2000$ budget what light should i get?

I try not to be biased towards non-US companies, but if it's modern technology (which LEDs are still in the research & development stage at this point IMO) and it's not coming out of Japan or Western Europe, I'll take the US made anytime. Especially the folks at BlackDog, they stand by their product, and having used a few LEDs myself, it is by far the best light I have used as far as yield:watt ratio. Don't let people telling you "LED isn't worth it" discourage you. They are certainly worth the investment. You'll spend about 30-40% the amount on electricity depending on the cooling your system requires, you don't have to pay for 100$+ replacement bulbs, and you get slightly better internode spacing (aka fatass buds) This is especially true if your lights run higher watt diodes. Many companies will overclock their diodes (run a 2w diode at 3 or more watts) which will burn out your light faster and will be a less reliable product in general (it may also have a lower lumen output than advertised), while companies like BlackDog are transparent about the fact that they have 5watt diodes, and they run them at 1/2 power to double their life. My suggestion to you is to find the highest watt diodes available (I think 5w are the most in production for prebuilt lights) but if you want to be creative and build your own light, you could just buy some 10w+ diodes and build up your own jawns. Whatever you decide, I would say do your research into the product and take advice only from those with experience with that particular light. Nice username btw, Moody Blues are one of my favorites.
Cheers mate.
I try not to be biased towards non-US companies, but if it's modern technology (which LEDs are still in the research & development stage at this point IMO) and it's not coming out of Japan or Western Europe, I'll take the US made anytime. Especially the folks at BlackDog, they stand by their product, and having used a few LEDs myself, it is by far the best light I have used as far as yield:watt ratio. Don't let people telling you "LED isn't worth it" discourage you. They are certainly worth the investment. You'll spend about 30-40% the amount on electricity depending on the cooling your system requires, you don't have to pay for 100$+ replacement bulbs, and you get slightly better internode spacing (aka fatass buds) This is especially true if your lights run higher watt diodes. Many companies will overclock their diodes (run a 2w diode at 3 or more watts) which will burn out your light faster and will be a less reliable product in general (it may also have a lower lumen output than advertised), while companies like BlackDog are transparent about the fact that they have 5watt diodes, and they run them at 1/2 power to double their life. My suggestion to you is to find the highest watt diodes available (I think 5w are the most in production for prebuilt lights) but if you want to be creative and build your own light, you could just buy some 10w+ diodes and build up your own jawns. Whatever you decide, I would say do your research into the product and take advice only from those with experience with that particular light. Nice username btw, Moody Blues are one of my favorites.
Cheers mate.

Great info! Thanks a lot :)
I agree, but I thought we were saying the main downside to a Mars II was the fact it had no reflectors or lenses....And it doesn't look like the BlackDog has either.

I'm not 100% sure that there isn't a tad too much patriotism in the optinions of some on this thread... The idea that American made must be better, and Chinese is rubbish is an absolute fantasy.

Regardless, I'm still massively confused, which is not a state I want to be in when parting with a significant amount of money. Oh well, I'll just keep reading and researching I suppose! :)

Yes, that is the problem with the Mars ll.

And I certainly was not advocating for either one - or any for that matter.

I think the same way about American made versus Chinese. However, when it comes to repair and warranty, that's where the American made might be a little easier to deal with. But of course that depends on the company.

I was confused when I parted with my money - and I'm still somewhat confused. LOL So, right you are… keep reading and researching. And if you have the money, you might also look into induction lighting. They are more expensive but you also get a ten-year guarantee. (inda-gro)

Personally, I just took the dive to get my feet wet. I will be upgrading and experimenting.

There are a lot of real high-end growers here that know what they are talking about. It's a good place to read and research.
This thread is fucking retarded. Just a bunch of shit talking non sense.

Blackdogs meh... So far I've yet to see anything off one that impressed me for the wattage. Doesn't mean it can't happen, i just haven't seen it or anything close that would make me consider one.

A51, apache seem to be the best, other than some of the DIY stuff I've found. Solar storms can work but I haven't seen one do as well. Illumitex and spyders look pretty good from what I've seen, and got a guy I know through another forum that's about to test out some ONYX units.

So A51 or Apache. What fits your budget? If you are ok with all out being a guinea pig then ONYX.
This is especially true if your lights run higher watt diodes. Many companies will overclock their diodes (run a 2w diode at 3 or more watts) which will burn out your light faster and will be a less reliable product in general .

Bahahahaha...fuck i have read some absolute shit in the last few daze....this thread epitomes most of it... :D
Hey Chronic How Do You OverClock A 2 Watt Led To run 3 Watts??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Hey Chronic How Do You OverClock A 2 Watt Led To run 3 Watts??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I have my scientists in the basement rushing round to figure that out....itz fucken pandemonium down there! :)

gotta download the LED overclocker.... DUHHH@!!

Of course! the classic 'LED overclocker app'....tell the peoples in the basement...
I have my scientists in the basement rushing round to figure that out....itz fucken pandemonium down there! :)

Of course! the classic 'LED overclocker app'....tell the peoples in the basement...

Well Atleast Is Wasnt The Old Phone In The Shoe Trick Or Was It :confused: