2 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
the lower leaves of all my 4 plants are wilting and eventually falling off...is this normal? what should i do? what is the issue here?



Well-Known Member
really? never heard that before
well... i have only had a few plants. but i have noticed it with each... perhaps im not 100% correct but my plants were fine. and that happened to them. It would also help to see pics cuz there are lots of things that could cause that. how many leaves? are wilting?


Active Member
Flowering is essentially the plants dying process. It begins to die so it flowers in hopes of breeding and carrying on its DNA. So yes, some yellowing and leaf death is normal.


Well-Known Member
mine are bout 2.5 weeks in... there is some wilting/dying off of the lower fan leaves.. i assumed it was normal.. the upward growth in my plants are all healthy looking as hell tho...