From what ive read, watched, heard, and seen, Dec 21 2012 may just be the end of earth. Preictions from different times, different people all who say the end is in 2012. The Mayian civilization's calender stops on Dec 21 2012. They were right about many of things like eclipses thousands of years after their time, even about their own downfall. The I CHI (chinese) told about the end of time on 2012. And 20 years b4 jesus, and orical who had fortold about many things to come that did actually happen talked about 2012 being the end. You cant explain their sightings, but you can also understand that its real, and its happening now. 4 years and the planet Nibius from the milkyway will pass between the earth and sun on 2012, it does so every 3600 years. and when 2012 comes it will complete the 26000 years. This passing of this planet is spos to cause the earth to stop rotations for one whole week, and thus causing chaotic events to occur. Its coming. 4 years guys, its almost here.
these videos are 6 parted, 9mins long, and tells all about 2012 and the coming of it.
YouTube - December 21 2012 the END? (Part 1 of 6).
YouTube - December 21 2012 the END? (Part 2 of 6).
YouTube - December 21 2012 the END? (Part 3 of 6).
YouTube - December 21 2012 the END? (Part 4 of 6).
YouTube - December 21 2012 the END? (Part 5 of 6).
YouTube - December 21 2012 the END? (Part 6 of 6).