2013 Arizona Grower's Cup & 420 Festival

by the way bill, i appreciate what you do. i'd love to be young and involved in growing on a larger scale. i'm just very cautious when it comes to government and the beerocrats who run our lives. i worked for regulatory agencies for years. i trust government like i trust crack whores.

as you've found out over the years, there are at least a couple of ways to interpret any law. many people think their interpretation is correct and end up in jail and/or much poorer due to legal fees. our current govt will fuck with us at every opportunity regards marijuana.

good luck in your endeavors.
lol, what about a six figure salary as a dispensary grower?
there is a job fair happening, sponsored by dispensaries,.... I'm just saying.

and FYI... it's NOT still illegal... treating it like it is seems to be part of the problem, not post of the solution. just my .02 as the guy fighting in Federal Court for ALL of you to be able to grow.

I know a handful of Dispensary owners and not a single one is paying over $50k for a full time grower right off the bat. I would love to hear who is stupid enough to start someone out at 100k without them proving themselves.
why would the attorney general care?

there can be no raid folks, this is a private event, read the laws pertaining to the definition of public place.

This comment should tell you all everything you need to know. Especially coming from the guy who has been raided.
In a pretend world far-far away, a guy in Schwagstaff has a couple of other guys willing to build him a custom building, pay for start-up and operating costs.

What he has to do is bring in the genetics tend to the mostly automated garden (top feed / drain to waste coco) and oversee the on-premise trimming/curing - 96 plants, fully legal 3 caregiver grow.

What do you think would be fair compensation for him?

I said, $20/per hour and a 10% stake in the operation, plus 50% of the trim.
In a pretend world far-far away, a guy in Schwagstaff has a couple of other guys willing to build him a custom building, pay for start-up and operating costs.

What he has to do is bring in the genetics tend to the mostly automated garden (top feed / drain to waste coco) and oversee the on-premise trimming/curing - 96 plants, fully legal 3 caregiver grow.

What do you think would be fair compensation for him?

I said, $20/per hour and a 10% stake in the operation, plus 50% of the trim.

I was gonna say the same minus the 10% stake. I would pay a guy like 21.00 an hour but fuck giving him stake in my investment. If they offer him 10% tell him to take it!! I just couldnt imagine a investor giving up 10% of his company when the company could be shut down on any given day.
I will start at about 75k per year. But like you said lucius, it wasn't off the bat. I have been working with them for over a year now basically for free ;) Had to manage a 12k watt op and a 16k watt, once they saw my work and end product, they had no problem offering me that salary. I will be one of 6 growers at our facility. 2 of us are considered "masters", as we for see and dictate what needs to be done, the others all have their own department, like cloning, veg, flower, etc.

As a result, I am very happy with the work I have put in and what I am getting out. I was hoping for 60k per year but anything extra is a bonus :)
lol, what about a six figure salary as a dispensary grower?
there is a job fair happening, sponsored by dispensaries,.... I'm just saying.

and FYI... it's NOT still illegal... treating it like it is seems to be part of the problem, not post of the solution. just my .02 as the guy fighting in Federal Court for ALL of you to be able to grow.

Not to be a asshole but your last lawsuit was dismissed. Did you learn yet that lawsuits work out better with
a attorney representing you?
After your almost 1000 plant raid don't you think you of all people should not be suggesting people should chill its all legal nothing can happen?
Of course with DEA interaction deals are always offered some take them some don't. Did they offer you anything ?
Do you think that some top growers might consider you to hot to associate with after the raid and all the other publicity
you brought too the MMJ community with close to 1000 plants.

Oh and like the rest of us I do greatly appreciate that you have tried to get the 25 mile rule over turned.

"The best growers keep it on the down low."
"I hear a lot about these so called "underground growers" with awesome grows set up, yet they don't have anything on the market is what you would expect me to believe? I know almost EVERY compassion club owner, collective operator, vapor lounge franchisee and dispensary owner in the state, all of which have been known to receive medication from patients/caregivers that had "excess". Am I to believe that NONE of these cultivation gurus have ever "let some go" on the open AZ market? That I have never met, heard of or better yet seen the product from these growers?

Of course you don't know all the growers and you of course don't see all the great weed being produced. This has to be one of the most arrogant and ridiculous
statements yet on this forum.
I will start at about 75k per year. But like you said lucius, it wasn't off the bat. I have been working with them for over a year now basically for free ;) Had to manage a 12k watt op and a 16k watt, once they saw my work and end product, they had no problem offering me that salary. I will be one of 6 growers at our facility. 2 of us are considered "masters", as we for see and dictate what needs to be done, the others all have their own department, like cloning, veg, flower, etc.

As a result, I am very happy with the work I have put in and what I am getting out. I was hoping for 60k per year but anything extra is a bonus :)

That's cool, but why deal with the stress of working for someone else and having to oversee what I'm guessing will be a federally illegal grow (just don't see how you are going to meet supply and demand with 99 plants), when you could make that kind of scratch running a 4 lighter and keeping a way lower profile?
I was just bs ing lol I like to bs with a fellow bullshitter :) I am underground and proud of it. I don't need some stupid trophy or notoriety to know that I have great meds. All I care about is what my patients and fellow growers have to say about my meds...not some "judges" who don't know indoor from outdoor
"I hear a lot about these so called "underground growers" with awesome grows set up, yet they don't have anything on the market is what you would expect me to believe? I know almost EVERY compassion club owner, collective operator, vapor lounge franchisee and dispensary owner in the state, all of which have been known to receive medication from patients/caregivers that had "excess". Am I to believe that NONE of these cultivation gurus have ever "let some go" on the open AZ market? That I have never met, heard of or better yet seen the product from these growers?

Of course you don't know all the growers and you of course don't see all the great weed being produced. This has to be one of the most arrogant and ridiculous
statements yet on this forum.

Nonsense. Bill would never be arrogant. :fire:
I know a handful of Dispensary owners and not a single one is paying over $50k for a full time grower right off the bat. I would love to hear who is stupid enough to start someone out at 100k without them proving themselves.

funny how on one side of the coin we have..."all the good growers are underground, and have been".... on the other we have..."without proving themselves."
how does an underground grower prove themselves..? ahhhhhh I don't know, maybe enter the contest .?!
ahhhh...i don't know, maybe show of a grow journal or three from your favorite website or forum?!
some of us have already apparently done enough to prove ourselves,I know several people with six figure salaries thanks to a dispensary owner. some of the growers I know we're even offered a percentage! I have been to dispensary owner meetings and on conference calls, I have listened to these owners talk about hiring their contractor to grow because he could build a grow room!? are you kidding with 50k ! ? 1k a week for thousands of plants? not worth it.
give me 1 reason the attorney general WOULD CARE..... I'll wait.

while I wait, yup I sure did get raided!

did I get charged? did anyone get charged? did azcs still get a permit?

see your quick tongue has once again left out a few key points of that discussion, hasn't it? I could give a shit why you don't like me, really I don't care. however your ignorance should be down right amazing to anyone that can read English. I have forgotten more about our MMJ law than you could ever fathom, and have proven it business after business in this state, yet YOU question me? lol@u!
considering the city gave me the permits, the police were hired as required for security, what EXACTLY can the attorney general do about anything? which section of the law EXACTLY is being questioned here?
no buddy yours was... you clearly aren't involved like I am. I own shops, do you? we reimburse vendors for their excess, do you? or stores ONLY carry top shelf and people come to us for that reason, the same reason we see 5-10 flower vendors a week. they all want their flowers on my shelf. want to know why?

CAUSE WE PAY up to 4K A LB!!

when your willing to assume those kind of operational costs you meet a LOT of growers once word gets out. if they even THINK it could go on my shelf they bring it in or send someone else with it.
don't ACT like it doesn't happen either lol, all you have to do is come in to the lounge one day and watch for yourself:-)

FYI, I have been around these threads a looooooong time, much longer than you seem to understand.
if your concern is 99 plants.... you have NO business growing for a dispensary kiddies. my production line in Washington is set for over 6000 plants in rotation at all times. maybe that's why I ask for a larger salary....