20 600 HPS's... Power bill and "the box"


Active Member
Ok, im back guys. Well this has been a serious job, I had my first harvest at 18 pounds, off of 20 600 watt lights.
I would have liked at least a pound a light.
I will scan a picture of the room and update this thread. Half the harvest was train wreck, and the other sno cap.
I had started with 12 lights and more plants but my friend how has grow for years ended up getting me set up with the 20 and less plants.

I purchased most my stuff through HTG that someone had given me the link on this site, and I have to say they where great!

I also want to add this forum has been great, I seriously went from knowing zero 8 months ago to being on my own two feet hopefully by next harvest, and this site helped ALOT!
And of course my friend for getting me set up with out him it would not have happend.
This room got larger as I started to build and my friend took over being that he actually knew what he was doing.

I have 185 plants in a hydro drip system, way short of what I wanted, but I have to start some where, and this system broke the bank it self.
But 18 pounds is helping to recoupe the investment.

I have a seperate clone room on 3 seperate 120 site EZ clone machines.

My power bill went between 350 and 450 ....ouch I gotta watch using tv's and other shit in that house.

Does anyone else on here run close to this kind of wattage, and pay there bill if so, how much do you think one can use before it's obvious that there is a gro op in the house?

I was taken to a grow house that was runnin close to 60 600 watt lights. The power was stolen. As a safety precaution there was s circuit breaker of some sort, that was connected to the meter. This box/circuit breaker would turn off all power to the house if the meter guy was to pop the meter and connect the the line to see exactly how much power was being consumed.
Does anyone know what this circut breaker is called? I cant get in touch with the guy that had the setup.



Well-Known Member
Stealing power is a GREAT way to get CAUGHT!

Have fun with that!

btw - don't steal it, just pay for it. You have a 40 computer network at your house, right ;-)


Active Member
I'm not planning on stealing...I just want the knowledge.:mrgreen:

I have known of large indoor gardens that have stolen power for years and not got caught. I would love to just pay for power, but I feel like im pushing the limits where im at right now.


Stealing power is a GREAT way to get CAUGHT!

Have fun with that!

btw - don't steal it, just pay for it. You have a 40 computer network at your house, right ;-)

fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah thats nothing man i used to run 4-1000 hps a 250 mh and 2-600 hps and my bill was over $500 every month, if your worried about power your way better off getting a generator than stealing it


Well-Known Member
My electric bill is usually around 500 a month WITHOUT lights. Some people have fish tanks, computers (keep in mind a good gaming PC requires a 650wtt + power supply. U can have a quad core CPU and dual sli video cards which require a 1500wtt PSU) , a lot of tvs, entertainment systems, stereos w/ amps and high watts, electric heat, A/C, extra refrigerators/freezers to store food etc... The list goes on and on.

Cops cant bust your door down based on energy consumption. This isn't Cuba. But if you're stupid and steal electric or dont pay your bill, it gives whoever a reason to come looking. Either way 20x600 its already excessive. At that rate i would never post on a forum. IP address's tell a good story...lol greed gets em' all.



Well-Known Member
with 18 pounds a 400 dollar bill not bad, costs me 70 bucks to run 1200w for a month on 12/12....


Well-Known Member
He doin alright if he only payin 350-450 for that many 600's. He doin damn good if you ask me. My buddy runs 2 400's and a 1k and his bill is that much. I run 3 400's and my bill is 150 a month easy.


Well-Known Member
20 600w combos would push that bill much higher than he's claiming....... I call bullshit. Photos or GTFO. Then again this is a very old thread..... why was it dug up again? lol