2012. What do you beleive?


Well-Known Member
duno what to believe some scientist say that every 28'000 years the earth shifts Pole's.... The earth will stand 1 day still & The moon & the Sun will be in oposite directions i guess ...

making a shift in the poles


Well-Known Member
other possibilities

also yelllowstone national park has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so and its a lil overdue. and the fallout from the eruption i heard would be strong enough to wipe out either north america or earth in general and cause an extreme winter for a loooooong time. also geologists have been noticing an increase in pressure underneath yellowstone.

"Scientists in Europe have been building the world’s largest particle accelerator. Basically its a 27km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the Universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it’s properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They’re predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes."

idk much about physics or astronomy but i think a black hole would be pretty dangerous to create.
Large Hadron Collider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thats the accelerator

idk ive just looked up a lot of end of the world scenarios and watch discovery a lot so i figured id share my paranoia with the rest of you. pretty bugged out when your blasted.

btw the date the mayans believed to be the last day was december 21, 2012. 12/21/2012.


Well-Known Member
interesting read :

[FONT=arial,helvetica]The Mayans noticed the relative slippage of the positions of stars in the night sky over long periods of observation, indicative of precession, and foretold this great coming attraction. By using an invention called the Long Count, the Mayans fast-forwarded to anchor December 21, 2012 as the end of their Great Cycle and then counted backwards to decide where the calendar would begin. Thus the Great Cycle we are currently in began on August 11, 3114 B.C. But there's more. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]The Great Cycle, lasting 1,872,000 days and equivalent to 5,125.36 years, is but one fifth of the Great Great Cycle, known scientifically as the Great Year or the Platonic Year - the length of the precession of the equinoxes. To use a metaphor from the modern industrial world, on Winter Solstice A.D. 2012 it is as if the Giant Odometer of Humanity on Earth hits 100,000 miles and all the cycles big and small turn over to begin anew. The present world age will end and a new world age will begin. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Over a year's time the Sun transits through the twelve houses of the zodiac. Many of us know this by what "Sun sign" is associated with our birthday. Upping the scale to the Platonic Year - the 26,000 year long cycle - we are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Mayan calendar does not really "end" in 2012, but rather, all the cycles turn over and start again, vibrating to a new era. It is as if humanity and the Earth will graduate in the eyes of the Father Sun and Grandmother Milky Way. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Why should we care about the Mayans today? Is there anything we can learn from them? The trees give us oxygen to breathe and help create the nourishing rains upon which we depend, sustaining life. We are missing these rains in places where the trees have been cut down or burned. Fires begin that nature can no longer extinguish. For the Mayans, trees were intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds, and absolutely essential to life. They believed that without the tree man could not survive and that "with the death of the last tree comes the death of the human race." [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]The ancient carved stones and the stars themselves tell us we are on the brink of a new world age. There is no reason not to take a leap of faith into imagining what may be in store. We may trust that it is time for humanity to awaken into a true partnership with each other, with the Earth, and the Cosmos. By accepting this partnership we may claim our birthright and become Galactic Citizens who care for and sustain the planet, thus sustaining ourselves. This is clearly the challenge of our times. Yet, arriving just in time and on schedule is the Winter Solstice dawn on the day we may remember that we are truly Children of the World.

[FONT=arial,helvetica]For full artical klick here !


New Member
According to science before the last pole shift Alaska was at the equator. Kind of makes you think. Yes I saw that stuff about the underground super volcano in Yellowstone that is due to blow. There's supposed to be some big solar flare in 2012 too. I heard something about some wandering planet crashing into us that year.

Anyone planning to store water and food and stuff just in case?

Maybe 12-21-2012 will be the day all world governments open their arms and embrace Marijuana.

Beautiful dreamer, wake unto thee.......


Well-Known Member
i could try to store marijuana, pretzels and coolade just in case, but i'd end up getting desperate and consuming it all the next day hah