2010 South Carolina Outdoor Grow Show


Well-Known Member
I donty have anything against either of ya'll its pretty funny to see ya'll fighting when he was actually complementing you.
I come here to get/give great advice and see awesome grows(like yours!!!)
I find hard to grow outside where we live (with as hot as it gets/humididty)
im quite impressed with your final outcome


Well-Known Member
There have been some questions about the buds, and why they look so dark. The Sour Diesel looks normal, and is drying normal, so I don't know what the questions are on that? The bud is dank, smells great, but I guess that that doesn't translate as well into pictures.

It didn't help that I shot the pictures of the buds through glass jars, with a glare of light making it difficult to see them.

The G13/Haze was put in jars early to dry/cure, due to extreme smell. The buds were aired out every few hours because of this. They look dark, but they're not moldy in the least, and have dried very well. The drying has brought out a lotta visible crystals on the surface.

Guess no one here has smoked any bud that's been dark but strong? I guess when you buy all your bud from medical dispensaries, you get spoiled.

Hopefully next year's thread will have a little better participation. Seems like the last couple months only a handful of the same people kept tabs on my grow. Not too many bucket grows this year, so this kind of surprised me.

I didn't have a huge Cali medi grow like 90% of the people on here, so I guess that made my efforts negligible and uninteresting in comparison.
I really enjoyed your thread! I could relate to it because it was'nt a huge grow.I learned alot from you. Your pics and vids were great! Thanks! +rep!

someone else

Active Member
I really enjoyed your thread! I could relate to it because it was'nt a huge grow.I learned alot from you. Your pics and vids were great! Thanks! +rep!
I'm glad someone gleaned something from my efforts this year. If anything, I hope you learned from some of my mistakes, such as putting up a fence for deer as soon as you put plants out at your plot. I feel so stupid because of that rookie mistake, and it cost me over 60% of my original G13/Haze and Sour Diesel seedlings.

Also should have used BT spray for the caterpillars earlier in the year, so they wouldn't have been such a problem during harvest. I had to harvest 4 of my best Sour Diesel early because of a massive caterpillar infestation. I'm still smoking on those buds, and they're good, but not great like they could have been had they been allowed to fully mature.

Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by!
LOL...Whew, thanks for finally weighing in on that Budboy.

Like your opinion matters at all. :roll:

Signing off...thankfully.

My early suspicions were correct. You are a dick. And because of the fact that you will not be able to resist the urge to respond to a trollish comment such as this, you also suffer from low self-esteem.

someone else

Active Member
My early suspicions were correct. You are a dick. And because of the fact that you will not be able to resist the urge to respond to a trollish comment such as this, you also suffer from low self-esteem.
Was it cathartic to get that off your chest?

I love the pseudo-psychologists here on RIU.....with the mental aptitude of a 10 year old.

Let that anger eat you up kid...it reads really funny so keep going with it.....lol.


Well-Known Member
good harvest.
only thing i dont like is the sunbleached brown color instead of the green dank look, but bud is bud.
Great job man.

someone else

Active Member
good harvest.
only thing i dont like is the sunbleached brown color instead of the green dank look, but bud is bud.
Great job man.
Haha, what is it with you guys?

The weed isn't sunbleached brown, its fuckin green.

I mean I appreciate the feedback, but I've provided photos that clearly show green buds.

Guess it's just fun to try and rile someone up....move along.


Active Member
Everything looks excellent man, Great Job!! I think your shit looks dank. Anyway thanks for the thread it was very helpful. If i read correctly you said you let em germinate and threw em into buckets? Im thinkin of having a very simalar setup exept im a ways north from you. Thanks again. Peace

someone else

Active Member
Everything looks excellent man, Great Job!! I think your shit looks dank. Anyway thanks for the thread it was very helpful. If i read correctly you said you let em germinate and threw em into buckets? Im thinkin of having a very similar setup except im a ways north from you. Thanks again. Peace
Yea, the native clay soil was unworkable in my particular guerrilla garden. Even after replacing it (the most challenging ground removal project I've been a part of) with good soil, there was zero drainage from even normal waterings. The roots were suffocating in water for weeks before I could brandish some 5-gallon buckets.

I appreciate you taking the time to look things over. I made several mistakes this year, but still ended up with over a pound of what I think is going to be great bud in a few more weeks. I just smoked a glass hitter of G13/Haze and then Sour Diesel from Sept 10th back to back, and I'm really in a good place now. I'm up but very sedated. Kinda crazy.

Already have seed plans for next year, and plan on making several raised bed boxes to plant them in. I'll be undertaking a major seed breeding program next year, one that will hopefully produce several thousand healthy and viable seeds. I'll be growing in a more familiar environment, but one with it's own sets of challenges, as is the case wherever you grow.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on, and if you wanna bounce some ideas off me, PM me and let me know what's going on. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you did ok & know what you did wrong

A couple ideas if you will, no raised beds, dig some semi deep wide hole & start bringing some quality soil out there after the snow season when you are ready to drop your new kids in there

I would not go back to that spot unless you feel no one else has been there & plant in another spot also. Don't keep your eggs in one basket

I have also used 50 gallon toats to grow in just fill them up with good soil I would look into Subcool Super Soil it will feed them without your needing any other nutes for them during flowering so it is a no brainer to get nice looking plants

someone else

Active Member
Sounds like you did ok & know what you did wrong

A couple ideas if you will, no raised beds, dig some semi deep wide hole & start bringing some quality soil out there after the snow season when you are ready to drop your new kids in there

I would not go back to that spot unless you feel no one else has been there & plant in another spot also. Don't keep your eggs in one basket

I have also used 50 gallon toats to grow in just fill them up with good soil I would look into Subcool Super Soil it will feed them without your needing any other nutes for them during flowering so it is a no brainer to get nice looking plants
Well 2011 I'll be in a completely different region of the United States.

I won't be doing one big uniform grow, but rather, several different plots with a few different mediums. Some will be in raised beds, many directly into the ground, and a few in buckets, just for shits and giggles (and because I know I could get much bigger and better looking buds if I tried again with buckets).

I'll be LSTing some plants, topping others, while topping and LSTing to still others.

Really keen on making a few thousand seeds next year (along, of course, with pounds and pounds of Sensimilla...hehe). :leaf:

The best part of this years spot was it was a very secure location, with layers of natural security built around it. I'd grow there again for sure if I were to stay in the South.

Those are good suggestions you offered too. The native soil I'll be working with next year will be more sandy than anything, which lends itself to good drainage. I'll still have to supplement some peat moss and other good soils, along with some other ingredients....

Meanwhile, I've been looking a lot into picking up a Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer in the near future. Seems like a good lifestyle fit for me, as I like to get out and about in nature (camping/hiking/disc golf/etc).

Anyone have any experience using one? I've seen nothing but positive responses about it. I'd think the only drawback would be to having to worry about batteries all the time, but hell I have rechargeables...haha.

I smoked 1 glass hitter of G13/Haze an hour ago, and I'm still pretty giddy. That stuff has changed a lot in the last couple days even. Smokes really clean, smells like some minty-piney awesomeness, and gets you that really up yet 'medicated' feeling.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the native clay soil was unworkable in my particular guerrilla garden. Even after replacing it (the most challenging ground removal project I've been a part of) with good soil, there was zero drainage from even normal waterings. The roots were suffocating in water for weeks before I could brandish some 5-gallon buckets.

I appreciate you taking the time to look things over. I made several mistakes this year, but still ended up with over a pound of what I think is going to be great bud in a few more weeks. I just smoked a glass hitter of G13/Haze and then Sour Diesel from Sept 10th back to back, and I'm really in a good place now. I'm up but very sedated. Kinda crazy.

Already have seed plans for next year, and plan on making several raised bed boxes to plant them in. I'll be undertaking a major seed breeding program next year, one that will hopefully produce several thousand healthy and viable seeds. I'll be growing in a more familiar environment, but one with it's own sets of challenges, as is the case wherever you grow.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on, and if you wanna bounce some ideas off me, PM me and let me know what's going on. :leaf:
Live and learn man. I think this hobby would turn boring really fast if things became static. Don't know about you, but I've learned an astonishing amount of information from this season. I read and read for like a month before I even began, so I thought I had a basic understanding, but things change a lot in practice compared to on paper.

As for seed selection, I have a few in mind. I try not to think about it too much since next year is still a long ways away and I know I'll probably change my mind at least 10 times between now and then. Two things I know for certain 1) I'm only going to use fem seeds unless my living situation changes before now and then and I have the room/time to grow out mothers in the winter and only put out female clones. Seems like that's the method most of the vets and large scale growers do it. 2) I'm only going to go with strains that finish by Oct 1. Although the temps usually stay high enough well into October, where I live the weather usually turns into nothing but rain mid to late September. Had to pick 2 of my plants like 7-10 days early because they were starting to develope some mold. Something you might want to keep in mind if you are moving back up north in a region with wet fall weather. The only strain I grew this year that I'd consider doing again was that Ceres Purple. It started flowering like July 22-24 and finished by the end of sept. Didn't turn purple for me, but it was still by far my most dank strain. Yield was good and the smell was incredible. Finding better sites with more light and digging bigger holes are a given. My native soil is clay too, but I didn't have the drainage problems like you were having. They were on a slight hillside so that probably helped with drainage.

Anyway, congrats again on the harvest! Keep in touch.


Well-Known Member
Haha, what is it with you guys?

The weed isn't sunbleached brown, its fuckin green.

I mean I appreciate the feedback, but I've provided photos that clearly show green buds.

Guess it's just fun to try and rile someone up....move along.
Im not trying to rile you or anyone up. Yea i see green just maybe you need to manicure your nugs better.


Well-Known Member
Obviously some of the kids here have never SEEN good bud.

As MJ dries and cures the pistils turn a reddish brown. Good bud is brown, wet bud is still bright green - only dopey kids think good bud is green..

Here is my yield this year - 44 ounces, not bad from 3 plants

44 ounces 002.jpg

Hope it gets as dank and brown as some of the bud shown here..


Well-Known Member
totally not true ^^^ good bud can be brown but it is certainly strain and drying method dependent. any buds better than no bud though lol

Nice grow man, I cant wait for next year either... gonna be fun man...

I watched this thing from the start man, keep it up.

Im thinking about going exclusively with autos next year... BUT i cant find much info on outdoor auto grows... except 1-2 plant bullshit

someone else

Active Member
Obviously some of the kids here have never SEEN good bud.

As MJ dries and cures the pistils turn a reddish brown. Good bud is brown, wet bud is still bright green - only dopey kids think good bud is green..

Here is my yield this year - 44 ounces, not bad from 3 plants

View attachment 1229500

Hope it gets as dank and brown as some of the bud shown here..
Thanks Spanishfly, I agree with you.

I think you're right: all my hairs were bright red before I picked them...now that curing is in full-force, those hairs have turned a dark red/brown. From a distance, with a bad camera, I'm convinced this is what people see as brown. It's probably easier for me, as I'm looking at the buds in real-time....it's just difficult to show you, the RIU community, what I see.

That's my fault, I have a bad camera, and the onus is on me to produce viable pictures that you guys can see/critique.

I get that.