2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

complete opposite for me my temps are perfect but my humidity fluctuates from 10% to 50% all day here and my humidifier cant keep up lol i fill the 2 gal res twice a day! still cant get stable past 35% when its full blast. by the time it gets to 35% its out of water and it runs out when im in bed so it doesnt get filled again till i wake up so its back down to 10% lol vicious circle.
but if ur temps are good ur Rh doesnt matter that much i guess right? I guess u will need high humidity fot seedlings and clones but for a mature plant i think if ur temps are right i think the Rh is not that important., correct me if im wrong., the low Rh will be good close to hatvest when u need low Rh fot the dry and cure right?
low rh in the flower room is fine but im focused on the veg room for my clones and seedlings. you are right if temps are good and you have somewhat humidity they will still grow but perfect conditions bring in a perfect plant rh wont effect too much other than drying of the leaves and a infestation of bugs with low rh thats another problem. luckily i treat my soil so it doesnt bother me having low rh in flower room only concerned about the babies