2 Weeks Into Flowering

Bill Ted

Active Member
This is our one and only lady out of the two we planted. The seeds were just from a bag I had. We started to flower her about 2 weeks ago and has been showing a lot of progress lately. We are only using 3 cfl's, not sure how many watt's it is altogether. What do you guys think of her?



Well-Known Member
looks pretty good to me for 3 cfl's but if you want an "actuall" yeild off the plant i would spend some money on at least a 200watt high pressure sodium light and you will se a huge difference by the end of the day :)

What nutes u using for it?

Bill Ted

Active Member
Yea we don't really have much money for a new set of lights but we might get some more cfls or something. Right now we are using Shultz plant food drops, I think its 10-15-10. But we might have a problem in the next few weeks when summer begins, because me and my roommate might be leaving for a couple weeks at the same time and don't know if we should cut it down before or what?


Well-Known Member
dude that blows, if your gone for two weeks you better set up some sort of creative drip sytem, or get one of those wierd aqua globe things..
Not sure how it will work but def better then dry for two weeks..

I would give your plant a good dose, overdose a lil bit of nutrients a few days before you leave (just enought time to let the soil dry out) Then the day you leave set up that drip system..

Your going to come back to a very droopy plant, know this... it will be a sad sight..

But invest 15 bucks and buy some superthrive and give it a good watering with 1tbls of molasses per gallon of water, the recomended amount of superthrive and 1/2 the recomended amount of nutes and your plant should be ok and doin good in the following day or two..

Also if you add like 3 more lights when you get back your plant will RESPOND AND COME BACK!

Good luck with that tho,
dont chop it, you can do this, deep breath now lol:peace:

HOpe that helps

Bill Ted

Active Member
Yea man we don't really want to cut it down early. I think we're gonna try doing some type of drip system, if anyone knows a cheap way of making one or something?


Well-Known Member
just poke a hole in the top of a couple of two liter bottles and fill em with water... (small holes) idk just an idea, just an idea to build off of, good luck