******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************


Well-Known Member
lol can u tell the sex on this yet

and did you ever get one that when u topped got 3 tops?
that's a male. i had 8 tops once after fimming. it was before i had even heard the term fimming. i thought it was the coolest thing. still kinda is. :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
is there like a special mix of nutrients that you use fdd?
and how much do you feed? i know you say alot but how much can you use without burning or stressin the plant out?


Well-Known Member
my monster is a man??? any help would greatly be appreciated

oh and 3 tops > 2 tops
And yank it out just yet. One of my Papayas, tall ones in my latest pics, began to develop what I thought were male sex organs. I picked one off and carefully opened it up. It sure looked like petals but I could not be sure so I let it go. They turned out to be single leaves growing at the node.

I have 2 plants of 2 different species that grew with three branches per node instead of two. 30% more bud sites. Can't get that if you clone them.

Who puts in these cool emoticons?


Well-Known Member
Most of mine are gettig TOO BIG for my 8 foot fenced are. What can I do. I love how they are growing but going over the fence is not a wise thing for me to allow to happen.

They all started flowering last week


Well-Known Member
im gonna try to post some pics of mine from today...
didnt kno how to subsribe so now i am :mrgreen:

yours are lookin NAKKSTY fdd


Well-Known Member
heres some of my ladies..... got about 10 5 to 6 footers thats are lookin good:blsmoke:

i started them in my house back in march and planted them outside may 11th......