200 seeds...1 man...1 mission...this is project DANK! need help


Active Member
Ok so let me take you back to my first grow...rp's purple wreck and a mystery seed i found in some bud a few years prior to the grow...

long story short a nearby male (damn neighbors didnt know to pull males!) pollinated my bagseed sativa/sativa dominant plant..

the end result: 200+ seeds (more like 300 but i gave 50 or so away and threw away 50 of the "runt" seeds that i didnt think would be viable)

now im going to be on a mission...what mission is that do you ask? i want to plant all 200 seeds in the smallest containers i can find (probably party cups or water bottles)...veg them for a week or 2 then send them into flower.

my goal is to create my own strain of sorts. even use it to cross with great "known" strains...i wanna make my own super strain!

i just need some help with this.

anyone care to chime in on what would be the most effective way to go about this?

im a student ready to learn!

if left up to me im just going to take the most stable, vigorous, least sensitive to nutes/diseases/mold male and cross it with the best females i find out of the bunch.

i'd like to choose the best female in all of the following categories:
1) effect
2) yield
3) potency
4) taste
5) smell
6) least sensitive to nutes/diseases/mold etc.
7) bag appeal

then cross that male with each...then picking the best out of those results...and so on.

or i may cheap out and just pick the best female overall out of the 200 and make a clone of it...then cross it with a male from a reputable breeder...

pretty much im someone who has been around weed for nearly a decade...grown for about a year and would like to come up with something no one else has...something special.

anyone care to help?


Well-Known Member
yo smokey rich, i know what your talkin about, ive always been quite intrested in the art of breeding marijuana. In fact last winter I started some bag seeds indoor, the seeds were from some potent bud from several different locations, I was told, afghan, skunk, and some other random stuff. I grew them all up, had 4 males, and 7 females, plants never got very big, grown under cfls, pollinated my females, lol just spread pollen everywheres, tryed to coat every hair on my females, and my jesus it worked, i got hundreds of seeds. BUT....
This past summer I grew up those seeds, and I had a massive variation in plants, must of been a hundred different kinds of strains, all different, short and stalky, tall and skinny, big buds, all kinds of different flavours, lol i had a very succusful harvest btw, still enjoyin it. I did some research and what i made was a completely unstable strain basically, it takes several generations of breeding and selecting only best females and males that meet the breeders expectations like u were saying, yeild, taste, size, growth, etc, to make a completely stable strain. From what ive heard, you start with a huge variation of seeds, select your best female and male and cross them which will give you F1 seeds, Then you grow those seeds, select male and female again, which is F2, Then you cross the second generation seeds with the first, which opens up a massive gene pool basically. Its amazing at this stage, some of the plants that are grown from these seeds could potentially show certain traits or characteristics we have not seen in plants for thousands if not millions of years. Thats why the bigger amount of seeds that you have, like a bigger sample size, the higher percentage of finding the compltely outrageous strains. Once you find your crazy insane plant, you have to stabalize the strain by backcrossing it once again I believe lol. It can get quite complicated when it comes down to it, but the art of breeding marijuana is fascinating to me when im baked, thats why I rambled a bit, Hope that helps you out a bit, probably just confused you some more lol, happy toking


Active Member
so i select my best male and female out of the 200 seeds and breed them...

take those seeds and grow those out...picking the best two again (male and female) and then cross those with the 1st two i selected in the beginning?

so take the best male from the second bach and breed it with the first female i picked and take the best female from the second batch and breed it with the best male of the first bach?

or do i breed the best male and female the first time...pick the best male and female of the second time and breed those two together (ie. breed the best male/female of the second batch with each other?)

let me know

thanks for the help this is what i need to know.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Definalty going to sub for this!
Use solid party cups.
Any questions let me know!
Hoped I Helped.

-Nice Ol' Bud


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