2013 bbq?!

I will be attending this years bbq with

  • one person

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • two people

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • three or more

    Votes: 11 23.9%

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Shelby420 thats to funny i have not had a edible in a while!!! I take it your pretty good at making them. This kinda reminds me it would be sweeet if we had like a vendor list or something. Like those that make the edibles and things as such. I cant get my hands on them really anymore here there is no shops. Really cant wait for the bbq!
That is hella cool Shelby. BKS is amazing for sure! Enjoy your ride hun ;)

I saw your pics a while back you posted. I can't wait, nothing like a well cooked pig. On another note: I strained out my coconut oil that was made using 1.75 oz of bud and 1/4 cup of oil. WOW. I am fucking baked just from licking my fingers and the bowl. ROFLMA, literally. thank god for spell check, lol Time to get to baking. Gonna make some cookies, rice crispy treats and give lollypops a try again. Might have to wait to cook due to being so high, lol. Props go out to BadKat for the decarbing and oil making.
whats up everyone kinda quiet around here. I take it everyone is still trimming. Not to much goin on here just been hanging out smokin
Yea between trimming, getting ready to move, the indoor garden, and life in general, I am pretty swamped to. hope everyone had a great harvest!

stay free stay high

Trimming tree on your own as a first timer isn't very fun. lol

Has anybody baked good with water cured bud before? And that coconut oil sounds delicious. The big culona is coming down tomorrow. She looks like she was wrestling inside a fairy dust sack and came out a churro. Unknown purple pheno, not very aromatic but hopefully what she lacks in smell, she makes up on kick. Edibles a la mode to go as well.

im all wracked up from this stuff i madw, dont ask me now but im gonna just make a day trip and bring som of this for yall
im so frid fawk i wan tto see how uze gus can hanle it

im laing doen
Just FYI, the BBQ is not a pre-scheduled annual event. We have been fortunate enough to have several that went well. But each is a '1off', there is no guarantee of another. Please try to make it to this event if possible. I'm not getting any younger and health issues have a way of popping up at my age. I hope we will use this as an opportunity to meet each other & share knowledge among other things. I would love to meet each of you, and smoke one to next season. I'm gonna be roasting a pig one month from today & you are personally invited. See you there....:cool:.
See you there JJ :) I will bring a side dish (probably asparagus salad - you have had before remember?) and some yummies. Let me know if I can help.
See you there JJ :) I will bring a side dish (probably asparagus salad - you have had before remember?) and some yummies. Let me know if I can help.
Thank you fumble, it will be a pleasure to see you again. Your asparagus salad is to die for, please bring lots! lol, for me anyway!....I'm just roast the pig & bring all the fixin's (bun's, BBQ sauce, paper plates, ect). I will put out a jar for donations for the pig. Looking forward to seeing you there.......:hug:
this is one place where people would still hold their opinions therefor making something like this just a i'll pass. rather enjoy a day out.