2009 grows, new methods, techniques and strains. every thing outdoors

yeah, i love the sound of that brotha...yeah, sorda, tampa area...so just 18/6 for a month, then transplant to buckets, awesome, it's on...hopefully they'll turn out sweet! i do have a bit of a greenthumb, :weed:, so it should work perfectly!! :-P
thanks man

yea the florida sun will do you good. you probly know this but dont take them from inside and put them strait into full sun light. put them in the shade for a few days then move to full sun. and one thing you may have problems with is bugs. all my outdoor grows here in Sflorida ive gotten spidermites or aphids. so be prepared. good luck.
yea the florida sun will do you good. you probly know this but dont take them from inside and put them strait into full sun light. put them in the shade for a few days then move to full sun. and one thing you may have problems with is bugs. all my outdoor grows here in Sflorida ive gotten spidermites or aphids. so be prepared. good luck.
appreciate it alot man...i did hear to ease em into direct sun, makes sense...i helped a buddy one time in northwest florida grow a plant outside, in his back yard by the pool, and bugs were never a problem, i'm sure they would be in the woods though...do you do guerilla grows or in a back yard? what's some good natural, safe shit to use to prevent bugs or treat if i get em!?
appreciate it alot man...i did hear to ease em into direct sun, makes sense...i helped a buddy one time in northwest florida grow a plant outside, in his back yard by the pool, and bugs were never a problem, i'm sure they would be in the woods though...do you do guerilla grows or in a back yard? what's some good natural, safe shit to use to prevent bugs or treat if i get em!?

well north florida probly has less bugs. in miami its always hot and humid. i want to try a guerilla grow, but so far its only been in the back yard. for bugs i use cold pressed neem oil and pyrethrum. i alternate the two so the bug dont get immune. but you got to be careful with it cause it can burn your plants. you have to apply it right before the sun goes down and after a day rinse the plant off with pure water. i also sprinkle diatomaceous earth around my plants and around the grow area. its natural and kills any crawling insects, its also a source of some micronutes.
well north florida probly has less bugs. in miami its always hot and humid. i want to try a guerilla grow, but so far its only been in the back yard. for bugs i use cold pressed neem oil and pyrethrum. i alternate the two so the bug dont get immune. but you got to be careful with it cause it can burn your plants. you have to apply it right before the sun goes down and after a day rinse the plant off with pure water. i also sprinkle diatomaceous earth around my plants and around the grow area. its natural and kills any crawling insects, its also a source of some micronutes.
yeah true that...i wonder if they got that gear at my local grow shop? hopefully so, its pretty large..i think it's gonna work out well, i'm excited as hell.. :-o:leaf:
I've decided to do a lil outdoor grow this year also... My plan is to have 10 plants spread out in a big area. Anyone ever use a drip system to water? I was thinking about buying a cuple of those refrigerator water cooler jugs from walmart and attatching a eye dropper or something to it, so it wouldnt be obvious walking into the woods all the time. Anyways a wanna grow them into bushes that arent that tall so i was thinking about topping them for 2 - 4 tops then supercropping them. Would this keep my plants short with lots of main cola's or would i be better off doing something else.. Any suggestions are appreciated!
yeah true that...i wonder if they got that gear at my local grow shop? hopefully so, its pretty large..i think it's gonna work out well, i'm excited as hell.. :-o:leaf:

they should have that stuff its fairly common. if not you could order it online i got all my stuff from planetnatural.com
I've decided to do a lil outdoor grow this year also... My plan is to have 10 plants spread out in a big area. Anyone ever use a drip system to water? I was thinking about buying a cuple of those refrigerator water cooler jugs from walmart and attatching a eye dropper or something to it, so it wouldnt be obvious walking into the woods all the time. Anyways a wanna grow them into bushes that arent that tall so i was thinking about topping them for 2 - 4 tops then supercropping them. Would this keep my plants short with lots of main cola's or would i be better off doing something else.. Any suggestions are appreciated!

top them and LST them. and use and indica dominant strain.
for the ultimate outdoor garden you should invest in this stuff. Only gotta use a little once, and it will last you about 20 years.


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I tried searching the forums to no avail.... I was hoping maybe this forum might be ok to ask. What is the latest you can plant outdoors... I wont be back in the neck of the "woods" where I want to plant til Jul 1st... Is this too late? will they grow at all? or just low yield? Any informed answer would be helpful... at least I would know to save my seeds for next year
it comes in granule form. Only a small handful sprinkled on top of the soil is needed. Its time released and pretty much has any nutrient you would need in it. Its pH buffered meaning you can grab a hose and water your plants and the Heavy Harvest will buffer it to the perfect pH everytime. One small handfull lasts about a month or more. Using this stuff will promote GIANT plants. You use each one in conjunction. Spring then Summer then Fall. If using this, you dont need ANY other nutrient. Literally has everything. It costs about $100 per 22lb bucket. But like i said, it can last for YEARS

There isnt too much info out there but try searching Advanced Nutriets Heavy Harvest.

Also, go on youtube and check out BrownDirtWarriors crops. Those monstors are the result of HeavyHarvest
I tried searching the forums to no avail.... I was hoping maybe this forum might be ok to ask. What is the latest you can plant outdoors... I wont be back in the neck of the "woods" where I want to plant til Jul 1st... Is this too late? will they grow at all? or just low yield? Any informed answer would be helpful... at least I would know to save my seeds for next year

that would probly be a good time to plant if you want to keep them small. what area are you? in miami my outdoor plants start budding around 8/20.
that would probly be a good time to plant if you want to keep them small. what area are you? in miami my outdoor plants start budding around 8/20.

I will be further north than you. In Washington State... its wetter there too. Maybe even for small plants that might be too late in the year to plant...
I grew in a swamp last year in pots on high ground and like kid cannabis said no one wants to walk thru thorns AND stagnant ass water, as far as this year cant wait to breed and practice some trimming techniques, use google earth to find new spots AMAZING! and the yeild on those plants allllll varies ,look into some trimming techniques is my best advice
I tried searching the forums to no avail.... I was hoping maybe this forum might be ok to ask. What is the latest you can plant outdoors... I wont be back in the neck of the "woods" where I want to plant til Jul 1st... Is this too late? will they grow at all? or just low yield? Any informed answer would be helpful... at least I would know to save my seeds for next year

go for it youll still get em to 2-4 feet depending on genetics; with my kush bag seed last year i planted late and they still got to 3 feet.