2013 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm excited to see how this turns out for you :)

Just popped some myself and thinking of ordering more.

Did you ever end up figuring out what you're gonna do outside?


Well-Known Member
I'm excited to see how this turns out for you :)

Just popped some myself and thinking of ordering more.

Did you ever end up figuring out what you're gonna do outside?
haha thanks me too. what are you thinking about ordering?

well im thinking i am gonna do the trees in the courtyard, and a big scrog in that other outdoor area i have, its like 10' x 30' or so. so maybe like 2 that are 3' x 10' each or so or one that is like 3' x 20', that way ill have plenty of room to walk around them all to train and work with them as i need to. it mainly depends on how many of these plants i have going now are females, im gonna flip them in the next week so i can weed out the males them switch them back to veg until march or april


Well-Known Member
Good thinking. You're def gonna have some trees in that courtyard haha. I put up the harvest pics that you wanted to see. Those 150's aren't being used anymore. Boxed and waiting haha


Well-Known Member
here are some more pics, they are a little droopy because they are thirsty, the light was up though so thought what the heck

sadly some are a bit stretchy, but hey that is what i get for using shitty t-12s to grow them under


Well-Known Member
alright so i got my seeds in yesterday and everything came as ordered but a couple of the seeds were less then fantastic looking but we will see, i will post pictures of that and all my plants(they are getting big) when i can find my sd card so i can take pics with my phone camera, my reg camera sucks. but anyways a couple of the plants are looking droopy and one of them has a weird coloration going on so i tooksome pics with my shitty cam in hopes someone might know whats up.

As you can see a lot of the leaves are drooping. I have been watering them all about 2 a week. i started then on fox farm grow big on sunday and fed them all half strength grow big/ liquid seaweed( it had been about 5 days since they had been watered and they were all looking a bit droopy. i was a bit behind.), with the grow bags the water some times has a tenancy to run down the sides past the dirt and go out of the drainage holes on the side bottoms. This happened with almost all the plants on sunday so on mon when i looked at them and saw they were still droopy i figured it was because they didn't get enough water so i watered them all again(same mix). its now Thursday and they are still droopy. I dont know if i should water again or not, what do you guys think?

The last 5 pictures there are the discoloration i was talking about, it looks cool but i dont know if its a deficiency or what since its the only plant doing it. any ideas?


Active Member
^^^ That is some serious nutrient deficiency right there (P, K? micronutrients), I am very concerned for that plant. Leaves are also burned (damage to the roots?) and from some previous pictures I saw them pointing downwards (water issues) and curled up (too hot in there??). Doesn't look good man. Some of the leaves are also very dark green, which suggests they are getting a bit too much of nitrogen. It looks to me like the plants are getting too much of some nutrients, and not enough of others. Maybe your soil is too acidic, try adding some dolomitic limestone to your watering (brings PH closer to 7), ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what's up with the yellowing man. Haven't really seen all of the new growth turn so discolored like that before.
As far as the watering problem... Your soil has turned into one large dry clump. Instead of watering once, water twice but space it out over 30 mins so the water is able to penetrate. To help losen it up a bit, you can carefully use a fork to break up the top couple inches of dry crusty ass soil. You can also massage the bags with your fingers when you're watering to help the it penetrate. And you can also add a little plain dish soap to the water. It won't hurt the plants, but it will act like a wetting agent to the soil so you can end up watering once instead of a couple times.

Loving the Sea Of Green so far though!


Well-Known Member
whats your PH of your mix you feed them with? you might have PH issues the last pics with the yellow leafs looks like IRON deficiency.
feed it some CAL/MAG make sure it has IRON in it. you should think about doing a flush with PH'ed water then 1/4 nutes.
also are they in soil, coco, ??


Well-Known Member
Not sure what's up with the yellowing man. Haven't really seen all of the new growth turn so discolored like that before.
As far as the watering problem... Your soil has turned into one large dry clump. Instead of watering once, water twice but space it out over 30 mins so the water is able to penetrate. To help losen it up a bit, you can carefully use a fork to break up the top couple inches of dry crusty ass soil. You can also massage the bags with your fingers when you're watering to help the it penetrate. And you can also add a little plain dish soap to the water. It won't hurt the plants, but it will act like a wetting agent to the soil so you can end up watering once instead of a couple times.

Loving the Sea Of Green so far though!

yea that is what i did, i gently broke up a few inches of the top layer with my fingers and slowly watered each one by hand a little at a time so it all absorbed in instead of running down the side lol. a few of the worse ones started looking better a few hours later, although i had also moved them out from the light while i was doing this so maybe that was it.


Well-Known Member
whats your PH of your mix you feed them with? you might have PH issues the last pics with the yellow leafs looks like IRON deficiency.
feed it some CAL/MAG make sure it has IRON in
it. you should think about doing a flush with PH'ed water then 1/4 nutes.
also are they in soil, coco, ??
im not sure what the ph is, its strictly fox farms ocean forest, i have only been using liquid seaweed on them as far as nutes go mostly, i just started them on a half a dose on nutes the other day. and sweet thanks ill get sme cal mag tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Yup, Cal Mag helps in times of a pinch and you're not sure what defiencicy you're facing. Everyone should always have some on deck or mixed into their regular watering schedule to correct problems before they occur.


Well-Known Member
you should get a PH meter its a must for growing the reffer. thats the problem if your not checking the PH of the water/ nutes yor giveing them


Well-Known Member
Alright so its been foreverrrrrrrrrr since i posted on here. Ive been extremely busy with school so haven't had much free time. Unfortunately awhile back my computer crashed and i lost most of my pics that i had for the plants and harvest. I still have some though that i will post. So out of the 25 plants i had started about 12 of them were female. i also had a 5 gallon bucket that i had threw like 12 seeds in because they were extras and i wanted to see what would happen.( what happened was all 12 sprouted and created a big bush. The problem was when i was pulling males out of those 12 plants i missed one and got busy and didnt check for like 3 days and the one i missed blew its load all over my ladies and seeded them. I think out of all 12 plants i ended up with like 12 oz dry.

This one was the biggest one it ended up with almost 4 oz dry

Here is some pics of the others

Heres a couple harvest pics i was able to find

I wish i was able to post all the pics i had taken, i had a ton. I have the next one started already though so ill post those up


Well-Known Member
Ok so here are the ones currently going

Ok so remember the 12 plants in 1 5 gallon bucket i was talking about? well i ended up putting them in the ground but i left them together, i just turned the 5 gallon over like a huge solo cup. out of the 12, 4 ended up being female and out of those 4, 2 budded with the rest of the plants but i was able to get 2 of them to go back into veg. This was back in feb mind you so here is what those 2 seeds started in a 5 gallon bucket with 10 other seeds now looks like;

The net this is under is about 4x6, but i need to add another piece on the side because it is already past the net on the side. The last picture of the trunks if you see the one on the left, that is one plant, it looks like 3 but that is because at one point i had to move it to get it better in the sun and i buried it a bit too deep so you cant see where it splits. The one on the right is a single plant, if you look closely you can see that the main branch fell off, (im not sure what happened, i came out one day and it was broke in half) but the one side branch that was left has taken off, it has started to bud though where the other one is mainly in veg still

here are some of the one in flower

Alright so along with this one i have 4 others that i started inside as an experiment with hempy buckets, but my floros i had them under went out so i decided to just finish them off outside and put them in the ground, i just dropped the top part of the hempy bucket full of perlite right into the dirt. Two of them were seeds from my last crop that got seeded, one was a Belladona seed and the other was a clone from one of my plants last grow.

Group Shots

Here is the clone, it has just started to show hairs

Here is the Belladona, It stayed very short for some reason, smells pretty good though

Here is the first one from last crop seed, it was the first of the 4 to go into flower

Here is the second one, this one is stretching up and going for it, its starting to show hairs but i think it might still have some inches left to go

Alright so those are the ones i have on the side, now for the court yard area. Sadly it took a bit longer for me to get the room ready then i had originally thought. I didn't get them into the ground until the beginning of August, and by that time they were a bit root bound in their 1 gallon bags. So i wont have the monsters i was hoping for but next grow it will be set up and ready so i can get them in asap. I have 3 in there right now, 2 Atomical Hazes and 1 Danky Doodle, The Danky Doodle is in full flower, the hazes are just starting to show hairs.

Here is the Danky Doodle, it is about day 14 or 15 of flowering

Here is Atomical Haze #1 This one is about 5'6 i would say

look at the branches at the bottom of this one, anywhere a branch is the trunk is like indented in

Here is Atomical haze#2, this one is a bit taller at about 5'9 to 6'

Ok i know i prob am forgetting stuff but this is good for now


New Member
hey guys so i live in europe and i want to try to grow my first white widow X big bud i started to grow them before yesterday and now they're lying in the sun :D what do you think? will they grow big enough for flowering time in october?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't imagine anything aroudn 40 degrees north to produce much this late... maybe 1-2 foot tall and 1/2 ounce