2 weeks into flowering, Bagseed HELP!!


Active Member
well here is my baby it is like 7 to 8 months old and is in it's second week of flowering and i noticed that alot of the leaves were starting to look like the pics i'm about to show, im growing soil, 75%-85% spaghunum peat moss, Perlite,limestone. room temp anywhere from 70-85 low humidity like 20% or so i have one 400watt hps like 3 feet from her and also a little 70 hps on the side for side growth rotating 180degrees everyday, also using a bloom nute that 10-54-10 at like 1100ppm mixture don't know wats wrong she moved into that 18 gallon tote right before flower lemme know what u guys think



Active Member
maybe a little too much nutes,...looks goood bro keep it up it seems you know what your doing just listen to her shell tell you what she needs,...watch your steps if your not running timers,..make sure everythings exact!! good lucxk!


Active Member
maybe a little too much nutes,...looks goood bro keep it up it seems you know what your doing just listen to her shell tell you what she needs,...watch your steps if your not running timers,..make sure everythings exact!! good lucxk!
ya im not using timers i manually put her to bed and wake her up i've put her to bed like 15 mins late once and had to wake her up like 5 mins early one day, but i figure a 15 min window on each end is a good rule of thumb no?


Active Member
yeah so ur times not bad that amount of minuts isnt bad...but are you using nutes? and do you check your ph? what are your lights and how big is your growspace? is that one plant? and shes 7 -8 months old??


Active Member
yeah so ur times not bad that amount of minuts isnt bad...but are you using nutes? and do you check your ph? what are your lights and how big is your growspace? is that one plant? and shes 7 -8 months old??
yes im using nutes and yes she's that old my friend i bought it off from didn't take very good care of it in it was like gonna die in week or 2 the way he was going u know wat i mean, and that was for the first 5 months of it's life..... i have 1, 400 watt hps above her and also a 70 hps on the side to get into the foliage also the grow space is 4'3"x2'3"x9or10'...............................................................................................................also anyone know wat strain this might be? i know it's mainly indica because it has only grew 3-4 inches since flowering and that was 2 weeks and 3 days ago but it has bushed like a bitch any one want to take a stab at the strain??