200 watt HPS for grow tent???


Well-Known Member
ok i have a lil zip closet that i bought from walmart its a pretty good size and do u guys think i could put a 200 watt HPS with no coll hood in there with out it getting to hot??? with maybe one fan going for intake and an other for outake???


Well-Known Member
Yea if you put some panda film or something like that an what kind of fans do you have


Active Member
yeah it will get hot pretty quick an you wont be able to have the light close to the plant.intake an exhaust are a must in a tent, as i use a 4x4 myself. I create a vacuum and it works great.


yeaa def get hot i have a 150 in a closet with 2 exhaust fans and it still sits around 82 on cooler days since my ac doesnt kick on as often and around 70-74 on warmer days since the ac seems like it never shuts off lol living deep down in the south lol lol but yea it is gonna be too hot and you wont be able to keep the light close at all you def will need good exhaust fans