2 xHPS 400 watt. 17 unsexed plants

Green Geodude

New Member
Heyo.. first post.. So I currently am getting 2x HPS 400 watt bulbs for my 17 plants. They are going in a shed. i am planning to use emergency blankets as a mylar replacement. 3 of my plants are a month oldish and i have which 2 are germinating and 12 are seedlings. I cant find any information on how to actually set up my shed with lights etc so i have two main questions. Firstly.... what do I buy in terms of a light socket and wiring? anything special? Secondly do I need a lamp shade/light director?Photo on 25-12-14 at 3.18 pm.jpg Photo on 25-12-14 at 3.18 pm #2.jpg


Well-Known Member
I know you didnt ask, but be careful with multiple plants in one container. The roots will get tangled up if you let it go on, and they wont do well in a small space like that later on in life.

Im fond of starting my girls in a solo cup :) cheap and easy to move until you're ready to get them into bigger containers!


Well-Known Member
A reflector should help. Are these bag seeds? Sativa or indica dominant? What soil are you in? What are your nutrients?
This is the way I hang my lights, the rope ratchets help get the lights out of the way when your plants get taller. Less than seven bucks here.


I found a hydro store that sold them used for five bucks a pair.

Sockets? Are you going 220 or 110v? What do your ballasts need?

Crumple up that mylar well, so you don't get any bad hot spots. I used mylar my first grow, but then I found that panda paper was cooler in the summer. White semi-gloss paint works if you don't need to seal up the grow.

Green Geodude

New Member
I'm planning on transplanting all these into my shed from my bedroom soon, will line the shed with mylar and put in two 600 watt hps sets. I'm growing in a mixture of organic garden soil and potting mix without slow release fert. so I have a nitrogen free seaweed fert for budding and i currently am using a tomato npk.

Yeah they are all saved up bag seed.. figured its time to put them to use. i have identified the 3 big ones. 2 are sativas and there is a big indica.

Yeah im very ready to get them out into there own pots but im just waiting for the pots and lights to arrive! they arent getting enough light either at the moment. xmas has slowed down all deliveries...