2013 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
i only use clones...well,now i do...ask around and im sure you can find a trust worthy dispensary to get them...

using clones skips a lot of work
you wont have to sex your plants...
wont have to baby them as seedlings...
you can grow more strains....
try blue dream if you can find it...
it's simple to grow...and has huge yields...

yea during this grow when i get some nice plants going i may take some clones to see how it goes. And yea i have heard blue dream is a good choice for big yields and ease of growing, ill def try to get a couple of those


Well-Known Member
Most of my bag seeds i had going have popped up. so to start i had 40 seeds germinated, i lost one while planting them and killed another the other night while trying to get a stuck shell casing off :(

So out of the 38 seeds i planted 30 have sprouted so far. Out of those 30;

23 are healthy looken

4 look eh, but it may be because they just came out of the shells they are a little yellow still

2 look bad, they came out of their shells but are all white looken

hopefully the ones that arnt looking too hot will perk up in the next couple days.

i also went out and bought 4 6500k bulbs for my couple of t-12s(2 of which i found out were broken when i got home -_-) i have on them until i can afford to get some t5s, i figure the 6500k t 12s will be fine for veg until i can get the t5s for bloom


Active Member
Hey i like what you got going on but you might want to take in consideration how much shade your garden is getting. I had a problem once planting in an area that didnt get as much sun as I thought it would and got a really thin harvest. just words for thought. looks good though and good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey i like what you got going on but you might want to take in consideration how much shade your garden is getting. I had a problem once planting in an area that didnt get as much sun as I thought it would and got a really thin harvest. just words for thought. looks good though and good luck
Yea i hear what your saying. I chose a bad time to take a pic of those 2 spots because they were at their most shady when i decided to take the pics lol. Come april when i plant though both of those spots are in full sun from day till night pretty much. The courtyard will still have some shading along the sides but im planning on putting some supplemental lighting in for the sides so hopefully that will help


Well-Known Member
you could us cheap mirrors or mylar to relfect some sun into those areas if you need to. id make raisede beds to get them up off the ground some to get air flow under the plants to help with mold in late season. then yhou could put a fan under them if you have to. also maybe some 10ft posts in the corners for suport of the plants. maybe even paint your house white in there.


Well-Known Member
you could us cheap mirrors or mylar to relfect some sun into those areas if you need to. id make raisede beds to get them up off the ground some to get air flow under the plants to help with mold in late season. then yhou could put a fan under them if you have to. also maybe some 10ft posts in the corners for suport of the plants. maybe even paint your house white in there.

Yea i was thinking mirrors but i tried some and i couldn't really get it to reflect where i wanted it. I was planning on painting it all white to hopefully help with it some also, maybe if it works good enough i wont have to use the lights. I was planning on starting them in buckets and having them sit on tables until they got 2 or 3 ft then transferring them into the ground. I like the idea about the posts for support though, i didn't think about that, i like the idea about a fan also cause i was worried i might hae an airflow problem with just the open roof, so i may end up doing that also


Well-Known Member
scrog is great outdoors, its a good method to keep em below the fence as well. I would recommend treating that soil and getting some really good fertilizers in there before you plant.


Well-Known Member
alright so its been about 5 days since i have put them in soil, all but about 3 have sprouted now. For the most part they are all looking great and seem to be growing well.

Most of them seem to be around this height here

2 or 3 seem to be about double the height though around here

so what i was wondering, is it possible these seedlings are stretching to get closer towards the light? or is it more then likely they are just growing faster. They are about 6 or 7 inches away from the light right now, but if they are starting to stretch, ill put something under them to move them closer towards the light


Well-Known Member
i would put them like 4"-3" away
pat a small mount of soil to support the stretching ones....
also warm would be good right now....


Well-Known Member
The leaves on a couple of them are looking wilted

can anyone tell what is causing it from those pics


Well-Known Member
i have never heard of a plant getting too much light, i thought most people ran indoor on 24/0 in veg. Which makes this paragraph confusing

3. High Light - yes, it’s true, you can give our faves too much light. Cannabis does not receive full sun from sunrise to sunset in its natural state. It is shaded or given reduced light levels because of adjacent plant material, cloudy conditions, rain, debris and dust collection on the leaf surface, twilight periods of early morning and late afternoon, and light intensity changes caused by a change in the seasons. Too much light mainly serves to bleach out and destroy chlorophyll as opposed to causing leaf cupping, but it often goes hand-in-hand with high heat for indoor growers. Again, back off on the light and concentrate on developing/maintaining an efficient and robust root system. Keep in mind that all but equatorial material receive less light during flowering than during the vegetative stage.


Well-Known Member
All 5 of those things focus on light and water and heat and nutes. They get the same water and light and heat, but that problem is only happening to 2 our of 34 plants so i dont think its any of those things because it would be more widespread, no? and i havent started nutes yet on these waiting till they get a little older, only at 5-7 days now since they sprouted.

i water each one half a cup of water every other day, is this too much or too little?


Well-Known Member
let me ask u this: Are the 2 that have the cupped leaves, the same two that started out worse than the others? (re: op)2 look bad, they came out of their shells but are all white looken

Cause if so then it's prolly got to do w/ a particular strain not liking ur soil due to their genetics. Let me suggest this for the 2 that'r acting up. Take them out of the soil/cups they'r in, mix a teaspoon, (no more!), of lime (per cup) into the new dirt that ur going to put into the cups and transplant those sickly plants back into the lime treated soil/cups. see if this helps em a lil.
and there arent any nutes in the soil ur using?


Well-Known Member
No sadly those ones didnt end up making it.

well the soil is a mix between some of the soil from my ground(i have really awesome soil here) and some outdoor garden soil, the outdoor garden soil does have some natural stuff in it, like worm castings and bat guano and such, but its one of those pre mixed bags from lowes.

cool ill try the lime out, thanks!