2011 Grow


Active Member
I got 20 clones about 6 weeks ago and they were all about 6 inches tall, since then 2 have died and the other 18 are growing strong. Im not sure of which strains I have but I was told I have a mix of indicas and sativas which makes sense.
Ive topped and been supercropping the ones I think are indicas (Short and bushy) and topped a couple of the ones I think are the Sativas and they all seem to be reacting well to it. Some of them have like 8 healthy tops.
It looks to me like they will start flowering in a week or so, there are some clear pistils on some of the nodes of the plants.
I also planted a couple seeds in may and 4 turned into plants. So far it appears two are definitely female and im not sure about the other 2.
I feed my plants with a all purpose fertiliser about every week.

What do you think? Im hoping to yield about 3-4 pounds from the 20 plants.
I live in Southern Ontario (613) and harvest is usually late September or mid-October, So Ive got about 8-10 weeks left before harvest. Do you think I can meet that goal?

Also in the attached image; What could be causing this? I only have seen leafs like that on a couple of my plants, this one happens to be on one of my plants from seed

