2011 Organic Outdoor Grow: Northern California


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU, this my first thread on here, I usually post updates on GC but just thought I would share my grow with you guys. I grow for flavor rather than quantity. Starting these plants indoors for a few weeks.
My seedling mix consists of Sunshine #4, Worm castings, and perlite.
The bag seed has been transplanted into Roots organic 1 gallon pot.

The Stuff:

Base Soil:

  • Roots Organic
Super Soil:

  • Roots Organic
  • Worm Castings
  • Mocha Bat Guano
  • Steamed Bone Meal
  • Blood Meal
  • Dolomitic Limestone
The mix has sat for a month and and is now at the bottom of my holes.

The Strains (Single Seeds, Feminized):

  • Ice (Indica Dominant)
  • Pure Power Plant (Sativa Dominant)
  • Sugar Black Rose (100% Indica) FREE!
  • Morning Glory (Sativa Dominant)
  • BLZ Bud (Sativa Dominant)
  • Northern Lights Blue (Indica)
Here they are, 2 days old.

Bagseed started 25 days ago. LST'ed for a week so far and FIM'ed a week ago as well



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU.

Looks like your off to a good start, thanks for sharing

Good luck



Well-Known Member
Thank you fellas, here are some updated pictures

Day 8 for my Tude seeds

And my bagseed is now a month old, took this yesterday. Trimmed of a good amount of fan leaves, continuing LST.



Well-Known Member
Right on dude, good to have ya on RIU, plant looks happy, seedlings look happy...Should be a fun grow. How big you gonna grow 'em before you put them out? Any pics of your garden plot?


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the long time with out an update. Here ya'll go.

During the past few weeks my girls have seen nothing but beautiful sun all day. The past few days has been super overcast with showers throughout the entire day. Today is the first day with sun in a while, and its perking them up a lot.

As you can see from the pictures I spilled some MycoMadness on the leaves of my SBR and BLZ Bud. Almost killing them. They are still hanging in their however.

Day 10

Day 13

Day 18



NL Blue

Morning Glory

And the bad...


Sugar Black Rose


Well-Known Member
I have some of these same seeds layin' around, so I'll be interested to see how they come out. The Sugar Black Rose sounds interesting, and I always wanted to see an Ice plant grown out. I'll be watching!