2011: My Personal Medical Garden


Well-Known Member
I'm still digging holes and gathering supplies, but it's all coming together.

I've already got a gorgeous little Blue Dream clone out back getting acclimated to the outdoors, and I plan to pick up another clone of some sort of heavy indica in the next week or two. Also doing a couple from seed, just because I want to see if there's anything to this whole Cannabis Cup Winner hype.



Active Member
the super lemon haze is not as good as its put out to be. i grew it last season. didnt yeild like they say, and takes WAY WAY too long to finish... if your in an area where you get early rains i suggest you cover her with a canopy cuz she will go all the way thru to november! even indoors it took all of 12 weeks to finish ripening. and the end product wasnt as good as they put it out to be... definitly has a great lemon smell and someone of a spicey lemon flavor but the high is definitly not as potent as they say... thats just my 2cents, and im not a novice grower. i do know what im doin.


Well-Known Member
Cool, one of the only other growers I know in person(not from RIU) is growing Tangering Dream this year, pretty much cause he wants to see if it lives up to the hype right now. I'm currently smoking on some dlue dream, too, lol...But yeah, i've heard much the same about the SLH, but you never know, maybe you'll be blessed with some amazing plant! I hope so, it's not fun to have plants take up that much real estate in your grow area, only to turn out mediocre. But i'm sure we're all looking forward to some pics of your garden and plants when you start 'em!


Well-Known Member
the super lemon haze is not as good as its put out to be. i grew it last season. didnt yeild like they say, and takes WAY WAY too long to finish... if your in an area where you get early rains i suggest you cover her with a canopy cuz she will go all the way thru to november! even indoors it took all of 12 weeks to finish ripening. and the end product wasnt as good as they put it out to be... definitly has a great lemon smell and someone of a spicey lemon flavor but the high is definitly not as potent as they say... thats just my 2cents, and im not a novice grower. i do know what im doin.
I'm in an area with blazing hot golden sun until November, unless it starts raining early, which it sometimes does. But then even if it does, it's usually warm and sunny in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Cool, one of the only other growers I know in person(not from RIU) is growing Tangering Dream this year, pretty much cause he wants to see if it lives up to the hype right now. I'm currently smoking on some dlue dream, too, lol...But yeah, i've heard much the same about the SLH, but you never know, maybe you'll be blessed with some amazing plant! I hope so, it's not fun to have plants take up that much real estate in your grow area, only to turn out mediocre. But i'm sure we're all looking forward to some pics of your garden and plants when you start 'em!
Yeah, I really hope it does well, but I have high hopes for it, and here's why: It's Super Silver Haze crossed with Lemon Skunk. I grew Blue Dream last year, which is Super Silver Haze crossed with Blueberry, and that shit is a serious heavy producer in full sun and kept well fed.
Nice D! I have both strains going as well. Just recently germed the Super Lemon Haze, but the Tangerine Dream are already about 6' tall and filled in nicely. I can't post pics on here yet I don't believe but when I can I will post some up if you'd like. They have really been easy to grow thus far. Good call with the Blue Dream as well. One of my personal favs along with 707 Headband. Good luck to you brother!


Well-Known Member
I've never seen pot seeds take this long to sprout. In the past, I've had bag seed pop in as little as two days. One of the SLH popped this morning, but nothing from the other three yet. I guess I just need to have a little patience.


Well-Known Member
Seeds sprouting, and one SLH after her first day in the sun:

Blue Dream clone, ready for her second topping. She'll be in the ground this weekend.



Well-Known Member
My poor shredded habanero plant here shows the damage a late season Sacramento hail storm can do to a plant. This happened yesterday. Thankfully, no marijuana was damaged, as I brought everything inside and put it under lights when I saw the storm warning.



Well-Known Member
Yo...good start! Your gonna love that Blue Dream, she'll yield very nice for ya. I'll be lurking.


My plants almost got destroyed my that hail storm, luckily I hadn't put them in the ground yet so I was able to move all the plants under an overhang.


Well-Known Member
My plants almost got destroyed my that hail storm, luckily I hadn't put them in the ground yet so I was able to move all the plants under an overhang.
I had actually planned to put at least one of them in the ground the day of the storm. Sure glad I didn't..


Well-Known Member
Had a violent hailstorm. Again. This is June, damnit.

Seedlings still in containers, so they came in this morning to be under the light for the day and missed everything.

But my Blue Dream girl is firmly in the ground, and took one hell of a beating while I was at work. She seems to have taken it well, and lost no foliage, but this shit needs to stop. It's stressing me out.


Well-Known Member
Same area here, same issues with the weather. I also moved them in during the storm and hail. This weather sucks!


Well-Known Member
I'm with you D.S.M. My plants got pelted with the hailstorm. Luckily I have a little bit of tree cover over the Blue Dream I just dropped in the ground the other day. :)

My poor Anaheim peppers and Tomatoes are beat to alllllll hell. :(


Well-Known Member
A storm-beaten and seasonally confused blue dream.

She's still gonna give me five pounds. Watch.