2000 watt setup to much for an apartment

Ok So I'm moving this summer into an apartment and am planning out my setup. All of my equipment is going to come out to under 2000watts. Is this to much wattage for a 2 bedroom college apartment or should it not raise any eyebrows?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
the hotter temps are coming. once they do, you'll prob. encounter heat issues. if you can vent the hoods out of the room, you may be able to handle the wattage. air-cooled hoods are almost a must.


thats alot of power for a dorm if you live there to and use extra wattage...... plus inspections suck!!


i still wouldnt do it. build a stealth like cab and grab a 250 or 400 watter with a real good scrubber


Well-Known Member
they do inspections once a year for the smoke detectors, sprinklers n shit... they also come everyonce in a while to change the filter of the A/C.

2000 watts is kinda big for an apartment, if you're gonna be in a fiercly conservative area, ie Texas, Kentucky, Alabama, etc. think twice about it, judges don't care much for 'narcotics' and will sign warrants for shit....

while you might be able to get off because of technicalities, they can still seize you're property because of the loose definition of paraphernalia.

the wise choice would be to use CFL's. or maybe 1 or 2 150 watt HPS's.

big bulbs need big fans, fans make noise, and sleeping with a lot of noise is a bitch.

think about all of that, and remember that setting shit up is easy in brainstorm stage, when it's time to build, it's a different story, you need to keep it within you're skill set, within you're price range, and keep it smart.

a 2000 watt grow in an apartment seems dumb to me. totally doable, not too smart though...


Well-Known Member
well i've been growin in my apt for about 2 years with 1 400watt hps with some fans and cfls for the veg room. I just upgraded to a 600watt cooltube with a 425 cfm fan. I'd say 2000watts is alot. just take care of the smell, light leaks, and think about how many watts you think you'll live with along with your grow. ya know? My apt complex checks appliances once a year and smoke alarms ect. I have both closets in one room that can be lock and safeguarded when they come in.


Blow it up pimp. If I can figure out my circuit breaker issues I'm gonna float 2 big dogs myself in a 2 bed apt. Lace it up right build a box, vent it out with carbon filter ur golden. If u get an upstairs, and you get lucky there'll be a crawl space up to ur attic, tucked off in an attic. This is money because you can run ur vent ducting and y into a pipe venting out on roof. If any odor should make it through carbon filter the air is released and blown off by wind patterns. I say throw down just keep ur shit tight and things will be alright.


Well-Known Member
Ok So I'm moving this summer into an apartment and am planning out my setup. All of my equipment is going to come out to under 2000watts. Is this to much wattage for a 2 bedroom college apartment or should it not raise any eyebrows?
just asking did you ever grow before if not dont wanna get you down but start with a 4 or 6 and learn first get your shit down packed or at least an idea of what your babies will turn out like good or bad good then grow with it bad try it again. but it s up too you :arrow::weed::o


Well-Known Member
I agree, not smart. Remember that since it's an apartment, they don't need a warrent, they just need the landlord to give them permission to enter so they can inspect HIS property.
I have done numerous grows with my 400watter. I am renting at a place where I know the landlord never comes in and inspects the rooms, just walks in the front door grabs your check and leaves. The setup would be a 400w and either another 400w or 600w for flower and a t-5 setup for vegging so I can stay perpetual. I'm just a bit sketched about drawing that much power for such a small place, Ive got everything else straightened out


Well-Known Member
Do it >=D
I just started up my grow journal and I'm going to be running at least 2400w of light, but I'm not going cheap on filtration or anything. If you can have a setup thats mobile and can be hidden in a closet for a couple hours if need be, and you have heating, venting, and noise reduction covered, get that shit DONEEEE son, you'll always be thinking "damn, i shoulda gone bigger".
Yea this setup is going to be mainly contained in a closet with no expense saved on ventilation and odor control. I know what you mean how you'll always wanta go bigger. I originally wanted to run 2 1000w for flowering in an entire bedroom but decided against it, for now atleast.
So the verdict is that its not to much power. Anyone have any good links for a cheap t-5 setup. I feel like the ones on the usual websites are just overpriced lights stuck with the title grow lights and sold for more