2 WK Old Seedling Drooping (PICS)

Jim Dwayne

New Member
Are my plants trying to tell me something?

I have 8 seedlings (4xAK-48 (AK), 1xPineapple Chunk (PC), 3x Afghan Kush (FU)).

The AK's seem to be growing well. The Afghan Kush seems to be Drooping quite a bit. The leaves seem kinda thin, but not crispy. Is this normal for rootbound seedlings?

Aeroponic w/ EZ clone sprayers 50sec on/250 sec off (1:5)
Reservoir temp 20-22C,PH 5.5, 400ppm
6x32W T8's 1ft away (4x6500K and 2x2700K)
Lights on 20/4
Temperature 22-27C, RH 20-30% (trying to raise this with bowls of water for now)


Thanks. -Jim

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
They MIGHT be over watered. But understand this, plants will sometimes do that, and other strange shit. They move around, sometimes they are fully turgid and standing tall, other times (when they get dry) they are less turgid and will droop. Nothing wrong with them, they are just gonna appear different many times. I walked into my room once and 30 plants were DROOPING, and I mean completely deflated, leaves flat against the stalk kind of drooping!! I had watered them the day before. I shit bricks. 2 hours later, they were fine.
Just keep your eye on them. I seriously doubt they are root bound.


Well-Known Member
I second what jack said ^^^ Also it looks like maybe they could use a little cal mag. Good Luck.

Jim Dwayne

New Member
nvm i thought root bound just meant 'growing roots'; definitely not rootbound.

As for the Over Watering. Would you recommend my watering be decreased to 50sec on/300 sec off (1:6) or greater? I know a lot of guys that leave it 24/7. I guess different genetics?


For the Cal Mag. Is that due to the photo with the Pineapple Chunk showing red/purple stem or some other symptoms?

Thanks guys. I'm hoping they bounce back soon

Jim Dwayne

New Member
I added 1/4 strength iron Chelate (Royal Black 0-0-1), because a friend told me they look like they are have trouble with Chlorophyll Synthesis. Hopefully will help with the thinning colour.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
JD, if in fact it is being over-watering, I'm gonna defer that to someone who knows hydroponics. I'm a lost ball in tall weeds on that one. Be very careful about adding much of anything recommended by anyone other than a really knowledgeable grower. The nutrient balance is a delicate one. This is one area where pH can be crucial even in soil. Iron is one of those minerals that is absorbed more readily at lower pH levels. Even though pH is stable in soil, you are in hydroponics and pH is not very stable to my knowledge. Bacterial action and some nutrients can slightly lower the pH and the plant can take up too much iron. Brown spotting and stippling of the leaves is symptomatic of iron toxicity. You are most probably fine, it is really rare for that to happen, and I have only read about it never seen it first hand. just sayin' be careful.
The plants look fine to me other than the drooping. Which could very well be normal. The red/purple stems is normal in many variants of cannabis, and while they are symptoms of some deficiencies, red/purple stems don't mean much on their own because it's way too common to have them with many "strains".

From what I see, they are fine, but if they don't perk up. I'd start by reducing the wet time for the roots, by whatever means you would do that.

Jim Dwayne

New Member
Well the problem is fixed!
Thanks Jack. You were right about the overwatering. However; the Chelate I added Drastically increased my root growth by about 50% faster so the plant is able to intake more water.

I did notice slight nute burn on one of my AK's due to rapid nute intake from the Chelate.

Conclusion: Roots not able to keep up with feeding schedule. Chelate added to increase root absorption. Plants 100% and growing!

Thanks again!