2010 Purple Widow Outdoor Grow


Last years outdoor grow was an absolute failure!

This year I started 5 seeds in March, 4 were male. One remaining female is in the middle of my tomato garden! This seed has been outdoors in PA since March 15th and has survived several overnight frosts. I noticed her preflowering last week. that's when I yanked all the males. She started a little slow, I am assuming that was because of the low temps. She has gotten darker and began shooting up in the last week or two. Today she stands at only 8" high! I am on a large farm and the plants are probably a little too close to home. I think I am just going to stick with the one plant this year. She will probably be a large Christmas tree by October! I will try to give weekly updates!!!



Well-Known Member
Damn that girl is a trooper! Sorry to hear about the crappy female to male ratio. I
Imagine the frosts caused some stress but it will bounce back


Active Member
just means this girl has good jeans....so your lucky,
yeah shes gonna be atleast 5ft at the min, she already has a purple tint to her

but 6 nods in 8 in, damn thats gonna be a hella of a tree, just dont stress her, they can take only so much...good luck man


Well-Known Member
Yess purple widow grows are so rare nowadays, im going to get some either 2moro or the day after (good prices). I've heard only good things from purple widow , Good beginner strain ..Very bushy and large And also Potent And Also GOOD yielder! Good luck with your grow man im starting mine a little late , the last frost date for me was like 2 1/2 weeks ago but i lost my seeds so im gonna order some purple widow! Hope we both do good homez. Peace


Every few days I pull handfulls of grass out from around the base of the plant... I try to keep her cleared. The lower fan leaves have pinkish / purple stems. She has a large cluster of preflowers at the top. the pistils are white with a purple line through it. Absolutly gorgeous! I am hoping I get a good yeild from her. Might start a few more seeds and see if I get any more fems before I put them in the ground!


Took a few pics today, testing the 8MP camera on my new Droid Incredible... Tell me what you think about the plant and photo quality of a cellphone camera... Plant will be 6 weeks tomorrow. 10" tall and starting to build a few heavy bud sites outdoors. The top is beautiful! I started 4 more seeds yesterday. They've all popped and are in 16oz. Solo cups. I will get pic of them when they start showing some signs of sex.



Well-Known Member
Herbiesheadshop.com Best prices out of all seedbanks Trust meh Bro. << lol i sounded like a representative! Lesr Is this only one plant? and where are u located because im gonna start a guerilla grow too but obviously late because of some issues... Peace Good luck with everything homie


I've decided, since my girl is so strong and vigorous that I would like to continue this specific plant. I have removed her from the garden and placed her in a bucket. Once I get decent growth on the side shoots I am gonna take a lot I've clones from her and place them out in the garden. Keep your eyes on this thread, I will document the entire process here...


Ok, she has shown no signs of transplant shock after being dug up from the garden... I trimmed the lower fan leaves at the same time and she is already showing new growth! I am going to allow the side growth to extend until I am able to take some decent clones. The cola is continuing to build... for as much stress that I have put her through she sure is doing great. I also started 3 seeds on 5/27. They are doing well also. I will get some photos of the seedlings up soon!



Well-Known Member
Damn flowering so soon? How old is it now ? Lol I lost track bud. But Looks real Healthy And Not to mention Sexy ;) haha And is that on your roof? Looks like it ...See ya


I've three female Purple White Widows growing outdoor gorilla style, and four Mazar x Afphgans. All extracted and planted at three weeks. The Purple White Widow's will be a month old 06/10/2010 and are easily two feet tall. Funny thing - three PWW's showed sex at three weeks with the male pollen sacs perfectly identifiable. In contrast, the Mazar x Afghans ( same age as the PWW'S ) are well behind the curve in that regard.

So, I had a total of six PWW's, three of which were male and subsequently destroyed. I think ( think! ) all four Mazar x Afghans are female. Keeping my fingers crossed.