2 x 1000w Vertical {Fortress of Green} *aptmnt, soil, snake oils ;]*


Well-Known Member

I'm a prop 215 patient of California. Here's the deal my friends; sometime this week I'm going to be handed the keys to my apartment. I am aware of the risks of apartment growing.

I've got myself about 50 Luscious Purp clones (a strain from Mendocino that's been passed down for quite some time, SUPER TASTY). Not a huge yielder, but that will be taken care of my next round as all 50 plants (probably going to go up to 80+ or so plants even) will be Nirvana's Wonder Woman. The clones are at my buddy's house right now, they'll hit a foot tall real soon. I considered topping them, but I'm going to lay off that as I don't want any chance at stress when I hit 40 of them with a small dose of Bushmaster. The others will go without Bushmaster (just me being curious is all, curious to test how well the product works).

I'm attaching a picture of what kind of setup I'm going for. I essentially plan on building 4 shelves constructed out of 2x4's. Each shelf will be considered one wall. Three rows of shelves, each one holding about 3 plants. This makes 9 plants per wall, 36 plants total. The others will be on the ground encircling the cool tube. I might add another shelf, who knows, I'm not going to be constructing it for at least a week or two. Plan on putting the base of the plant at about 2' away from the cool tube, making a foot tall plant about a foot away from the bulb. Hopefully with the Bushmaster it wont stretch the extra foot, but even if it does touch the cool tube, I believe my ventilation is adequate.

I have a 400w MH that I will use for mothers (my Wonder Woman, maybe a Luscious purp and a lot of random seeds I have purchased off the Attitude Seedbank). 2 1000w HPS for the flowering room, and an extra 400w that I'm deciding what to do with. a 12" 1000+ cfm fan, a 12" 5' tall 1000+ cfm Active Air carbon filter (a good 150lb at least, there's no way I'm hanging that thing off the ceiling). All the 6" ducting is going to be insulated to reduce noise. On top of that, I purchased a fan controller to quiet it down a bit if necessary. On top of that, I'll be building a box to enclose the fan in (with insulation inside). Hopefully that will mask up all the noise that I'll need masked. I will either be venting out a window, or out the dryer duct. Passive intake, but I may add a 6" duct booster fan if there's too much suction in my room.

I'm going to be using 2 gal grow bags. About 50 of them. Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I really want to try the whole coco thing as well, but I'd need guidance. Possibly having a 50/50 mixture of soil to coco on like 10 plants just to compare.

Nutrients... oh boy. I'm going with the Advanced Nutrients lineup. Why? Because I've seen enough of my friends harvest so little, when they had potential for much much more. All this just because they decided to try their own mixtures out, their own concoctions, random Wal Mart baggies, etc. I'm aware there are many MUCH cheaper nutrients out there that will do the same job as overpriced Advanced Nutrients.. But... as a good friend of mine once said, "it's like cheating". You won't go wrong with Advanced Nutrients, and you'll get some fire bud, and that's all I can ask for. I plan to eventually move on to the cheaper alternatives, but I have some money to spend and don't want to struggle to achieve what I know I'm capable of achieving.

Here's the snake oil's I'll be using:
GH Flora Micro/Grow for veg.
AN Sensi Bloom A + B
AN Carboload
AN Big Bud
Bushmaster, Gravity, Purple Maxx

Here's what I'm having problems deciding if they'd be beneficial to my grow, price-wise.

Hygrozyme, AN Mother Earth Tea, AN Humic Acid, AN Fulvic Acid, AN b52, Tarantula, and Piranha

I'm sticking mostly to AN's Plus Programs feeding schedule, but I'll do whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want to. That's something I learned from Uncle Ben. His ways are a little contradictory to mine, but his ideology is brilliant. He's a master of horticulture, but I don't know nearly what he does so for right now I'm sticking to snake oils and feeding schedules (not to the dot, I'll improvise, it's just guidance for a new enthusiast like me).

1) I'd appreciate insight on which of the products that I listed as "a possibility" you guys would recommend I purchase, and why.

2) The picture shows the carbon filter on stands down towards the floor, this is so i can get ducting through the bottom of the cooltube without having many twists and turns in ducting. Good idea? Bad Idea? Suggestions?

I'll be getting pictures up as this thing is being constructed, bear with me on this one. C'mon folks, heave your comments and concerns in my direction




Well-Known Member
Glad to have you along, I could sure use all the help and support I can get.
Got a question for you though. My friend told me to ponder the same quote, "the stone that the builder refuse, will always be the head cornerstone". I pondered long and hard, sober and high, and I still feel like a dumbass. Care to explain it to me? haha

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:D well, the cornerstone is the most important piece too a structure. basically it means the things people refuse are the things they should use.
maybe this song can explain it. I suck at explaining things:dunce:
deff got to follow this one. isnt the carbon filter supposed to be at the end of the exhaust though? yours shows air going in through the filter


Well-Known Member

@greenhorn -
Didn't know it was a song! Makes so much more sense now that I hear it from Marley hahahaha

EDIT- My friend talked to me about this. Turned out he quoted me the Bible verse "Matthew 21:42 Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures, 'THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone; THIS CAME ABOUT FROM THE LORD, AND IT IS MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES '?"

So thats gotta be where he got it from. Crazy stuff man

@eggsonbass - You could run a filter with just an inline fan and have it scrub the air in the room, but that wouldnt do shit for venting the hot air from the 2 1000w bulbs so my temperatures would be lethal for plants. What I'm doing is "inhaling" the stanky but oh so amazing weed smell through the carbon filter, through the cool tubes, and outdoors. This way, all the air being vented outside smells clean, and the heat is removed from both bulbs.

If I had it at the end of my exhaust, It wouldn't exhaust out any hot air (unless I left my filter out on my patio, but thats dangerous in an apartment grow) and my ambient temperature would be desert-status.

I'm just a lurker though, what I know is based off of reading, not actual trial, so my facts may be skewed. That'll change soon though :twisted:
i see, even better. the pic was a little hard to follow the way they showed it. that answeres my next question about how the hell youd move heat thru carbon.
i saw a system like that on a Jorge Cervantes video but he didnt get too elaborate about it. looked like it would be great for sativas.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. So the people at the leasing office are lagging, they're saying I'm gonna have to wait till the weekend, most likely monday until I can move in.

The clones are getting too tall, most at around 18", with some a week behind. I managed to snap a picture of them when I stopped by check up on them.

Going to have to transplant into the 2gallon bags real soon, bushmaster them n start flowering. Going to have to wait till the transplant shock is overcome to use the Bushmaster though. Gah, I should have had this place weeks ago.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, sorry bout not updating for a while
Think got delayed a bit but they're back on schedule now

I got bout 30gal of water right now being oxygenated for tomorrow (2 cheap walmart air pumps). Gonna transplant all 50 purps from their 3" pots to 2gal pots of FFOF.

Most are around 18", some around 6" or so. The 18 inchers will be topped tomorrow, hopefully giving me at least 35 clones.

I plan on vegging for a week at most (get rid of the transplant and topping stress) and then I'll hit them with bushmaster and bloom nutes.

Picture 1 = single purple plant
Picture 2 = all of the purple plants under the 400w mh (barely enough room in a bath tub for them all)

Lemme hear your comments



Well-Known Member
So I've been super busy with full time work college and this grow op. Hopefully I'll be able to start updating a little more often now though.

My nute's are Sensi A + B, Mother Earth Tea (Bloom), Grandma Eggy's Humic Acid, Liquid Carboload, GH Subcultures M + B, Big Bud, Purple Maxx, Bushmaster, Gravity. Might be forgetting some.

Tonight will be day 17 of 12/12 for the ladies. The bud picture was taken a few days back.

I got my drippers finally hooked up to my 2gal bags, got 2 full shelves, I'm going to be putting in 40 more clones within a few days to cover the rest of the vertical room. I'll try to get pictures of its entirety soon as I can, but no promises.

Any questions? Comments?



Well-Known Member
I'll go ahead and take some pics for you guys tonight, I couldnt get any of the front yet because when both lights are on its much too bright to take a picture let alone even look in that direction haha. Made the pictures come out with hella stripes, but I'll find a way to get some pictures.

Good to have you along genuity, appreciate all the support I can get.

So much has happened since I started this thread, I'll try and do a mass update tomorrow with pictures and all. It's looking nice though I must say :))


Well-Known Member
So bad news. I brought my buddy over with his camera to take pictures with his 5mp camera on his phone, but he had to email em to me and it sized em down kinda lame.
Plus he took really crappy shots so I'm only uploading one.

You can see the top 1000w next to the shelf on the left. theres another on the right thats not pictured. The one that you see empty on the opposite side will be filled in with fresh clones soon enough and it'll be solid green all the way around the light.

I'll try to get more tonight when I water, I'll even pull individual plants for you guys. I know how aggravating no pictures can be haha

Gonna be feeding em with Sensi Bloom A + B, Big Bud, Carboload, Mother Earth Tea, Humic Acid. Gonna wait to use the purple maxx. I'll try it as a foliar spray on most of them as well as running it through the reservoir.

This grow has been so chaotic. It's so much work that I didn't nearly expect, but the only problems I've had have been due to not enough duct tape or waiting a little too long to water, they seem to be thriving though.

As soon as this cycle pulls through I plan on putting 200 12" Wonder Woman clones in, cuz I don't wanna mess around no more. Got a mother vegging right now. I'll even take a pic of her tonight.

@greenhorn, I tried to get one from the front but there's not enough room to step back (zoom out) to get both sides in it. The shelves themselves fill up the entire room almost completely. I'll make it happen though



Well-Known Member
So I went today when the flowering ladies were sleeping to get some transplanting done. My 1.3 megapixel camera got me better shots than my buddies 5mp. lame. Pictures are gonna be lacking until I find a better way.

The first pic is of the clones I got in the half gallon grow bags, I'ma top the taller ones and wait for the smaller ones to grow a little before I put them in the empty shelves in the flowering room.

Second picture is clones I just took outa my General Hydroponics Rainforest 318. Most had nice long roots and I just transplanted them into soil.

The third is the Wonder Woman I grew from seed.
Question. What would be the quickest way to get 200 Wonder Woman clones? Cloning every limb she has right now and then vegging those clones until I can take like 8-10 cuts off each? Waiting for the mother to grow much bigger until I can take even more clones off her?
Whats the magic number? How long you guys think it'll take?

Fourth picture is my carbon filter. Got a 12" up top, pushes air so hard It's ridiculously difficult to keep all the ducting from having any air leaks, but I've been trying. You could see how my setup looks from that picture.

4' wide shelf. Got a few oscillating fans in there for air circulation. There are two shelves perpendicular to the supports of the empty shelf. Those are full and the plants are gettin so tall that I'm not even gonna be able to use all 4' of the extra 2 shelves I have.

I had like 35 tall lanky ladies that I put into flower the same day as 15 medium but bushy ladies. The tall ones right now have just started to see noticeable bud growth but the shorter ones have pretty nice sized bud's already. They've been developing much more quickly. Day 19 of flower tonight, I'll make sure to get some bud shots.

I've never even flowered a plant before and I'm seeing all this happen up close so nicely now, and everythings looking good. It's kinda surprising but very satisfying.


Edit: I also found out more about the purp strain I got. It's actually a Humboldt Purp x Medo Purp cross. Tastyyy tastyy :fire:



Well-Known Member
Ay guys, whatsuuuuuuup. Heh. hehe.
Easy Ryder is an incredible strain. Smells so piney, and is so yummy. Strongest ganj I've come across in a little while.


Here's pics for ya

1. Just some of the sweet bud is all :). Right shelf
2. 3 week old bud. :D
3. Angled down from the top of the left shelf
4. Different view of the left shelf
5. You can see how big it is from this pic. Got the plants from the right shelf leanin over. I took out the cooltubes in this pic



Well-Known Member
So I foliar sprayed my plants with purple maxx last night. 1ml in a half gallon jus cuz I don't wanna risk anything, and I didn't even add the Dutch Master Penetrator yet. Gonna wait to see how strong of a solution I can foliar feed it without burning her all over. Yesterday there were nearly no trichs, today, Some leaves are bountifully inhabited by the little shiny buggers :]] coincidence? I hope not, this spray could be some amazing stuff.

Watered today, gave em a pretty strong dosage of A + B, Big Bud, Mother Earth Tea, Humic Acid, Carboload. Haven't had any burns yet so I'ma keep upping the food till I do >=D Day 23 today? Almost half way? Maybe.

So you know how I had like 15 shorter plants? They've got some pretty fat buds as you can see in the second picture.

Taller plants are a little behind but they're finally starting to plump up (first picture)

Third picture is a better view of how my shelves are. I dont even think I'm gonna have room for my 50 clones if I add my 2 other shelves in, might just do a flat grow under a 400w for them. Who knows?

And thanks greenhorn



Well-Known Member
great idea...yet it seems like the plants are so big and crowded that lower leaves/budsites arent getting alot of light....that makes for alotta low density....


Well-Known Member
@zlangrt - Yuup. That's the one thing that I knew would happen but I've been trying to deal with it. I got the clones and I had them vegging for a bit too long because I couldnt get the room set up in time, so the 35 or so taller plants (2ft~) are definitely tall, but they're mostly 2 main tops or 4 main tops. The lower branches I cloned off and have them rooted right now and vegging under a 400w MH. Another reason why I chose 2 1000w's opposed to 600w's, I'm hoping the extra penetration is enough for the lower sites.

I tried to fix off the problem by putting the 15~ foot tall plants in the middle sections of the shelves and moved the taller ones on the outside so they grow around and cover it completely.

Ideally I'm going to have the other 2 shelves in and have about 200 clones in the setup at like 8-10", I'm working on that right now though. This first run is just to see if I've got myself a green thumb =] I'ma stop by there tonight and take some pix for you guys, but I can't guarantee how soon I'll post em as I'm a college kid and have a beer pong tourney to win ;]