates with unpridictable weather.well here are a couple off pics and yes i am bummed.003.jpg004.jpg008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Omg that's horrible I am sorry man, dud most of them do ok or end up like that, they seemed like they were supported really well in the cages.


Well-Known Member
DT most of them are ok just need to dry out but 4 of them took a beating and it is my fault i was trying something different with them, i was and still am going to put 4 tee post in a square with three levels of wire running allthe way around for support. When i say wire i mean single strand not full cages like the rest and it will work fine i just was caught by an unexpected storm and am now going to pay for it.The plants growing through the wire cages were not affected thankfully and i learned my lesson the hard way i cant put the netting on until we dry out and the plants take there shape back ,also i thi the one in the picture will mend it self somewhat but will not be what it was.013.jpg037.jpg023.jpg027.jpg028.jpg