200w CFL Box Grow - Flower cycle 25 days - bud pics


Well-Known Member
hi all,

just thought I would update the latest from my first grow.

background: I have a medical condition and live in a country where I can't get weed as meds.......so I took matters into my own hands. This is my first grow. 200 cfl (actual watts), its one big plug and grow bulb with a reflector. I'm using all mix soil and have 3 plants - 2 easy kush and one OG Kush. One of the plants is topped and I'm using superthrive on that one....the others have not been messed with

I'm a now 4 weeks into flower and have been using biobiz bloom. I need the plants to stay short so kept the light close and started flowering when the girls were rather short but mature. The grow started in a closet and had to be moved to a box.

Have a look and see what you think. I have tried to keep things as simple as possible. No filters or fancy shit. Just a light, reflective box good soil, good seeds a fan / ventilation and some nutes.

1. This is my first grow so no idea when it's due to finish, the seedbank said 6-8 weeks....any ideas by looking at the plants?
2. Should I be feeding with each water?.....I have been recently.....1.5ml of bloom in each feed so diluted. I havn't done a flush yet but did a heavy water a few weeks back
3. The fan is on from 7am - 10pm....does it really need to be on 24/7?
4. Let me know what you pro's think so far ! lol

Thanks for looking and pls feel free to leave comments........I'm new to this game so any advice or any idea of how I'm doing is huge for me lol



Well-Known Member
I'd say they look pretty sweet! Considering it's your first grow it seems to be looking great..

1. Looking at the plant i'd say another 4-5 weeks.. but post some more pictures in later weeks to see where you're up to
2. If the feedin schedule is working for you KEEP IT! :)
2. a) Since you're flowering you might wanna try add some extra PK in there in about 2 - 3 weeks for an extra boost
3. I think the fan being on 24/7 is cool as long as your plant is not always in direct wind from the fan e.g. Oscilating fans.. But I keep mine on all day.. turn them off after the lights go off.. then turn them back on later on..

Them are just thoughts based on my knowledge.. Good luck brother.


Well-Known Member
looking good and helthy and what to expect from CLFs .. tho look in to LTS/toppin in the future ..

my best guess would be 4 weeks more .. get a 100x microscope and look at the thricomes .. look like you got plenty ;)

keep feed it atlest 2-3 weeks more .. cut the nuts last week or so .. and do some more heavy waterings ..

I run my ventilation 6" and carbon filter 24/7 but I cut my two fans with the light ..


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys - gread info and thanks for the props. I did top one of the plants and it grew outta control and the main cola's don't seem to large - looking at the pics, you got any idea on potential / expected dry yield? I have no clue as this is my first grow..
You say add more PK in 3 weeks but thats when I expect to be using water only? I thought the last 2 weeks is water only? is that correct?
The bottom leaves are yellow.....that something to worry about?

Cheers guys - much love.


Well-Known Member
yellowing bottom leaf`s is normal (think about plants outside in the fall)

it only means it use up its safed up nuts depots (in the leaf`s)

what I do around week 3-4 of flowering is to provide it with a good amount of P and some K (I use Bat Guano powder(2/15/2%)
and I also use black strap molasses (in between the nuts I water with clean water with molasses)

here is what I use in Veg/flower:


do some research .. but if you have some black strap molasses in the house start using it insted of the Super Thrive (ST is for Veg only)

when you use molasses use a Ts. in a gallon of water .. but fist delude it in a cup of boiling water .. then add it to the water can ..

will provide carbs for the soil and important micro/trace elements for the flowering plant .. do some more research/goggling ..

about yield .. hard to say .. and always need to be careful .. but maybe around 20 grams per plant ..
maybe +2 OZ in total .. hopefully ... but I reccon only them top buds near the light will be dense/hard/heavy and good smoke (maybe half of them)

why I also suggest some LST .. get more tops .. keep em close to the CLF (get more CLFs or even better a small HPS for flowering and use the CLF to start/veg plants for the HPS (250w or 400W is nice for personaly use .. get one with a cool tube tho)


Well-Known Member
Dude.....you are a legend. Thanks

Right...let me start off by saying superthrive is mental! I used a drop per litre in veg and they got outta control....I used it only on the topped plant and it made it really stetch and I can't see much bud coming from that. Everyone talk about molasses but I love in the UK and never heard of it.......I will check the supermarket but I don't think we have it.

I have started to think about my next grow....I think I will start them off in veg with the current 200w CFL I have and then get then in a seperate room with a 250w HPS......4/5 plants at a time...what you think? I wanna get a process so I have a harvest every few months and I still don't plan on getting a carbon filter or intake/outtakes....I wanna keep things simple, just up the light. Is the cool tube really needed? if I get 250?

Cheers bro....really helpful.


Well-Known Member
well .. I also use super thrive (as you can see) also just a few drops in a gallon of water ..

when I repot at week two or so.. from cups .. and then agin from my 3 gallon veg pots to my 5 gallon flowering pots (a week before 12/12) I use it agin .. do wonders I must agree .. just need to be carefull with it as its strong (also the price so why not be careful)

and its not for flowering .. or folia feeding .. only in the soil .. in Veg ..

or for sick plants and repotting (I use it when I repot anyway)

I also had a hard time finding black strap molasses in Denmark .. no supermarket had it .. guess its more of a US thing .. even lookd at our local "USA" Market but nop only sirup of different kinds .. found it online but cost as much in shipping as the glass its self ..

in the end I found a health shop/wellness shop .. well they claimed to have it but did`t ..
tho could order it home for me .. did take 5 days .. but nice lady called me and told me it was there (about 5€) and agin .. go a long way ..

about the light .. sounds like a plan ..

tho you do have a lot of plants under little light .. I would say two .. veg em for 6 weeks .. after two weeks of seedlings (in cups)

that give you 8 weeks veg/grow time .. same as it takes to flower the fist two plants under the 250W HPS so you can harvest every second month .. aso.

or get a 400W and one more 6500K CLF and do 4 plants ..


Well-Known Member
Yea, well I was thinking of doing 4/5 weeks veg using ST.....then flower them to keep small.....if I have 4 it would be focused on the top cola's (using a type of SOG) and I'd aim to 3/4 ounces a plant or is that unrealistic? I can use a larger closet grow to bounce the light off the walls and get buds lower down the plants. I don't really wanna go over 250w for heat / vent issues.

Cheers again for the advice !!


Well-Known Member
Yea, well I was thinking of doing 4/5 weeks veg using ST.....then flower them to keep small.....if I have 4 it would be focused on the top cola's (using a type of SOG) and I'd aim to 3/4 ounces a plant or is that unrealistic? I can use a larger closet grow to bounce the light off the walls and get buds lower down the plants. I don't really wanna go over 250w for heat / vent issues.

Cheers again for the advice !!

nahh not unrealistic .. and sure go for some kind of SoG .. work well for indoors .. specially with CLF and small HPS that don't have great penetration ..

I do similar with a 600" HPS and 4 plants ..
