20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

yea collective gardener, you seem like a great person who cares a great deal about other people. you have a good attitude and a lot of info. that is very considerate and very kind of you to donate to the seriously ill. good for you buddy. its nice to know that there is still some caring people out there.
CG: careful with what they tell you about the bacteria controlling PM. I'm betting it's bacillus thurengesis (sp?), which I've tried in the past with OK results. It does have a rather strong odor, and I think it affected the taste of my finished product. When I used it was in the form of Serenade, you have to completely saturate all plants in the room including leaf undersides. I'd try to find a happy medium and shoot for 50-53% RH myself, but that's total opinion.
CG: careful with what they tell you about the bacteria controlling PM. I'm betting it's bacillus thurengesis (sp?), which I've tried in the past with OK results. It does have a rather strong odor, and I think it affected the taste of my finished product. When I used it was in the form of Serenade, you have to completely saturate all plants in the room including leaf undersides. I'd try to find a happy medium and shoot for 50-53% RH myself, but that's total opinion.


Thanks for the heads up. Based on the smell, it sounds like the same shit. I have not sprayed any flowering plants yet with it. I really don't want to affect the final taste of the meds at all. We'll limit its use to early plants. I still don't feel right spraying any kind of water on a late formed bud.

Thanks for the heads up. Based on the smell, it sounds like the same shit. I have not sprayed any flowering plants yet with it. I really don't want to affect the final taste of the meds at all. We'll limit its use to early plants. I still don't feel right spraying any kind of water on a late formed bud.

I'm with ya. Is a sulfur burner an option for you? That would allow you to raise humidity without fearing the fungus. As long as you don't use it in the final ten days or so it won't affect the taste. I've done this, but all ventilation equipment MUST be turned off during the burn or the shit will condense onto EVERYTHING DO NOT WANT.
Tony18- Thanks for your contribution to this amazing thread.....:dunce::wall:
Hey CG, can you take a look at the pics I posted on my thread and give me your opinion as to why one of my plants isn't stretching?


This is one amazing thread. I have slowly but surely been catching up on it and I have been loving all of it! So much information and so much knowledge, even a micro-grower like me can use your knowledge to improve my grow! Appreciate you sharing all of this with us, I hope to one day, if I can continue having good luck with growing, get involved with something like this. Gonna continue to be checking in, and I would say keep up the good work but I just feel silly telling someone so advanced that haha, so, uhhhh, here's a toke for you! bongsmilie
I'm with ya. Is a sulfur burner an option for you? That would allow you to raise humidity without fearing the fungus. As long as you don't use it in the final ten days or so it won't affect the taste. I've done this, but all ventilation equipment MUST be turned off during the burn or the shit will condense onto EVERYTHING DO NOT WANT.

One of the drawbacks of a perpetual grow is that we almost always have plants within 10 days of harvest. So, it looks like sulfur isn't an option. Good idea, though.

We're slightly increasing the humidity. The lab geeks assured us that the californicus will breed in 40% RH, just not as fast as with 60% RH. The oxidentalis coming next Tue will breed down to 20% RH. We have 2 of my "canary in a coal mine" OG Kush plants in the bloom room that are always the first to get hit with powdery mildew. So far, they're good. If they get the fuzz, we'll back off the RH a couple percent and call that the max. Either way, I'm not going to go over 55%. And, once the mites are under control, it's back to 40%. I've found that as long as I stay 40% in bloom, powdery mildew is not a problem. This seems especially important in sealed grows (ours currently is not sealed). I've had more powdery mildew problems in sealed rooms than in ventilated rooms with identical RH. I have no idea why this is so. But, even in a sealed room, 40% RH seems to be the magic number for PM control.
Anyone got any info on AIDS and/or cancer patients in need of free meds? We have several ozs cured and ready for donation to financially challenged gravely ill patients. If anyone can help us find some people in the So Cal area, big karma points await you. I can't believe how hard it is to give meds away. I've contacted several outreach centers via email with no reply. We have a legal collective that they can join to make the whole deal legit and 100% legal. I know that there are people in need out there. I just need some help locating them. This is our chance...yours and mine...to do a good thing for sick people and for the cause.
Anyone got any info on AIDS and/or cancer patients in need of free meds? We have several ozs cured and ready for donation to financially challenged gravely ill patients. If anyone can help us find some people in the So Cal area, big karma points await you. I can't believe how hard it is to give meds away. I've contacted several outreach centers via email with no reply. We have a legal collective that they can join to make the whole deal legit and 100% legal. I know that there are people in need out there. I just need some help locating them. This is our chance...yours and mine...to do a good thing for sick people and for the cause.

I had similar issues in Ontario, but eventually it was clear the best way was to get connections at places where they go. Contact local support groups for AIDS/chemotherapy patients, that sort of thing. That really ought to produce results, and even the most conservative tightwads fail to bitch too hard when someone comes offering a donation. Worst case scenario, sell at going rates and donate that to a worthy cause.

Seriously though, let me dedicate a line or two to you. I think that people like you are integral to this world. I really appreciate the donation you give to the people who need it most. May God bless you just as you bless God's children. Thank you.
You hit the nail on the head bud, glad to see someone in this world who is genuine and willing to help the ill.

Anyone got any info on AIDS and/or cancer patients in need of free meds? We have several ozs cured and ready for donation to financially challenged gravely ill patients. If anyone can help us find some people in the So Cal area, big karma points await you. I can't believe how hard it is to give meds away. I've contacted several outreach centers via email with no reply. We have a legal collective that they can join to make the whole deal legit and 100% legal. I know that there are people in need out there. I just need some help locating them. This is our chance...yours and mine...to do a good thing for sick people and for the cause.
I had similar issues in Ontario, but eventually it was clear the best way was to get connections at places where they go. Contact local support groups for AIDS/chemotherapy patients, that sort of thing. That really ought to produce results, and even the most conservative tightwads fail to bitch too hard when someone comes offering a donation. Worst case scenario, sell at going rates and donate that to a worthy cause.

Seriously though, let me dedicate a line or two to you. I think that people like you are integral to this world. I really appreciate the donation you give to the people who need it most. May God bless you just as you bless God's children. Thank you.

Thanks for the info. We have actually done something similar...contacted the main outreach group in our town for cancer and AIDS. I got zero response. But, now that you say it also, I think that must be the right track. I'll contact them again and broaden my search to other counties. And, thanks for the kind words. I'm touched.

Does anyone else have any leads or suggestions for this cause? I'll drop this issue in a day or 2 and get back on the grow topic...I promise. If anyone has any ideas on how to locate these needy sick folks who I know are out there, let me know. I've been racking my brain on this issue for months. Please, help us help others.
Maybe a couple phone calls to local Doctor's offices. When they refer paitents they must have solid contact info for all the various groups. I did a quick google search couldnt come up with much
Maybe a couple phone calls to local Doctor's offices. When they refer paitents they must have solid contact info for all the various groups. I did a quick google search couldnt come up with much

Not a bad idea. Maybe a couple oncologists and/or AIDS specialists.

I had the same luck on the google search. I did email the 2 results that came up with no response. Who'd of thought it would be so hard to give away top shelf buds...LOL
Well its not hard to give em away, just hard to find the ppl that need it.

Try radiology centers as well. My grandma had breast cancer n went to radiology 2x a week for months. I went with her a few times as well. So sad.
Hey CG, I've been following this for a while but haven't had anything worth saying up until now. Another method you could try for finding patients to donate to could be calling physical therapy centers in your area. I know it isn't the same as AIDS/cancer, but you may be able to find some people with chronic pain who would welcome your generosity and might even be able to give you better leads. Best of luck on your cause and much respect, you guys are really doing a great thing.
Well, the contacting doctors and therapy centers was a bust. "Patient confidentality" was the phrase of the day. Thank you all for the input. I'll get back to the grow for a while.
Looks like we're going to switch the entire grow to a modified DWC system. We're going with a system quite similar to the UnderCurrent sydtem...but home built. The performance of Godzilla in the DWC bucket was too good to idnore. Not to mention, it requires less attention than all the soiless plants. The bud size is almost double the soiless and the growth rate is quite a bit faster. We're finding that the amount of time required to manage the grow using soiless is just too much for the 2 of us to handle. It was fine until the trimming and bug fighting began. All future clones are going into DWC buckets in groups of 8-10 all tied into a central res. Each bucket has its own air stone and water circulates from the res, through the 10 buckets, and back to the res. All readings are taken from the res. Water and nutes are added to the res. The buckets will stray in place and when plants are moved from veg to bloom, the plant will be removed from the bucket and taken to the bucket in the other room. The air stone will come with it, as the stone is usually tangled in the root mass.

We're hoping this will cut down on our time, as well as improve yield. The added benefit is not having to deal with all of the soil. We also noticed that our DWC plant was barely affected by the spider mites. The plant was just so strong, it was able to fight them off on its own.

On spider mites, the predators have taken control of the room. There is no new signs of infestation in the room. We'll continue to add predators, but I'm calling this a success.