Well-Known Member
- Have one fan at the bottom blowing the fresh air up towards the extraction and have the other fan blowing over the main colas as they develop. Hopefully this will strengthen the plant/thicken up the main stalk, and more importantly prevent the main cola from moulding due to a lack of fresh air reaching the inside of the buds. The top fan I aim to have oscillating.
- Just discovered this product
apparently prevents bud rot
Bud Rot Stop" is a revolutionary product that doesnt just protect against Bud Rot it destroys existing infections and restores your plants back to full health. An amazing innovation, Bud Rot Stop works by effectively forcing the Botrytis (bud rot) spores to germinate on your plants and then eliminates them as they form. This completely eradicates the spores from your plant, curing existing infections and preventing new ones from occurring. Highly recommended, especially to people growing heavy flowering plants which are more prone to rot
Might have to implement this in my feeding water next time round as a precaution, then again Id rather not feed the plants anything they dont necessarily need, will have to do some more research into this product.
- I will also open up the main cola periodically, say once a week, to allow fresh air in, and to check its condition.
- I want to get a water heater to warm up my nutrient mix before feeding, as with this grow the nutrients were often quite cold, too cold for my liking.
- The soil used in this grow was already rich with various nutrients (Biobizz All Mix), and next time I want to use Biobizz Light Mix to give me more control over what Im feeding my plants in the vegetative stage. I will also wash the soil out before planting the seedlings.
- Now I kind of know what Im doing Ill top my next 2 plants, and see where that gets me.
- The humidifier was a waste of time I think , with the exception of when I misted the plants. Next grow Ill probably mist them during the veg stage only. Still got it so might as well use it.
- In the middle phase of the grow I was moving the light up and down, trying to figure out its best height, and I scorched some of the leaves on one plant. I now know about 30-40cm is the closest I can afford to put them, so will use these figures to keep it a uniform distance throughout the next grow, with the exception of getting the seedlings used to the light initially.
- There was a lot of nutrient build-up in the soil during the flowering period and this was evident when it came to flushing the plants. I think next time Ill do a semi-flush every 2 weeks or so during the flowering period, especially if the strains are nutrient sensitive.
- I used a rubbish little pocket magnifying lense to check the development of the trichomes, which didnt reveal that much. Next time Im going to buy this USB microscope with 400x zoom (£40)
- The air holes in the bottom of my pot were small and few in numbers. Before I do anything Ill probably drill a couple extra holes in it to maximise the air reaching the roots.
- The first stage of this grow was a lot of trial and error, I was struggling with temperatures, had no idea when and how much to feed, and the plants seem to suffer quite a lot in various ways. I cant really see how their suffering during this stage effected them during flowering, but Im guessing it has in some way or another. Now my cupboard is all set up and working how i want it to i shouldn't encounter these problems again...hopefully.
- During the late Veg stage/Early flowering stage a fair amount of leaves began to turn yellow around the edges. I never really found out exactly why this was. Initially when faced with yellowing leaves during the late Veg stage, I upped the nutes after advice from my local grow shop and that seemed to work and the yellowing stopped appearing on newer growth. However during the later stages of this yellowing saga I flushed the plants as for some reason i concluded this discolouration was due to over feeding and it also seemed to work, as the yellowing stopped spreading.
From my experience it seems to be that the cause of the discolouration of leaves depends on what part of the growth phase the plant is in. Essentially this is down to the nutrients being fed due to the different nutes for Veg/Flowering. For my next grow I look to buy a PH meter to give me a better indication of the condition of my soil.
What Ive concluded:
Yellowing in Veg stage (when the plant is still getting used to the nutrient feedings and theres not much left in the soil if any to begin with) , upping the nutes should fix things as the plant isnt getting enough of something or another.
Yellowing in the Flowering stage (when the soil is now rich with nutrients, maybe too rich causing lock out of certain elements), a flush should balance things up.
Correct me if my assumptions are wrong.
- A lot of people would probably be against the use of this following product, but I decided to use it about half way through my grow in the hope it would keep my plants in pristine condition.
Yes its silicon, I was sceptical at first but the guys at the local grow shop seemed adamant it would benefit my plant, along with something called Organic B
Both were fed to the plants just once a week, therefore I had to make a separate batch of feeding water with contained these 2 supplements. In my next grow I look to start using these products from the start as soon as the plants are used to the standard nutrients.
Thats all I can think of off the top of my head, any other changes will be added here when I start my next grow.
Next 2 strains i plan to grow:
X1 Blueberry 1 -
X1 Pure New York Diesel -
Anyone with any questions feel free to ask