2 x Joint Doctor's Easy Rider Led UFO 150W


Well-Known Member
Hi guys i'm at the 47° day of growing this two beautiful girls....this is my setup:

Light: Ufo led 150W
Soil Easy Rider #1: Plagron Light Mix
Soil Easy Rider #2: Atami Kilo Mix
Nutes: Bio Canna Flores & Bio Canna Bloom
Extractor with carbon filter and fan
Pot size: 3 Gal
Temp: 27-30 °C Humidity: 30%

On some leafs u can see like a burned area, wht i've to do? it seems impossible to be an overfert coz i was feeding them with very low doses of nutes...maybe it's the high temperature? or the light too close?:-(

Easy Rider #1:

Easy Rider #2:

Greetings :leaf:


Active Member
ok...than i cannot help you except I have read that some guy grew under a led and one day leaves started falling off. he switched to a cfl and the plants were better in a few days because leds do not supply enough light i'm guessing. something to think about i guess?


Well-Known Member
i don't think so...this led lamp is one of the best and officially have the same tht has the 600W HPS so...


Well-Known Member
No way is a 150w led the same as a 600hps, but it doesn't look like a problem with lighting. Do you fertilize every watering?
i fertilize only the one with the light mix soil (easy rider #1)....i give to the other one only the bio canna bloom tht is an activator for the flowering stage....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Make sure the PH of your water is right, even after you add the nutes and everything.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys i'm at 65 days after they popped out...comments please!!

Temp: 29-33°C
Humidity: 28-35%

Easy Rider #1:

Easy Rider #2:
