2000w Purple Kush 106 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG

What will I yield?

  • 1 - 2 lbs

    Votes: 57 13.2%
  • 2 - 3 lbs

    Votes: 121 28.1%
  • 3 -4 lbs

    Votes: 107 24.8%
  • 4 or more lbs

    Votes: 146 33.9%

  • Total voters
also another question, i topped my babies at 12inches and put them into flowering, its id say 2-3 days into flowering and i notice the plants are starting to grow outwards, i cut the fan leaves that where blocking direct light to the new growth because i felt it was in the way, was that a bad move on my part?...i appreciate all the answers and advice i get, thanks


Well-Known Member
dont cut the fan leaves, they are like your plants factory. The only leaves you CUT on your plant would be the bottom leaves, 3-6" from the bottom of the plant. Do not cut the top canopy.
dont cut the fan leaves, they are like your plants factory. The only leaves you CUT on your plant would be the bottom leaves, 3-6" from the bottom of the plant. Do not cut the top canopy.

damnnn i already did man fu%k...would that kill my plant or do any harm to it, and if so is the effects reservable and how, thanks again man for the insite


Well-Known Member
get off this dudes thread
lol i think hes just trying to suggest u start a grow thread regarding ur questions on ur grow for others to help with.
and topping the plant will encourage horizontal growth and give u multiple tops. dont cut fan leaves either like he said. u need em to feed ur ladies. theyll yellow and fall off during flower anyways when theyre done.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
when u say they finished at 2 feet tall, that was at the end of the flowering stage?...i have some Cheese/Haze strand right now and some og kush also, im 1month and 2 days from seedling and i put my og kush to veg at about 12-15 inches each (topped them all)..now my haze/cheeses are alittle smaller, id say they range from 5-9inches, if i flower them now would that have any affect on the yield i get , or shuld i wait longer or until there 12inches or taller?....
yes it would affect your yield if your were to flower now. I would wait til they are bigger before flowering.


Well-Known Member
get off this dudes thread
lol, i was wondering when someone would say that...

what the hell is your problem man , if he has a problem with me asking question i gladly will, but who are you and why do you care im just trying to get some help
just future reference. if you do have a question about something you should start your own thread and ask it in there... try not to hijack threads and start your own topic in some elses thread.

lol i think hes just trying to suggest u start a grow thread regarding ur questions on ur grow for others to help with.
and topping the plant will encourage horizontal growth and give u multiple tops. dont cut fan leaves either like he said. u need em to feed ur ladies. theyll yellow and fall off during flower anyways when theyre done.bongsmilie
i couldnt have said it any better boomer....


Well-Known Member
haha thanks ya just figured wed keep positive vibes here im always down to add another subscription to my account anyways so bring it 8)

but anyways R keep up the work im jsut checkin in tryin to play catch up
oh ok my bad, i didnt know im new to these kinda sites and to this period, but thanks too those explainin it to me..im going to start another thread tho ....


New Member
I want more photos of the blonde. Buds I already have plenty of. Beautiful blonds are very rare up here buds are not. Do you even know her Boo? About all the CC site had worth while is there "Show your Boobs thread." It sure would be nice to have one here.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
lol, the blonde is my desktop, damn, orange county! What str, what form, what poise, man the girl is nice too! Lol, what a stem she hath given me.

Lol, on another note awesome grow. I am also reading your other thread as a 64 plant sog is an appealing thing to me. 2 pounds or so in 2 months sounds good for my needs. I have just stacked some rockwool 4x4x4 blocks and am moving them like this to see if they work for a 2 layer sog.

gl. Nice pics. I notice the lazy stoner quote. I quote ALBFUCT too, lol.


Well-Known Member
here are some pictures i snapped today right before the lights came on. the plants are doing great. the way things are going so far i think i should get around 3 lbs. the only problem is my dehumidifier isnt getting the job done. i ordered a new one but it hasnt come yet. the one i ordered was this. http://www.air-n-water.com/product/bdh-550.htm. its a bucketless design and has a water pump built in to pump the water out as needed. Bob i think this one might be perfect for you. Your going to need it eventually when you upgrade to a 8x4. and i think it would be perect for the 4x4 your using now. its smaller than the one we both have now. it hasnt come in the mail yet but it will be shortly. hopefully in a few days. my humiditiy has been in the high 60's and low 70's. other than that i topped off my res tonight and started them on the big bud. i topped of my res first with nuted and ph'd water. after it was full i added 6tsp of big bud. before i added the big bud the ec was 1.8. after the big bud the ec went to 2.1. PH is 5.6.



New Member
The humidifier is the same capacity as a $99 Sears air conditioner. Same compressor. Same wattage. Your choice just cost 2.5 times as much... what a bargain, yours does come with a $10 humidistat and a timer built in though. Don't forget to reset the timer every day.


Well-Known Member
DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNN........................... im Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FUCKING jealous.. those babies look AMAZING!! i pray that one day i can have a grow like that!!! thats fuckin awesome mann.. and i just went and looked at your last grow.. which was amazing as well.. danm... lol. thats all i can say.. you gotta be pretty good to be able to grow that many plants at once.. and have them all turn out as good as yours do.. im thinking about doing something like this.. NOTHING compared to yours tho.. lol i mean i want to have a mother plant.. (something good tho. so im gonna have to order seeds offline... which im not looking forward to doing.. i get nervous doin that) and just take cuttings off of it and grow like 5-10 and just veg them for like a week and then go straight to flowering.. have like a mini version of yours. lol.

have you ever thought about puting a screen of some sort in there??? and try a SCROG??