2 weeks to go, leaf probelms, PH/nute related, looking for some input. Pics! =)


Active Member
I only have one plant left and he/she is a hermie which I have named "Hermie the Love Bud." I figured some smoke is better than nothing after all the time and money I dumped into this. I'm hoping it will be fine with only 2 weeks to go but now the bud leaves are starting to be effected as well.

The mistakes I've made have been switching strictly to bloom food and cutting off their veg food which I've adjusted accordingly. Now I think the main problem is soil PH is at about 8 and despite 2 flushes and watering with 6.0 water I just can't get the soil PH back to 7. As far as I can tell, this in combination with the lack of N for a while is the cause of my sad leaves. =(

Any input is greatly appreciated! Peace. =)



Active Member
^^^ Hmm interesting idea, people use that PH in hydro so I guess it wouldn't hurt to go even lower heh.

I assume trying to use some lime or whatever would be a waste of time as it takes longer than two weeks to fully effect the soil anyway right? =)


Active Member
I cant see the planter But I would water to runoff. Put a big enough catch underneath it to catch runout And lower the ph. I water my plants 5.6 to 5.8 so you could go 5 and it help the soil. Depends on how much you run through. But you could even lower it run it through then go back and water with a run of your ph. Up to you.


Active Member
Ahhh good idea kpac-man! K, I just had a bro swing by and he said his plants have looked identical towards the end and even rougher and they turned out just fine. So yeah...first timer here stressin' on dumb shit again lol. =)