20 dying plants, please help

whats the deal with RO water? i dont' have that in my house, all i have access to right now is tap water...i'm adjusting the PH of my tap down to 6.0 to 6.5 before water the plants...is that good enough?

on another note, my RH has been gettin too high, over 90% every light on cycle...could that be causing my problem as well...as of last night the room is no longer sealed and i'm bringing in fresh air constantly to combat the RH problem...no more CO2 for now untill this problem is fixed


Active Member
Your PH should be 7 for soil. The fertz will lower it.

Mixing perlite with time release MGsoil is a no-no. The perlite keeps releasing moisture that activates the time/moisture release fertz. Even if flushed they will burn.

Use fertz with NO Ammonical or Urea nitrogen.They need to break down to be used. Find stuff with Nitrate nitrogen, is passes through the plant the quickest, and is the fastest to leech out of the soil. Once you feel the burning has stopped, switch to a fert that uses ammonical and nitrate nitrogen, like Jacks classic 10-30-20. Try to stay away from Urea nitrogen while flowering.


Well-Known Member
perlite does not retain water. It's used to help drainage and soil aeratoin. the ph range for mj is 5.5-7.5.


Active Member
lol, yes I meant vermiculite...one bong hit to many I guess.

For soil, his ph wants to be around 7, hydro is lower.