2012 Spring Gathering!

man you guys got me jonesen' for down home seafood. I grew up on Tampa Bay, and the Bullfrog creek. Fishing and seafood catching of all kinds is what I grew up on. I'm spoiled as hell because of it though. When your used to only eating seafood straight out of the water, anything else just doesn't work. I've never liked Oysters though, that's one shell fish you can keep right there. I'll stick to my bay scallops (the little bitty ones smaller than a dime) and clams and crabs. Not to mention fresh caught Reds or Snook..........mmmmmmmmmm........but if it's been out of the water more than a few hours it's no good any more in my book......spoiled brat huh??

not spoiled at all, just like any bc west coast brat (but with different species of yummies i bet). everything except sea urchins, which are like nature's torture device through and through. :hurl:

.... "what d'ya mean, ya wanna adulterate it with FIRE first? how barbaric....." :lol:
Oysters? Split the oyster, on the side that the oyster is not sticking to add a bit of butter and a shot of your fav BBQ sauce. Remove the oyster from the other shell and plunk it on top of the ingredients in the other half shell . Now BBQ the oyster in it's own shell by placing it on a BBQ with medium heat and remove it after it has sizzled itself to perfection. remove with tongs and swallow when you dare. It is "oh my god" good!! Sorry for you Fumble. I'm in the same camp as Mountaingarden , Love Seafood

Don't forget to bring your favorite sauce!

I have a friend on Hood Canal . When I visit her, I put a bottle of Tobasco and an oyster knife in my back pocket, a 6 pack of beer in the Livingston, and motor across in the skiff to the oyster beach for lunch. Just pick a rock with dinner under my feet, pop open a cold beer, and start shucking. :-) When I'm happy, I pick a bucket to bring back for everybody else!
man....trip down memeory lane today...I took a couple bong hits and started thinking about the Bullfrog Creek.
Midnight.....full moon.....crossbow and spotlight. Coons on the bank lookin' at ya, mullett jumping in the boat from shining the spotlight next to it, and pulling crabtraps....yea that was wrong, but I was only 12. Come home at around 3 AM and wake up Granny to put the big pot on the stove....Gotta cook them crabs before they die. Skin the coon, and see if we lucky enough to get a mullett full of roe........man I miss home sometimes!!
man you guys got me jonesen' for down home seafood. I grew up on Tampa Bay, and the Bullfrog creek. Fishing and seafood catching of all kinds is what I grew up on. I'm spoiled as hell because of it though. When your used to only eating seafood straight out of the water, anything else just doesn't work. I've never liked Oysters though, that's one shell fish you can keep right there. I'll stick to my bay scallops (the little bitty ones smaller than a dime) and clams and crabs. Not to mention fresh caught Reds or Snook..........mmmmmmmmmm........but if it's been out of the water more than a few hours it's no good any more in my book......spoiled brat huh??

Not spoiled at all, just know your seafood! Growing up on the West Coast and then spending 10 years in Alaska, if I don't catch it, I'm suspect of the freshness. Once you know the good stuff, no going back. Not much beats catching a chicken halibut and taking it straight down to the galley.

Reserve judgement on oysters until you at least have a look at these, Wheezer. We've changed a lot of people's attitudes about oysters with them! Raised on a small island off the coast in crystal clear water. They'll come out of the water the morning we leave, and I'll bring all the fixings to tempt non-oyster folks into trying a tiny taste. Those already fans of the truly ugly little guy will be in heaven. Scallops are naturally "cute", oysters have to overcome their looks first!
I was really realy drunk one New Years Eve, and they say I ate steamed oysters on crackers with hot sauce, but I still to this day don't believe it! haha
At least you didn't get talked into eating balut on New Years. :lol: I can bring a basket of freash eggs if you guys like ?
Those are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Never could make it as well as do at the fishhouse verra cruz in carlsbad but I ain't dead yet niether so there is still time. Those BBQ'D oysters are real easy though and with a good beer............yeah, that's it right there. Oysters and friends are just made for each other. Good times
At least you didn't get talked into eating balut on New Years. :lol: I can bring a basket of freash eggs if you guys like ?
Yeah well go ahead and give my share of "Ballnut" wtfti to fumble, I'm sure she will enjoy it at least as much as you did, lol.
Two fine reasons to avoid drinkin' thinkin' as often as you can! MAYBE epic has to do with getting a Chilcoot Charlie's t-shirt in Esther, Alaska. There's only one way to get one...and it isn't with an Amex card. Hubby's only comment: "It was memorable, honey." Has been the source of many laughs and much ribbing over the years... but something never repeated. :-)
My mother-in-laws boyfriend wants to bring along some of the beef they raised this past season, mmmmm so good, and possibly some pork they did as well, all natural , raised by us here in the Yuba county area, it really dont get any better, so good that we are buying 3 to 5 more head of cattle , and looking at building a better area and pen for more porkies later this year. will keep updated on what we can bring...cant wait ot meet many of you, should be a toasty & tasty time!!!!