2009 Growing plans


Active Member
My plans this year are to grow in total plants. I am buying 10 Arjans Strawbery Haze, 10 Big Bang, and 10 Trainwreck seeds, all feminized. Since i live in VT it is a colder climate so i have decided to start them off indoor at a friends house. I think i will get the small cow pots to start them off in around May 1, with some sort of light in the room. I will let them grow until hopefully around June 1 and then transplant them outdoors. I have 3 different spots picked out in the woods with moderate sunlight at each spot but not the best. I am planting all of the plants in potting soil and once they are outside i will start giving them the nutes and vitamins to enhance growth. I am looking to get the biggest yeilds and the best buds, any advice would be very helpful.:weed:


Well-Known Member
grow somewhere with intense sunlight not moderate... ive grown on the forest floor before with dissapointing results. I have been growing in 5gal buckets that are camoflaged and placed in the trees as close to the top as humanly possible... this has worked nicely for me not only because they get wicked sun penetration but also because I have had problems with theives and since growing up in the trees Ive never lost a plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even dry up in the trees if there is too much to dry in my sheds. I even tried drying in a cedar hedge ... gave it a nice smell and taste kinda like menthols !!!!!!! lol prob wont do that again thow


Active Member
Thats a good idea of growing tree in the trees... Was the yeild still good growing in buckets because i have heard growing in buckets will stunt the full growth of the plant... And if i found an area that still had good light (maybe around 8 hours a day or a little more) will the plants still grow good because i want to have a big harvest so trying to grow 30 plants in trees is sort of hard but if it works then i guess i can try it.