hey all thanks for checkin it out, all is not well Im afraid though. serious spidermite, humidity and mold issues, as well as the pump falling off one rez and killing one plant and harming others.
but Im at least happy to have a good quant of bud soon. I cant upload anything for a bit so no pics, but harvest is tomorrow for some, and up to 4 days from now for all of em. They are big and beautiful one one side, and small/shitty on the topped side. mold was found in our house, humidity peaked that week at 85%, we then bought a dehumidifer. Our mothers to be are comin in nicely, and should produce some nice clones in 2 weeks. Its been hectic but after smoking some of the plant that died a lil early, I have "high" hopes for what is to come
and did i mention bubblehash?