2+ weeks into flowering....should i trim lower branches ?

In the commercial grow I work for we remove pretty much every small bud from about 18 inches down 2 weeks into flower. Those bud are a net negative for the plant. We grow a SoG but with huge plants with all of the tops at about the same height. The lower stuff gets no light. All that energy is them concentrated on the larger more light exposed bud sites. And yes we have run side by side trials. Bud weight is about the same. The difference being the quality of bud. The ones that were cleaned out have no popcorn in the weight and all nice bud. Where as the ones who were not cleaned out had same weight but some of that weight was in immature crap popcorn. Quality counts. Plus lower bud/ straggly branches are havens for bugs and disease.
Thank-you for that information.
if other people would explain it like that then they would most likely listen and take that informationto heart.
In the commercial grow I work for we remove pretty much every small bud from about 18 inches down 2 weeks into flower. Those bud are a net negative for the plant. We grow a SoG but with huge plants with all of the tops at about the same height. The lower stuff gets no light. All that energy is them concentrated on the larger more light exposed bud sites. And yes we have run side by side trials. Bud weight is about the same. The difference being the quality of bud. The ones that were cleaned out have no popcorn in the weight and all nice bud. Where as the ones who were not cleaned out had same weight but some of that weight was in immature crap popcorn. Quality counts. Plus lower bud/ straggly branches are havens for bugs and disease.
I dont think i've ever(20 yrs), at the end of a grow, wished i hadn't lollypopped as much. Almost always, wished i had lollypopped MORE. Especially with new strains. I've turned allot of people to the bright side of the argument.
I got a question pertaining to the op's original question. I flipped 2 weeks ago to 12/12 and I have a few scraggly branches on bottom. during veg I would keep them somewhat cleaned up. I have a curing space seperate from the flowering room my question is if I did not cut any more scraggly pop corn branches and chopped the plant as its ready in sections colas first then keep working my way to the bottom would the popcorns buds become as good as bigger buds or its still garbage as some say. I usually chop the whole plant on my last grows but trying to he a lil dif this time thanks in advance
I've done it like that many ways but, I think its usually much more efficient to NOT leave the crap down low, chop it all down, and move new plants into flower room.
Now, if it's impossible to get that kind of cycle down, than sure, you gotta to do what you gotta do rite?
There already in the flower room and I do t have many 3_5 per plant x 18 plants as I have been and was trimming in veg to help keep stress low during flower.
I got a question pertaining to the op's original question. I flipped 2 weeks ago to 12/12 and I have a few scraggly branches on bottom. during veg I would keep them somewhat cleaned up. I have a curing space seperate from the flowering room my question is if I did not cut any more scraggly pop corn branches and chopped the plant as its ready in sections colas first then keep working my way to the bottom would the popcorns buds become as good as bigger buds or its still garbage as some say. I usually chop the whole plant on my last grows but trying to he a lil dif this time thanks in advance

Well, if you are interested in maximizing your plant and you did NOT remove the popcorn buds, try this: Chop plant. Remove all fan leaves. Remove all lower branches containing popcorn buds/sugar leaves. Hang plant with large colas to dry, then cure. Lower branches/popcorn buds go immediately into ziplocks ( yes, fresh ) and into the freezer. When you have accumulated 5-6 ozs of fresh frozen, do a dry ice hash, maximizing the usuable product you grew. After running the dry ice using a 120 micron bag, take the "shake" that remains and do a iso wash. You have now gathered 100% of the useful buzz from your plant.

Edit: There is nothing more boring than trimming popcorn buds, hence the dry ice hashing and iso washing. Much easier than trimming popcorn and gives you a different smoke from the cola material.
Did you get that info off google?
Well, if you are interested in maximizing your plant and you did NOT remove the popcorn buds, try this: Chop plant. Remove all fan leaves. Remove all lower branches containing popcorn buds/sugar leaves. Hang plant with large colas to dry, then cure. Lower branches/popcorn buds go immediately into ziplocks ( yes, fresh ) and into the freezer. When you have accumulated 5-6 ozs of fresh frozen, do a dry ice hash, maximizing the usuable product you grew. After running the dry ice using a 120 micron bag, take the "shake" that remains and do a iso wash. You have now gathered 100% of the useful buzz from your plant.
Really dude,you need to grow up,these threads are for real adults,not little boys,to discuss growing issues not cry and rant about what somebody said.
I'm only giving you a hard time since you started it with me so you only have yourself to blame.
I could grow weed out of your Mom's vagina you little twit.
Sorry if you got all butthurt when multiple people had to explain basic botany to you, but that's what happens when a noob tries to give advice about things which he has zero knowledge.
I'm not a noob ,I've been growing for 5+ years but I will tell you that since joining this site I have learned a hell of alot and I share the knowledge that I have learned from people here to help others.
I don't get my info from google like some people.
You need to blame everybody else,not me if I'm giving the wrong advice,since I learned most everything that I try to help others with from here.
I really don't get your issues with me.
You really need to approach things differently and calm down.
Sorry if you got all butthurt when multiple people had to explain basic botany to you, but that's what happens when a noob tries to give advice about things which he has zero knowledge.
do you have any male plants? do you have two females at different stages of flower? do you want to try breeding?

another experiment would be getting several clones of the same mother. trimming off the lower branches on one, leave one with no trimming, leave one with no trimming then do a 2 part harvest. see what happens. then share the statistical info and your personal opinions/thoughts.
I'm not a noob ............since joining this site I have learned a hell of alot and I share the knowledge that I have learned from people here to help others.......You need to blame everybody else,not me if I'm giving the wrong advice,since I learned most everything that I try to help others with from here.

You joined 2 months ago.....nuf' said?
Yes and at one point you were where I'm at right now and I'm sure you learned alot from other people and that's why you're able to give advice to others.
Like I said,I have learned from other people here and my grows will be much more productive because of it.
Isn't that why you're here and everybody else is here,to learn and teach,which is the whole idea behind this site?
So please stop with the attitude and go learn more and help others.
You joined 2 months ago.....nuf' said?
lower branches are useless. if they don't get any solid light. they waste the plants energy. so instead of making those huge buds every body wants it will make small ones. and the lower part of the plant is where the bad shit starts to happen first. like mold and herm they will sit seeds out of the lower parts before the top. trim that pop corn shit off . unless you like hand trimming that pop corn stuff for 10 hours to get a few grams.
Yes and at one point you were where I'm at right now and I'm sure you learned alot from other people and that's why you're able to give advice to others.
Like I said,I have learned from other people here and my grows will be much more productive because of it.
Isn't that why you're here and everybody else is here,to learn and teach,which is the whole idea behind this site?
So please stop with the attitude and go learn more and help others.

Now there's some thing I can agree on.

And just FYI, I was born pre-1960, old enough to have watched JFK's funeral live on a B&W TV ( and remember it ) and have been growing outdoors and indoors for the better part of my adult life. My current fascination is with the possibilities that terpenoid isolation presents over the next decade. No teen angst here.