2000 watt , general organics


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're hooking it up right my friend. I love my 600W digital ballast. I veg my girls under a 400W M.H. and then I flip the girls onto 600W H.P.S. I nedd to get a new hood with better coverage. I've heard alot about the Magnum's, would you say what you paid was worth it, quality and everything? What kind of reflective surface do they have, is it the smooth or the pounded finish? I only grow enough for me I don't have to worry what everyone else wants or needs, works nice. I've been puffin on Gigabud lately from G-13 Labs, pretty nice smoke. I like Plantmax lamps, they're inexpensive and they have really good Kelvin colors. I have a 400W M.H. that is 7200K color, it's real blue, I think my plants like it more than my expensive ass $100 and somethin Hortilux I have. I only paid $10 for it on 1000bulbs.com. There are certain things you have to buy from a hydro shop and then there are things you can source elsewhere and get much better deals. I had all kinds of dumb problems with my clones until I built a proper cloning machine out of a little storage tub, now I have 99.9% success with them. I personally won't take clones and mess with them though unless I really have a special girl on hand. I know seeds can grow slower and all, but I just like a seeds vigor. Well best of luck setting up your new equipment, it's so exciting getting new stuff, the thrill of what might be, the anticipation to get it set-up. Then you flip the switch and it all comes to life, KILLER. Good luck. Good grow. Be safe, :peace:


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks man. I hope it is worth it. Sry for delay but just been sick. Allergies get me down alot it seems. On a good note, that hood is badass , I want nothing but it. I prefer it over the hydrofarm because of the way the glass is held, less likely to fuck up w the magnum imo. Excuse my french ;) I have just the 400 w setting on it now, the spread of light it creates is so much better for my grow room that a aircooled or the hydrofarm radiant 6, the hood is pricey so I cant fork out the money now or id go w nothing but it. I dont know if the galaxy ballast is good but it works lol. Im not genius when it comes to equipment but I do research before I buy and the hydro shop I go to are honest men, so far I have benefitted from their advice on things. The grow bags are lovely , I want to switch all my buckets out for 3-10 gallon smart bags, I will no longer buy soil either, like you man I grow for myself and the coco coir planted strains are far better looking and smelling than soil, my 32 gallon spanish peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, dolomite lime, epson salts , and miraclegrow looks great but produces no smell but man its oozing and dripping sticky resin, hell I want to try a 30 gallon thc bomb in coco now, no matter what pot I have it in or what media or method of pruning, they stay about 1 meter tall, I have them in 3-32 gallon containers, they are pretty bushy but not overly bushy like my resonaters by seedsman.

Ps mycomaster, the surface is pounded on mine, measurements , by guess would be 3 ft L-2.5 width- 1 ft height. Hell I wish they would make a light for just hps so they could get the profile down a lil more, in my eyes that woupd allow more air velocity to exit the hood, less room for air to circulate and less room for the entering fresh air to cool and more cool air to hit the light directly , I still want to try a parabolic hood. Do you have any experience or info on them?


Well-Known Member
Im a failure when it comes to cloning. Hell id copy your method even I got a 60% rate lol im new to this but I still hate failure, some just dont root for me then others leafs look like hell, I only take the best looking ones in all areas to grow, I just throw the others away, they start slow they end slow right?

Now for time flowering, im on week 10 yet only a few show amber. They seem to not be putting on much weight latley, but they are getting cloudy and amner and less clear, I have general organics flushing stuff , sorry dont know the name at the moment. The other plants in flowering are putting on weight. They are between 1-8 weeks and looking good. I started to feed w a water hose, dont know ph of my water but what woupd be a accurate method of checkibg without buying a expensive device. The water in my town is actually pleasant to drink . Hers some pics guys, will have more later, these were took after 1 blunt of diesel, excuse the quality haha.

Cheers guys, and ohio growers salute!



Well-Known Member
It all looks good man. As far as checking ph you can get a G.H. ph test kit that you take some of your water put some drops in and compare colors on a little chart. Nice and cheap method and relatively accurate as well. I just had to Xplant my Iced Grapefruit, she really took off and grew out of her pot alot faster than anticipated. I like to Xplant my girls and then watch them take off. I usually don't wait till they're entirely amber, I like about 10% clear, 60% milky and 30% amber. I guess it all depends on strain but that usually works for me pretty good as far as potency wise. It's all about personal preference, that's why I like to grow mt own meds in the first place. I think after I pick up my T5 fixture this weekend I'll save some $ and get a magnum hood, I've heard alot about them and seen quite a few in videos on youtube. I like their design. Keep up whatever you're doing it's working pretty damn good bro! :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Thank you man.i like the most potent stuff I can find, I havent made it yet lol , I hope to but have fallen short before and most likely will this time. Ive made alot of mistakes on many occasions, I love yield too though but it looks like ill have a ton this round thank god.


Well-Known Member
What kind of strains do you like? Do you like skunky or fruity or like a chemical taste of some kind? I love a good Skunk, and fruity ones are also a favorite of mine. I really like a good sweet sativa that has an almost psychadelic effect to it, real up. I also like heavy indicas when my stomache starts to give me grief. In the morning I like to take some of my Cindy99 and some Skunk#1 and mix a phat 1/2-3/4 gram joint and start the day off right. I have a pretty high tolerance due to basicly having to smoke everytime I want to eat and then after so I don't get sick. Needless to say i smoke quite a bit and I'm still a skinny little shit. I have a Sour Blueberry going right now from H.S.O. and this thing is so sticky and stinky when I work with her bending the stem and twisting and tieing. I haven't flowered her yet or started to for that matter so i don't know how the end product is yet but I think it will be pretty good according to her growth and character. Do you have any breeder you prefer or have had good luck with. I guess you would recommend Bomb seeds after growing the t.h.c. bomb successfully with good results? You're not the first person I've heard say it's a good strain to grow. Good luck with what you have going on man. :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Man I wish I could call and talk because your chill, have you been able to form trust for anyone on here, its a risky deal ya know.

Ive never had anything that smelt extremely skunky yet, my lemon skunks smell like rubber snd lemon and my sleestack X skunk#1 smell like earth, and taste like fresh garden, I honestly dont like the diesels for taste, I have a huge tolerance too which sucks lol I would love one hitter quiters.

My favorite strain is deathstar, consist of eastcoast diesel and sensi star, not sure if its a indica or hybrid but the nug I liked best was nasty tasting, lookedlike nothing special yet was strong and lasted 3+ hrs, honestly here lately I have to smoke alot to get high and the effects last only a hr then I must light up. This isnt my pot but some local grow shit im sure. They have names yet all smell the same, look different and cost $20 a gram. So I hope I can recieve the 5 hour high I use to get, on certain strains at least.

Dude if it tastes like a sour blue berry I will buy some seeds too. Well for breeders I popped 5 out of 5 thc bombs and all have been so easy so far, I make alot of. Mistakes, I dont have tons of time to spend on it and I need something that wont grow crazy, I like short stout. Plabts, I dont mind having sativas as they are hard to come by and are my fav for smoke, my thoughts on seed companies to trust, well lets say I do like bomb seeds, greenhouse has a good thing going with their lemon skunk, "all of the strains and seed banks I mention are ones ive dealt with", I do like dutch passion, I will say ive made many mistakes with their strains :) , royal queen seeds seem to be either or, I noticed a bad germination rate for myself here recently, we will see how strains come out, have some classics going from them, NL, WW, WR. These are the ones im comfident to buy again atleast, I do like the sleeskunk I call it or their name resonator by seedsman, I just saw a strain in hightimes by magnum, looks amazing . I like my mazar so far for smell, it just smells like itll get some pussy juice flowing. I like having sex while high on good weed, my gf isnt a big smoker but my exs were and it was so easy fo r urn them on with some good weed. My superskunk by nirvana is nice too btw , forgot to mention lol


Well-Known Member
I think I might have said it before, but I love a good skunk. I would really like to try the sleeskunk. I seen it by D.N.A. genetics but it's pretty expensive, I'll have to try Seedsman and see what their's is like. Thanks for the heads up on that bro. I have tried Sleestack and thought it was a pretty amazing strain, so friggin frosty the thing looked moldy. I haven't made a friend on here that I've met in person before, you're right that that is risky for sure. I've talked to people on here and thought to myself what precinct do you work at you know. I don't have any reservations about you, I think you're a pretty straight up cat. I usually sleep about 4-5 hours a night it seemed you were up pretty late last night as well. Sorry I had to turn off the computer at around 1 or so I have to get up in the mornings at 6 so I had to try and get some sleep, even though I never do really. It's been really pleasant getting to know you man, drop some lines whenever you have some time, :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yeah to be honest im on medical leave right now for colon problems but im usually on 3rd shift. Late night working is best for me. I get distracted easily lol

Sleestack, well I must say seedsman has a good skeestack skunk, they call it resonator by name. Ill get pics soon of all my phenos, they arent short but are good producers, they smell of either earth or skunk, but a sweet skunk not skunk spray snell, although I like stank shit lol. The heigth varies very kittle as they shoot up in heigth quickly. They are very good to clone and I will most kikely always grow a few.

Where do you order your seeds man? I ordered from herbies mostly and took only 10 days or less everytime, do you grow reg seeds?


Well-Known Member
I'm lovin that split and tie job you did on that hydro girl. I'm sorry to hear about your digestive tract problems, I have crohns disease and alot of problems with my guts. If I don't smoke at least a half gram before I eat I just get sick as hell and throw it up. Then after I eat I have to smoke another half gram or so to keep it down. Sounds like a good excuse to smoke alot of weed, but it gets old having to carry it around all the time, and I'm not in a medical state. I'll be damned if I'm gonna starve to death in the mean time. There was an accident outside of my house on the road and some stupid, retarded pig thinks it's necessary to keep his siren on, I guess it makes him feel important, useless bunch of pricks!!!!! Anyways, you got a little bit more than me going on in your grow, i wish I had that kind of room bro! I finally went out yesterday and picked up that Sunleaves Pioneer VIII, it's an 8bulb 4 foot fixture that puts out 40,000 lumens with only 432W. I put all the bulbs in and turned it on and there was hardly any heat, lovin that for sure. This is one bright sun a gun, plus I can have all 8 bulbs running or throw a switch and just have 4 running for less heat and lumens and juice. I can also daisy chain a couple together for a bigger footprint of light if needed in the future, and run them all off one timer and socket. Lookin good bro and the flower you have in those pictures is insane, very nice! Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Thank you man, lol yeah I know sirens well, I live about 8 foot from a major road . Semis and all.

Damn thats a damn good lumen per watt ratio, is this for your vegging or flower area. I need to invest in a couple of them fluorescent jobs for my setup.

Its getting crazy keeping track of all. Hell im on week 11 with about 10 strains and they are cloudy w few amber, so I must of messed up down the line and now hell I may go another few weeks.

Ps I just landed some bubbleyum and damn it iz good and not even amber in trichromes.

Dude the issue on your health is nuts, im lucky to not have to smoke to keep food down but I have to to keep it in lol if I dont smoke or take immodium ill shit ourt food shortly after eating. Nasty but true. Would be sweet to be legal but someday maybe.


Well-Known Member
You couldn't gross me out by saying anything dude feel free to explain your bowel functions in detail, I'll just sit there and try to analyze what's wrong or going on I'm so used to going to docs and everything. I'm sure you're not going to get too explanatory, but feel free to say what you want. I grew up in and out of hospitals and a couple of involuntary hospital stays with a bigger concern on mental health so to speak.(Ha Ha) Everybody has their problems. Yeah I got to say this light is completely killer, not much heat at all, bright as the sun, and I can run 4 or 8 bulbs at a time so I'm not wasting any light or juice for no reason. If I need more light I can just plug my homemade cfl rig up to it cause it has a daisy chain option and it will run on the same timer. Or I can just leave the fan plugged into it and it runs on the lights on/off cycle. It's pretty cool when a 12 inch oscilating fan and one light fixture can take care of pretty much all your veg needs. I still have to put up my other 4ft T5 strip lights on the sides, but I don't think they really NEED it. I actually think I might start using them for my seedlings in a little area somewhere if I can. I'll figure it out. I like a good 11 week sativa, great up high, and it won't put you to sleep. I also like a long flowering indica that will put you in a blackout almost, I guess it all depends on how I feel. As long as a girl is healthy I usually don't mind if she wants to go a little longer, I find the meds are almost always better from a plant that takes longer. There are exceptions to that of course. I get up-set though when I'm almost out of meds and a girl just won't finish. I had a Skunk#1 that took 11 weeks before I seen a single amber trich. I've only ever had the one do that though, and I keep pretty good records of my grows so I'm usually pretty dead on about that stuff. That fixture is 47" x 25 1/2" x 2 1/2" It's thin and puts out a bigger footprint than the 47" x 25 1/2" because of the reflector it has. 95% reflective German aluminum so it will never rust or anything, and with a wipe it will stay shiny and bright. I have to say being able to put this in with my flowering plants to provide light under the canopy cause you can hang it horizontally or vertically or however you can position it really. Just daisy chain some together up to 8 amps I think and they'll run off the same timer, and you can surround your grow with them without much heat or juice really. Plus the whole 4 or 8 bulb option and they have a 6 bulb model that will run 3 or 6. There are different companies that make them, Sunleaves, Hydrofarm, and a few others. I got this one cause it came with bulbs and it was close at a good price. I looked around on the net and with shipping picking the one up by where I lived made more sense. No broken bulbs or any dumb stuff to deal with and return and all that crap. Where I went I know the manager some and they have models that come with bloom bulbs and ones that come with grow bulbs or no bulbs at all. The One I wanted was the grow and they didn't have them so ha gave me a bloom and let me buy the grow bulbs at half off. So now I have both and can put some bloom in there for a fuller spectrum of light. Damn listen to me I'm rambling about that thing. I would recommend one and I'll leave it at that. I would like some of that Bubbleyum with no amber, I bet that's nice and up. Ohio has a legalization and a medical vote this year pretty sure in September. We can get it done! I've been telling alot of people about it and to go vote. I'm not sure the legalization bill will pass, but I really think the medical can and will. At least I've been praying it will! Tell everybody you know to vote and Fuck the Federal Gov. If they don't want to pass a Medical Marijuana law the states will! I'd rather it be federal, but I'll settle for state. Take it easy bro and spread the word!! Peace out!


Well-Known Member
If I was able to be a med patient hell. Yeah, get a 99 plant limit and I could go nuts with creativity. Id have 1000w Magnum xxxls and then 8 tube t5s for vegging. Fans galore because I may hsve bud rot, know anything about it? DAMN! FUCK ME RIGHT LOL. Though id get that out. Only. On one plant but a plant that I care about. Fail on my part but ill admit my defeat. Im not perfect and I am a noob. Slap me please lol.

Mycomaster, hope you had a good weekend, what did you smoke this weekend?


Well-Known Member
I've never had bud rot personally. I know there are alot of sprays and different shit to get rid of it. From what I've read I think you can burn sulfur and potassium bi-carbonate can help as well, neem oil can help too. I would start out by cutting out of just getting rid of anything infected for sure. I went over a friends house this weekend and we were puffing on a creation of mine and his of a Mazar Afghani crossed with an AK-47, it's a really nice plant with great structure and a real nice high to it. My buddy really likes it alot and always keeps a mom around, sometimes I'll grab a cut and bring one home and flower her out. I like the buzz cause it can be heavy and enlightening at the same time almost, pretty cool. I've also been smoking alot of Gigabud lately from G-13 Labs, I like the buzz cause it makes me hungry as all get out and then I'll smoke some Skunk#1 after I eat and it works real well to help keep it down. And I had a great weekend thank you! I really enjoy these conversations we have I really look forward to them, thank you for that. I don't get to talk about this kind of stuff much, except for my wife and I think she's sick of hearing about it, but nice enough not to stop me. I hope you get your problem figured out before it turns into a real hell. It saddens me deeply that you lost a plant you really care for I'm sure it's devestating. Sometimes I get down to just one mother or one clone of something and I couldn't imagine losing her at that point. Not that I ever just have one plant in total but I would just hate to lose a special mom or pheno that can't be replaced. My dang back has been out for a couple of weeks now and it took me forever to get my new veg spot up and running but I finally did last night. I have a couple of seedlings down there and a Sour Blueberry I'm vegging as well. I want to see how warm it gets so I have a small high velocity fan and an oscilating fen as well blowing all over to see how it gets in there. The thermo so far only says 77 degrees so I think it should be alright. I hate temps over 80 everything just wants to start stretching and everything, it makes me so mad dude. I'm a pretty calm person, but for some reason when I'm having trouble with my girls it gets so annoying considering how much work I put into them. Really lights my fuse. Well I guess I better get some stuff done this morning. I have to finish moving my ladies around and install my new 600 hps bulb and get this Skunk#1 and Menage a Trois flowering and giving back. Have a great day bro, and let me know how the little problem progresses, maybe I can help after I read up on it a little today. Take it easy, Peace out.

J. Smoker

Active Member
If I was able to be a med patient hell. Yeah, get a 99 plant limit and I could go nuts with creativity. Id have 1000w Magnum xxxls and then 8 tube t5s for vegging. Fans galore because I may hsve bud rot, know anything about it? DAMN! FUCK ME RIGHT LOL. Though id get that out. Only. On one plant but a plant that I care about. Fail on my part but ill admit my defeat. Im not perfect and I am a noob. Slap me please lol.

Mycomaster, hope you had a good weekend, what did you smoke this weekend?
I had issues with bud rot a while back. I threw aqua shield into my feeding schedule and have yet to have problems since. I don't think it's a cure, but more like a preventive.
I lost a crop of Great White Shark due to rot. Started over with adding the aqua shield and the issue has never come up again. Just beautiful white fish bone looking roots. Hope this helps.

Keep it green!